2. Jaden

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SUMMER'S POV Being popular in school comes with its perks cause even though the parking lot has already been filled out, Alessandro's spot wasn't taken. We made our way out of the car and into the school building. Alessandro flings open the double decked door and we walked into the hallway or more like he bounces in. He always did have a cocky attitude attached to his personality and always loves the attention, eyes only on him and it helped in pumping his oversized ego. I cant help but roll my eyes at the girls drooling over and flirting with him as I trail behind trying to blend in with the wall cause he took the attention away from me not like I get any anyway. He escorts me to my locker and like a caring best friend, he waits for me to retrieve my materials and escorts me to my first lesson of the day before leaving to hang out with his friends since he had no lessons this first period. Highschool will never be a memorable period in my life cause although I am the best friend of the school's quarter back, I suck at almost everything. I have never tried out the school's cheerleading squad cause I never did have a footing when it comes to balance. I have never gotten drunk at a party cause even if I wanted to,I had to be able to get I and Alessandro back home, he gets pretty drunk. I have never had a girl's night cause I never had a female friend and I won't have to talk about s*x cause that's a restricted zone when no guy have ever said hello to me,I mean why would they when all I do is dress in skinny jeans or baggy trousers, I wouldn't even ask me out. The class was filled with students chattering here and there,I sigh wishing this torment is soon over. I wasn't categorized into the nerdy class rank mainly cause most students feared Alessandro so I was never bullied. I never tried to make friends with any one cause I can be pretty much a loner. "Hey.... can I sit here?" A deep smooh like baritone voice ask. I glance forward. Jaden Acker stands in front staring down at me.My heart almost did a double flip. Maybe I'm hallucinating. What's an elite doing here. Don't they have their own private class. God this guy is one piece of fine art with a well chiseled jaw,well defined abs pecking through the shirt he's wearing."Uuh can I sit...."He asks again. I kind of zone out causr I am busy drooling over him but why is an elite talking to me. He settles beside me dropping his backpack on the desk, his cologne smells heavenly. I almost rolled my eyes,he didn't even wait for my reply. I was so distracted by Jaden's presence that I didn't notice the unwanted glares that I am receiving from his fangirls but I rather just ignore them . I never had a crush on him but I am not blind to see how drop dead gorgeous this guy is and he gives off the vibes, you know the trophy boyfriend kind of vibe. Jaden stared at me in a weird way. He shamelessly rakes his eyes on my body from top to bottom. I was about to reprimand him but the teacher walked in, Mr. Brooks Cooper and permit me to describe him"he's a monster". He regards everyone as trash. Mr. Brooks has been the literature teacher for a long time now.He is a short man but exudes a powerful aura and something about him hushes the noise in the class without him even trying. "Mr Jaden,what are doing here,"Mr Brookes asks with so much excitement. The class begun, although literature is my favorite subject ,the topic today piqued no interest in me. I'm doing my best to hang in for the rest of the class without dozing off. Lessons were moving way too slow, Jaden glances at me from the corner of my eye but I ignore him. He seems to be checking me out but I just ignore him. Oops maybe I'm kidding. My phone vibrates inside my locker. Sandy Crush flashes across the screen.I swiftly end the call. I can see Jaden bore holes at me. Normally I pick calls in class but Mr. Brooks is something else and I can't afford to be in detention for the rest of the school semester . "Send a text, Mr. Brooks."I texted him, barely few seconds there is a buzz signifying a new text message. "Class will be almost done, meet me at my locker."Is what he texted me. I type a quick "ok."dropping the phone. The phone buzzes again.I take a look at the message."Don't keep me waiting, I am damn hot and wet for you."I snorted at the text. Alessandro never gets tired of flirting. Alessandro isn't one to do the waiting rather he has company whether he wants to or not. A cough sound beside me causes my eyes to widen in embarrassment. Jaden has seen the text from Alessandro. Gosh what will he think of me.I thought. I hope he doesn't see me as Alessandro's bed warmer. I rolled my eyes, not like I care. Finally the bell for the end of lessons sounded. Waiting for Mr.Brooks to leave the class first was tormenting but at last I was finally out of the class. The next class had begun already and luckily for me I didn't have class for the next few periods. I was heading to Alessandro's locker when someone grabbed me. "Hey....wait up."My eyes almost fell off their sockets . Thank God we are the only one here. Jaden Acker asked me to wait. "Hi....... "I say staring at him.I am still bewildered about what's happening but still I shouldn't let him get under my skin easily cause even though he has a pretty good record when it comes to girls, he still had that dangerous look of a heart breaker. "I am Jaden Acker."He lets go of my grabbed arm and offered his hand for an handshake . I sigh deeply looking around the staircase.I don't give a damn about what people think of me but I rather not be the center of drama. "I know who you are Jaden."I said avoiding his penetrating gaze. He chuckles softly and drops his hand. "Feisty I guess,"He chuckles lightly and I gave him an offended look."I don't know how to say this but I need your help."He sighs scratching the back of his head. It felt like my turn to laugh a bit, I mean it sounds like a joke,Jaden needing my help. "I want to pursue clothing designs in higher institution." His face lits up as he says that but I still don't see how that has to do with me, he must have seen the look of confusion I gave him. You don't go around talking to strangers."My parent wants me to pursue a career in the business administration but designing is my life. "He sighs and leans on the railing, although my heart went out to him, there's nothing I can do about it. "Sorry if I am such a bore,"He continues. I clumsily stood there not knowing what to do."when I know someone wet for you."He smirks.I widened my eyes in shock, I can feel my face heat up from the embarrassment. Did he really have to say that. I almost choked on my spit but he just laughs, I rolled my eyes realizing that humble Jaden was gone. "It's not what you think."I muttered trying to explain myself all thanks to Alessandro's promiscuous text. Jaden wasn't even helping matters as he raises his perfectly formed eyebrows. I may be in love with Alessandro but I refuse to let Jaden think that I am one of Alessandro's bed warmer."We are pretty much close and besides he writes that way to annoy me." I pouted. He smiled and it seems relief flooded his eyes. I gave him a triumphant look. "You look really adorable."He compliments.I frowned at his words pulling my arms to my chest,I c****d a brow at him. "Are you hitting on me, some kind of bet." I hissed harshly.I don't mean to rush into conclusion but a girl got to be careful. "It's not that way,"He raked his fingers through his hair like I am frustrating him. He doesn't seem much of a talker and I kinda feel bad for going harsh on him. He stares at me and I almost drowned in those grey orbs."I'm not like that, I might be anything but I don't play games with a girl's heart. Believe me Summer."He explained with so much sincerity. He knows my name and the way he said it made me fall in love with my name. "Woah there mister, you know my name."I gasped momentarily stunned. He was about to reply when my phone starts ringing. I glanced at the phone.Alessandro was calling.Gosh I totally forgot he asked me to meet him at his locker. "I got to go, my friend is waiting for me."I gave Jaden a sorry look but he just chuckles. "I will see you at lunch Summer, save me a spot, will you?"I nodded and rushed down the stairs to meet Alessandro before he chops my head off for keeping him waiting. I quickly got down the stairs and when I reached the bottom I turned back to Jaden. He winked at me, smiled and walked away.I rolled my eyes taking the corner to the hallway.
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