Chapter 14

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Today is a bit of a raining day and that is just good news in Texas Couse we don't get much rain and when we do it is bliss, so I take a shower ,get dressed in my favorite jeans, boots and a crop top and my hair well lets just say it's in a normal braid today just to let it rest from all the styling and blow waving from the last week or so and make up just a bit because my skin started to feel like a lizard from al the makeup, not that I mind it's just you really do not need all this in the country even though I  am a girly girl I am also a country girl that loves dust and rain and mud ,so practical is the way to go and giving you skin and hair a brake can do the world good, so I head down stairs to go make some breakfast and I start by getting some bacon, eggs, toast and yes those nice baked beans from the pantry and not forgetting some nice sausages to. "Now that is the smell I like to smell in the morning and I hope you got some of those sausages to honey", dad says while coming in the door and I knew he would be hungry because a cowboy is always hungry so I smile kissing dad on the cheek handing him some coffee, "Yes dad but you need to take is easy ok, remember the Doctor said last time you need to watch the protein and not to much fat", I say just wanting to remind him but one more thing about dad is he is old school and very stubborn so getting him to eat healthy is like feeding a horse, you need to take it day by day until they trust you and then you bring in the healthy. "You sound like your mom you know and besides I need my fat, I am growing older and fatty food helps with wrinkles and it's tasty so you leave my fats alone ok"!. he says but smiles . "Fine just one today ok", I say and as we bicker along Sam comes in smiling at us taking a seat next to dad. "It seems we'll never eat like this again so we might as well enjoy it Jo ", Sam says and I just shake my head laughing at my best friend and throwing the handcloth at him ."You are suppose to take my side Sam but I see were your loyalty's lie these days and its fine but I will get the two of you on the right track again watch me!", I say and while I get the bacon on I suddenly feel a bit nauseous so I run to the bathroom throwing up the juice I just has and typical dad he never seem to listen when I tell them to throw out the old juice and get new and fresh ones now and again, demit now I just feel bad .So I wash up getting myself clean and as I enter the kitchen dad looks worried and Sam to. "Are you ok Jen?, you look a bit pale love?" they both say walking to me but I just tell them it must be the juice , it did seem to be a bit of and I am just going to have toast and then head to town to go see Gina.  Dad and Sam was not happy but I had to do this and all this to keep our home and if it meant going on a few dates wit Tommy then I will do it. When I stop at the Mayors home the housekeeper takes me to her were she is in her garden and like always she is dressed in only name brands and she does look like royalty so I greet her and she me, "O Jenny dear I am so glad you came are you ok you look a bit pale , did you eat , maybe it's just you models, never wanting to eat hay?", she says but I just smile thinking how typical of her . "Yes I do feel a bit under the weather but not much , so you wanted to see me and I know you and I have a agreement". "Yes we do indeed and I must say I am impressed at you, I only hear good things so you see this weekend my son is hosting his first charity ball and it will be held hear at home and he want's you to accompany him?", I just knew it, she want's me to be Tommy's date. "Yes I would like that Mayor". "Please call me Gina and let me show you to the room we have for you and do not worry it is were you will get ready hahah not to stay in if you wandered ". "Thanx Gina", I say and she leads the way, getting to the room it is stunning and everywhere is dresses and shoes and it is like a fairy tale to me so with her help I soon pick a dress I like and shoes she likes and we are back in the garden while she orders tea. "If my mind is not playing tricks is that you Jenny ?" , I look around and the man voice is no other then that of my date and her son Tommy so I stand up greeting him and I must say he did grow up from high school and If this is what study's oversea does then hay why the hell not. "Tommy long time no see man you look all grown up", I say and I can see he blushes and it makes me smile because all I can remember is a spoiled bratt stalking me every dam day and now he looks better at least but nothing like Kevin, o no do not think of Kev not now , so I smile and he sits right next to me witch is fine if he keep his hands to himself this time. "So … you are stunning Jenny and I was so happy to hear from mother that you agreed to be my date". "Yes why not ?, I suppose we can forget the past and move on being adults now and all", I say and man he gives me the creeps still as in high school. "Mother mind giving me and Jenny some time alone". She smiles And she leaves , o man if he try's anything he is dead meat. "Jenny I do not want you to fear me, and yes I was a bit to much in school but I grew up and so did you and I just want you to give me a chance you know to prove I am a good guy". "Tommy I am flattered but I do not want a man now I am to busy now and yes I can forgive you but lets take it as friends ok, and well see from that ok?" I say and thank goodness he smiles at me. "Fine anything for you my Queen", he says and o man there he goes again . "Queen , no Tommy remember no bullshit ok just friends ok?" . "Yes, Yes you are right sorry old habits you know ". "Ya that is clear but we will work on it deal?", I say handing him my hand to shake and he does. "Great so I will see you tomorrow then Jenny, nice seeing you again", he says and leaves so I also decide to say goodbye and go home to help dad and Sam.  Kevin (Pov)  Finally we get the first photos from the photo shoot and looking at the male model I can't help to feel happy he was not in the second part because I wanted to hold her and be at her side and just as I was relaxing her photo's pop up and if there is one truth in this world it is her, her smile , the way she looks at me and the way she treated people . I miss her so much and even though she broke my playboy heart I did learn to trust and I did fall in love witch doesn't happen to me , she most propobily will be the only woman that could have me feel this way and the last but she is not mine and never will be. Every picture I am with her it seems so real but I was just fooled and she knew how to get me to do what she wanted, making love and kissing and falling for her. Pieter wanted to sue her and what not but I stopped him telling him to just let her go and he promised me he would ."So do you have a winner , we need to send it to be printed on the billboard man and to set everything in motion before the grand opening next week", Pieter says and I just shake my head  yes for I know how he feels about this vixen of mine or lets just say the vixen he sees. "Ya this one and this one and those two are the best I think and it shows of the Hotel the best , so use them". "Good I like it too, so the rest where do you want me to take them?". "Just leave it with me , I will keep it Pieter no worry's man", I say but being my buddy he just shakes his head. "You are still hung over, over her aren't  you Kev?". "No it's just... …". "No need to tell me just don't give in man we can loose it all and besides I got bad news the old man doesn't wane budge to sell so what do you want to do ?". "Just leave it , or make a better offer , we can deal with it later let focus now on L.A ok", I say to him and he agrees it is not like I have strength now to fight. It's like my life is different without her , it's cold again an lonesome and every time I pick up my phone I am looking to see if there might be a message or I feel like calling just to talk but I can't and she felt nothing because she never calls nor sent a message and it just prove Pieter was right and I know I am strong she is just a bloody woman nothing more.
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