Chapter 15

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The last day or two was going by very fast and at least I feel a bit better so I took that juice and threw it all our and replaced it myself so no more slacking and tonight I just want to have fun, Justin called me this morning and we almost talked for two hours and he told me he met the most amazing man and I told him what I was up to and he made me promise to send photos after getting dresses and while we talked I did ask him if he ever saw Kevin after that week and he just said he saw him with the same girl from that week and they looked happy so that made me cry but hell I want to move on so I told Justin to behave and that I will see him in Paris soon so I got of the phone feeling a bit sick again and soon after throwing up again I took a hot shower and left to meet Tommy .  Sam and I had a blast last night we went to the movies and it felt like old times even though that kiss between us is still making it a bit weird but besides that it was just fun and we talked so much after and I told him about Kevin a bit more, it seemed he was not happy but he gave me advice like always and I knew he was still on my side. This will be the first time to see Tommy again after I got back so I just hope he is trying like he said. "Welcome Jen", Tommy says greeting me like we are old friends but I comply and greet him back, and even though only my close circle of people call me Jen I decide to let is roll. "Hi Tommy how are you, are you ready for tonight?". "Yes Afcorse, with you on my side how can I not be ?", he says and boom he goes again with the lovey dovely stuff and I think he saw me getting irritated so he smiles, "Sorry Jenny I just mean you are such a lovely person and they will like you that's all nothing more ok, as friends like I said, for now". "Fine but be warned ,I do not like games Tommy ok ,I want to help you so behave". 'O believe me I will Jenny so go get dressed I will see you soon ok", he says walking away and man I just hate it when he does it . like he is mad or like he did not get his way, but it will be over soon so I decide to just get dressed.  Tommy(Pov)  She thinks her games matters to me , it doesn't, she will be mine and I will make her happy like no other man I just need her to first trust me then the love will come, I will show her I am nothing like that Kevin or silly old Sam following her like a love sick puppy. I will show her what true love is and how it is meant to be. she is the girl I always wanted and if it meant I need to be a good boy ,I will only for her . So I get dressed fast so I can wait for my Queen and I have a surprise for her and I know this will win her over so I wait. Just as Jenny is done she is led down by Maranda's assistant and she feels pretty but not all there because Tommy is not really the man she want's to stand next to but have to. "You look stunning my Q … I mean Jenny, you are so beautiful" Tommy says and Jenny smiles . "And you Tommy, you clean up nice to". "Yes well my mother is not one to do it in a plain manner so I just listen to her you know she is really scary sometimes", he says making a funny face and for the first time in i while I actually laugh thinking he might be older but he is still a dork in some way. "Ya but do not say it to loud she might hear you ". "Yes and that is not good but aside from my mother I got you something and I hope you like it", he says while giving me a gift ,but I first did not want to take it but he leaned forward handing it to me . "come on just open it , it's my thank you gift for tonight", he is not going to leave it so I take the damn gift and as I open it, it is the most beautiful necklace I see , pearls and it fits my long black and silver dress perfectly and also two pearl earrings and it is pretty so he has some taste. "Thank you Tommy but I can't possibly take it". "Yes you can it is to say thank you Jenny for giving me a shot at this and to help me out you know it means a lot, so take it please", he is not going to give up so I take it and decide to thank him with a hug and he seems to be to pleased by it but I just smile and he takes my hand turning me to help me put it on. "You are going to possibly kill me but I got you one more thing but its more like a investment, so do you want to see it?", This man will be my end and if I don't bloody kill him his mom will . "No more Tommy you are getting over active with the tank you gifts, this one was more then necessary so no", I say but he simply pulls me out side and as I come out behind him there stands the most amazing horse I ever laid my eyes on and he is stunning . "So do you like him his name is Don Jon and I got him for you I thought you can do with a real horse and use him to train or whatever you do". How to compare this dork to others , he is just so weird. "Tommy what the hell , you bought me a horse? ,you are mad, and by the way I do have horses you know and they are real just like this one it seems, no it's to much no". "He is yours Jenny and I will not take no for an answer ok, see it as me helping you a bit or as my friendship offer to you and me saying sorry for the past I was young and stupide and now you gave me a chance so please just let me do this for you" , he says and I just can't help to wonder what he really wants but not to imberess him I give in and thank him again only with a hug and as I do a flash goes of and as I turn he takes me by the waist and forces me to stand for a picture and then there were more people coming in and soon almost a hundred pictures were taken and every damn time he wanted to stand or sit right next to me an before long the night ended and I was going home with pearls and a horse and it seemed friendly still it made me feel a bit on edge. The horse was taken to the stall and Sam was on his own date apparently so dad gave me a talk and then went to bed and so did I, man I was tired and sleeping seemed like a great idea but my phone received a message so I looked, what I saw had me almost faint, it was a message from Kevin. : Hi just wanted to see how you were and I don't know maybe just talk you know, ok buy.' then one more saying : Jenny why didn't you tell me, never mind goodbye". As I read these over and over my brain and my heart is in overdrive. What do I do now?.
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