3. Meeting her.

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My feet aches as I went down the stairs. I can't believe that Jaden of all people decided to talk to me. Alessandro called again, I always had to do the waiting but Jaden took up my time without even trying to. This year might not be so bad. I easily spot Alessandro as I turn into the hallway. He leans on the locker, eyes closed.His messy brown hair fell on his face making look dangerously attractive.I quickened my pace, his eyes fluttered open on hearing my footsteps. "Where have you been?" Alessandro asks with a frown etching on his face. It took all I got not to roll my eyes at him."I got stuck in the washroom, long story."I dropped my backpack on the floor, shot a glance around up and down the hallway.It's totally weird. Alessandro waiting alone without girls around. "Okay."He muttered but doesn't seem to believe me. He also did not ask any more questions. "So why did you want to see me, I have some notes to revise."I asked him, his cologne was intoxicating. "I want to ask Valentine out?"He dropped the bomb, tears pricked my eyes, the tiles looked blurry and it felt like my voice ceased for a moment."I want you to tell me how I can make it romantic, you know girls things." I faked a laugh which sounded hollow and bitter to my ears. I refused to be heartbroken over a guy who sees me only as a friend. "You must be joking asking me that, I have no idea, I mean my romantic involvement record sheet is totally blank."I replied rolling my eyes, I slide to the floor pulling up my knees to my chest. Alessandro copies the act and we are both sitting on the floor backing the locker. "Summer we have been best friends for over six years now, do you think I'm in love or thrilled by Val cause she's new?,"He asks.A sigh escapes my lips,it doesn't even matter. " I am happy for you Sandy, any girl would be happy to have the you I know in her life, besides you deserve to be happy, come here. "He chuckles wrapping his arms around me for a bear hug. My heart pounded faster as I got immerged in his cologne. Alessandro's breathe tickled my neck sending shivers down my spine. The door offered me a chance to escape from this pain I am feeling but I couldn't just get away. "I love you Summer, being with you gives me peace."Alessandro confesses but that seems to break my heart further. "I love you too Sandy."I smiled hugging him tight.If only he knew how much I love him.What would I do for him to love me more than just a friend. After disengaging from the hug, we talked about how he was going to ask Valentine out. Alessandro is busy thinking Valentine is the only real girl he has ever met but truth be told that girl is a b***h. "I should head for Chemistry now." Alessandro got up as he spoke pulling me up with him. "Okay see you during break."I replied as we parted ways. I head out to the field and sat on the bleachers. it ain't easy telling your heart to stop feeling for a guy who you have loved all your life. I let the tears slide down my cheeks. My first unofficial heartbreak, cheers to that. Obviously love doesn't doesn't come my way maybe I should just target my energy towards my future. "Well,well,well,look who have here."Someone clapped. I know that voice too well.Casey and her two Batmans walked towards me."If not little Summer,or is it spring." Casey tsked now directly in front of me. Her two minions burst into fits of laughter. "Awwn poor thing crying." Nora mocks and does a flip back with her long shiny black hair. I quickly wipe the tears with the back of my palms looking down. "Oh maybe it's her father's,oops parent death anniversary, this witch murdered them."Bea tsked in an annoying tone. Snorting I get up glaring hard at them. I cannot scoop low enough to exchange words with these three losers.Casey Hudson, she's a big time b***h sleeping around with every guy that glances her way. Rumor has it that she is a nymphomaniac. Nora Wells is the captain of the cheerleading squad, a big time b***h who like I don't like saying has never shown her true face, always putting on makeup, people's life is none of my business but Nora cheated on her boyfriend with her boyfriend's father. Bea Logan was an easy going girl until my so called best friend dated and broke her heart, I don't blame her for hating me. Deciding on reading in peace, I turn to the hallway leading to the library. I really needed some quiet. The library was empty, pulling out a seat I settle down with my notes and homework. Halfway through the assignment, my phone buzzes signifying a message.I picked my phone and looked through it. It was a message from Alessandro. "Hey Pea, break is in 5mins, meet me in the cafeteria at our spot. I have invited Valentine to eat with us, I hope that's ok." The break bell jingles and I sent a quick "All good."to Alessandro before packing up my stuffs and exiting the library.The cafeteria was buzzing with noise as I walked in strolling to our table.Alessandro is already seated with Valentine. It hurts to say but they look pretty good together. Valentine was pretty elegant with her blonde hair and long legs. "Hi."I sat down on one of the empty seats dropping my back pack on the floor. "Hey Peaches."Alessandro replied looking me over. "Peaches meet Valentine and Valentine meet my best friend, Summer."Alessandro introduced us. I can see Valentine roll her eyes secretly before giving me a tight smile. "Nice meeting you Summer,I have heard so much about you."She said. "Likewise."I replied trying to sound as genuine as possible for Alessandro's sake."I am so hungry, so what am I eating," I grinned rubbing my stomach."lunch on you Sandman." "Polar bear when ain't you hungry." Alessandro teased leaving to get our lunch. I look around the cafeteria avoiding anything to do with Valentine. My eyes landed on the Elite's table at the extreme end of the cafeteria. Jaden was already staring in my direction. I quickly averted my gaze hoping he didn't see me. Or maybe he wasn't even looking at me. After a while I felt a warm masculine scent reached my nose. I looked up to find Jaden at our table smirking cockily. "Hey Jaden looking for me." Valentine slurred in a high-pitch voice trying to look cute.I rather just puke at her dramatic character. "And why would I be looking for you."Jaden questioned Valentine looking at her with disinterest.My eyes almost bulged out of their sockets as he winks at me. "Doll face, remember I asked you to save a spot for me."He said smiling at me.I can feel my face heat up from his gaze, he chuckles and plops down the seat just as Alessandro returns with food and drinks. Murmurs broke out among the students. Something tells me I will regret being here.
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