4. Tension

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Alessandro's timing was perfect because the moment Jaden sat down and Valentine face redden in embarrassment, I could feel the tension building up. I try ignoring the glances from other students. I grinned at Jaden at least some one isn't falling for Valentine's fake attitude. Deciding to keep my face void of any emotions I take my share of the food from Alessandro. "What's up bro." Alessandro greets Jaden as he settles down, thankfully the food was enough for Jaden. "Sup Alex." Jaden greets back. "What brings you to our table, you never sit with us." Alessandro asks surprised. " You wanna have two beautiful ladies to yourself alone." Jaden teases and leans forward then winks at me. I just rolled my eyes at his cocky self. "Ooh you think I don't deserve them both." Alessandro chuckles while digging in the meal. Ignoring Jaden who was constantly glancing at me, I dig in the delicious food. Alessandro and Jaden were making small talks about football, Valentine really wasn't doing much other than stab on her food to glaring at me. "Yeah girls are not seriously fascinating to me," Jaden grins up at me who kind of zone out on their conversation, I couldn't help but wonder on what he meant."most of them are kind of shallow just caking makeup."Jaden added smiling cockily. I glared daggers at him but he ignored me. Valentine's face was bright red, might be from anger cause it's only Alessandro she can fool with her naive drama. "Don't say that cause you haven't seen Summer in action,last summer break she volunteered to play football for the locals for fund raising.She totally stunned me by her skills."Alessandro was over exaggerating everything that happened. Yeah I might have scored a few goals but that doesn't mean I'm a star. "I would love to see her play,girls are not much into sports in our town."He added playing with the fried chips. Alessandro ignored my glare. "Well that's Summer's decision to make." Alessandro chuckled with a mouthful of pepper sauce grinning at me. "Table manners Cave man." I faked a smile going back to do justice to my meal.I seem to be the only one affected by the murmuring going on. "I don't think she's good anyway," Valentine snorts with a hard glare fixed on me."and besides even if she was, there's nothing girlish about her anyway.Like take a look at her."She added giving my outfit a disgusting take in. I glared at her. Maybe she's just jealous. "Valentine."Alessandro yelled in a threatening manner. I moaned in delight to the taste of the pie. "Sweetheart,why make that sound here when my bed is ready for you tonight."I choked on my food at Jaden's words but he winked at me with a flirty smile."You aren't the dress to kill kind of girl,"He added causing me to look up at him with a pout and when our eyes connected,I was mesmerized."you don't dress to entice but you are enticing and when you smile, it's radiance is like the sun" In that moment all I saw was his blue orbs and this lingering feeling stirred within me. It was a feeling I couldn't really comprehend. A loud shrill almost destroyed my eardrums."So Alessandro you seriously asked me out here so that you can rub your friendship on me?"Valentine yelled quite dramatically. She gets up from the chair with a screeching sound. A pin dropped silence filled the cafeteria. "C'mon Valentine you can't just insult Summer right in front of me." Alessandro snapped leaning back on the chair and although it feels good that my best friend loves me enough to stand up for me,I feel bad cause he really wants this relationship to work out. "Everytime Summer this, Summer that, Summer goes, Summer comes,my ears are even drumming Summer.I am out of here."She yelled grabbing her bag and stomping out of the cafeteria. "Sandman I wasn't asking you to come to my rescue."I whine at Alessandro, this guy just confessed that he's in love with that girl but I just ruined it by being here. "Bro look that girl is a b***h,I wouldn't wish her on anyone."Jaden said looking unbelievably calm. "Are you any better, were you not going all whiny on Summer," Alessandro scoffed looking irritated by Jaden's presence."or are you telling me you left the elites table just to have a chitchat with us or were you not hitting on my best friend." My heart pounded faster. I glared hard at Alessandro hoping for the ground to swallow me as all the cafeteria starts buzzing with words. Groaning at Alessandro and muttering a quick sorry to Jaden I didn't wait for them to break their eyes staring contest when I grabbed my backpack and sprinted out of the cafeteria with Alessandro yelling my name. I had no classes with Alessandro or Jaden so avoiding them was easy not like Jaden was looking for me but it will be embarrassing facing him. Alessandro might have misunderstood everything.Jaden was just being nice. The signature glares and hisses I got from girls all thanks to Alessandro and Jaden was really annoying but I managed till close of school. I catched a taxi back home after texting Alex. Darkness was slowly seeping in and the bed I laid on was a very comfy zone. The continuous phone calls from Alessandro which I just let get into voicemail was becoming annoying. Footsteps stomped closer to my room. The door was flung open and Alessandro sashayed in. "Sandy you should have knocked, I could have been dressing up."I glared facing him. He only chuckles plopping down on the bed and throwing his backpack on the floor. "And see what I haven't seen before besides you weren't picking up my calls. "He said with his hands on his chest giggling like a dramatic teen girl. I rolled my eyes at him as he laid his head on my tummy not like I could stay angry with him forever. "Sorry I overreacted about the Jaden issue, I just don't like him around you. "He rubs circles slowly on my thighs as he apologized, a warm sensation flooded my body. "He just talked to me like today besides he doesn't seem bad."I argued back and with a slight thrust I pushed Alessandro off me. He didn't even apologize sincerely. "How sure are you,more reason you should stay away from him cause your guards are down. I don't want him playing with your heart."He pokes on in his deep sexy tone after laying back down on my tummy. I gulped quietly as a warm sensation spreads through my body. I gasped out. "Are you cold Summer?" I roll my eyes at the back of his head, if only he could keep me warm as I want him to. "What if I am." I chuckled barely able to control my breathing. "Come here,"He said lifting his head from my tummy and pulled me closer to him burying my face in his neck and covers the blanket over us."that's better."He added adjusting around a bit. I smiled into his neck. "Peaches that tickles."He groaned kissing my forehead. His breathing evened with his arms wrapped around me.I smiled and closed my eyes.
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