Chapter 10

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Mayor Gina (Pov)  It is a great day today and today I  also need to go to big Jo's horse ranch and pressure him a bit to sell the farm ,but also my son is defiantly being a brat because he asks me everyday when Jenny is coming home because she needs to attend two or four events with him and that is when he will try and sway her to like him back, so that is another thing I need to find out from Jo . In our town it is very important to keep the status and the name and that is why Jenny will make a fine wife and the fact that my son liked that girl sins they were small and well he is a momma's boy and always gets what he wants no matter the cost . So far me telling that Pieter from The Royal Hotel Group that my son is Big Jo's future son in law was not a bad idea and at least he kept it to himself.  "I see your farm is still as pretty as always Jo", I say as I get out of my Bentley car and is helped by Jo, witch does not surprise me he is a good man but business is business nd I will not stand to see my town go under because of people that does not believe in progress. "I see you still know how to drive Gina, so were is your driver today?". "I wanted to come alone, Jo we need to talk and hopefully you are not still stubborn as always". Jo is not a easy man to deal with and he always goes by the book and he has strong values witch I like in a person but aside from my son wanting his daughter we need this farm because a 5 star hotel equals lots of tourists and that means more money and that is what we want  so I new this was not going to be easy so I needed to bring my A game and I did." Jo I'm not hear to fight I only want what is best for you and Jenny and if you let go of the farm you can pay of your bills and start over I told you we would help you find a nice house in town and Jenny can open her own vet n the city, do you really want to loos your daughter over a ranch Jo?" . I say hoping he will listen. "Gina I know you just wanna give advice but Jenny is doing well and you helped he to help us why still go on about me selling ,And Gina lets be real this has nothing to do with you ok". "It does Jo I need to listen to the bank manager and he keeps telling me that you are going to loose it all Jo, do you want that for Jenny?". "You know nothing Gina, and Jenny will make the right amount to get us out of this mess so just let it go and another thing it's not just a ranch and you know it demit !", he say getting mad. "She would have wanted you to sell to have a better live Jo a chance to be debt free". " No Gina you don't get to say that , you lost that privilege's the day you stabled her in the back for money, so you don't dare say that ,that is what she would have wanted, now please leave I have work to do " , he says showing me out the door but as I get in the car I dare to ask one last thing. "How is Jenny? by the way?" .  He looks at me not wanting to answer but he does ,"She is happy and gratefully to you Gina and so am I and they gave her the contract so she will be back in a month so then all will be worked out". If only he knew I thought but I answer back ,"Good to hear ,I hope it worked because if you don't comply with the money the bank is taking your farm at the end of the month Jo and I am sorry". I say getting in my car  driving back home and as I do I call Pieter to tell him the ball is rolling . Back in L.A Jenny is getting ready for a quick breakfast and then the first shoot starts and today they shooting in a cocktails dress, a ballgown and a nice office suite and it really is getting exiting. The Hotel is sparkling clean and everything is new and polished and even the breakfast table looked like a picture display of everything healthy and breakfast and everyone liked it from the fruit to the pastry's to the bacon, eggs and toast to all kinds of serials and juices and the franchised yogurt , it was all just to die for. While everyone was eating Kevin introduced everyone to Pieter the co owner of the Royal Hotel Group and his best friend , he is the layer in the business and he fitted right into the team and the whole time Kevin exitance looks at Jenny and as they almost finished Jenny was on her way with the male model to get dressed for the first part of the shooting , the cocktails wear and this will be taking place at the inside bar just to get that James Bond feel to it ,the atmosphere as they would say.   Jenny(Pov)  After having a good breakfast we we told to go get ready and for this I will be wearing a sexy black and navy cocktails dress and the male model a black suit and my hair must be taking up into a messy bun and my makeup Smokey eyes and after everyone was just stunned saying I was gorgeous. We made our way to the inside bar and is had this sexy lighting making it look so sexy and warm and then the photographer asked me to sit on a bar stool and my partner must stand next to me holding a drink looking back at me and it was quit easy seeing he is also a very sexy man with very good bone structure and all so after a hour we were done  so no onto the ballroom dress and man it was stunning but while I was struggling to get into it Kevin decided that it was a good idea to walk into the room and I almost fell over but he just smirked looking me up and down . "That dress is really nice , blue is really your color Jenny", he says walking closer making me feel like some schoolgirl . "Thank you Mr., Macrow but if you don't mind I need to finish getting ready for the second shoot ". He just smiles his perfect little smile and I know it is not even close to over between us but now I need to focus. "Yes indeed but afterword's I would like to talk to you if that's ok, about your contract", he says and I just shake yes and out he walk making me stress , does he really want to talk about that or us .Damn that man grrrrr!!.   Kevin (Pov)  "Yes indeed but afterword's I would like to talk to you if that's ok , about your contract" , I say and she just nod yes and then I leave but I feel like it is still not over, there is this pull I feel towards her and it is driving me insane and I just want to see her all the time and in doing just that I send my date to the spa so I can be at the photo shoot to see her and it gets on my nerves to see her in a norther mans arms even though I know he might not be her type but still she is his bloody type and that bothers me so today I'm giving him a bit of grieve, being the boss I think I can and Pieter well he is not much help he would rather talk business with Maranda's husband . So as I sit in the Dining room watching them take photo after photo of the male model I can't help to think she is actually the one that makes him look good and just then she walks in with this stunning blue ball gown and man she is most defiantly the most beautiful girl I have ever laid my eyes on but he walks to her kissing her , I mean what the hell? , I can she she did not like it but this dude is just not giving up is he. So then again the camera's flach and everything she does is amazing and this team clearly know what they are doing so I just watch this i***t getting to close to her and it drives my blood pressure up and then he is told to stand on the dining table and kind of help her up while she takes of her shoes and then he seems to slip and in seconds he is on the floor screaming in pain. The next moment our medic is with him and he looks to me and Maranda saying, "His leg is broken we have to take him to the hospital sir". And I replay with yes and as they help him out to the ambulance Jenny just sits and cry and I can see she was scared out of her socks so I walk to her sitting down next to her and lucky for me everyone was occupied. "Jenny re you ok, I'm so sorry love , but don't cry please he will be ok don't worry ok" I say holding her close and soon she whips her tears away and I can feel she is relaxing a bit. "Thanx Kevin, I just got so scared when he fell, I thought he was going to break his neck but ya looks like he is strong at least"." So what now , how will we go on , do I still have a job, I need this ". "Don't worry we will make a plan Jenny ", and just then Pieter comes in telling us that he will be ok he broke his leg but will not be coming back only in six weeks . "Kevin we need to replace him and we need to now al this can't wait man so well I spoke to Maranda and well she has a big plan", Pieter says .  " What plan?", I ask and he looks at the girl I'm clearly still holding but as he looks and frowns I rewove my arm and then he says, " well seeing you and him are almost the same size we need you to step in and I think It might be a good idea to see the CEO of the company in these photos man it can work, so will you?". "What you must be kidding right, me a model o please man". I say laughing but he just stands there looking serious. "We cant get a new guy its to late and well you are just what we need bro , come on it's just photos and this is the brake we need so you have to". "Fine ok if it is ok with everyone?" I say looking at Jenny. Jenny looks at us and I can see she wants to say no but keeps still saying it will be fine no problem. "Good now Jenny lets do this again tomorrow ok lets all just take the rest of the day and get some rest. Then we all went to rest and my mind was only with her so I followed her to her room wanting to be with her so bad not just to have s*x but to see that she is ok and well taken care of.  "Jenny are you here?", I ask and as she opens she is only in her bathrobe  but she takes my shirt and lets me in to only shut the door and that's when our lips smash against each other and we kiss so passionate it will make Romeo and Juliet look like child play. "Kev I can't do this again with you " she says with her hot breath close to his mouth as she stops the kiss to breath but I want more so I kiss her again and she again kisses me back and I know we want the same thing .Breaking from her lips I start to kiss down her neck and as I do I whisper sweet nothings in her ear and my hands find the robe and soon it is on the floor leaving her naked and she is perfect and then she takes of my clothes and I can't take it so I pick her up by the ass walking to the bed laying her down kissing every part of her sexy body and she muons as I explore her and soon the making out turns to sweet lovemaking again and as the night goes on we just stay together but then my phone rings and I just decide to leave it but my date just send a message saying she will be leaving because her work called and I am just so glad because this means I can stay and so I did the whole night making love to Jenny, my Jenny............
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