11. Drama.

1437 Words
I was currently at the entrance to the cafeteria.I walked to the door pushing it open and making my way to Jaden's table.It has been two days since I got the letter from him. Enough of these fear. Always hiding in the corner like I'm not good enough. I felt dreadful doing things behind Alessandro's back. I couldn't be more grateful as Alessandro was held back by their coach. I rounded the corner. I spotted Jaden with his friends looking dashing in a black outfit. His friends were with him chatting and smiling. A beautiful girl with a black designer off-shoulder spaghetti gown planted herself in the only empty seat among them. With a boost of energy, I approached their table. Their group consisted of five of them all dressed in black attire. Rumor has it that their parents were the richest in the country. "Hi."I greeted avoiding making eye contact with any of them. "Excuse me."The red head replied scanning my appearance from head down to the toe."Why today again,I really thought I won't have to witness this again....."The red head said busying herself with the almost cold food on the table."Ok who are you here for......" She added in a fashionable manner with a neutral look on her face. The three guys gave off a nonchalant attitude. Cole and Connor Oxford who were twins. Kennedy Lawson was the calmest amongst them as I have heard and then this Spanish redhead whose name I can't recalled. Her emerald green eyes flickered with mischief. "Jaden..." I informed.The guys cooed at Jaden whose eyes shot open. "Sunshine..." He whispered.The rest of his friends quiet down as he acknowledge me.I felt more eyes boring holes at me."It's really you" He whispered again leaning forward. The redhead smirks and laughs."Have the mighty fallen.." She furrowed her brow. "Please Alejandro can you please quiet down." Jaden said. "Oh really now...."Alejandro continued gaining the infamous dropped brow from Jaden."I am only asking cause you called her Sunshine......?"She smiled. I turned to Jaden and offered him a weak smile." Can we talk..." I said watching as Jaden's eyes widen in surprise. He was out of the seat. His blue eyes flickered up to mine. "C'mon you don't want to talk to me here."He said.I felt my nerves ticked. This was my plan so I have to handle it. I need a tutor who isn't Alessandro. "Of course."I nodded.I turned and tried walking away but someone grabbed my hand. Alejandro smiled broadly and held out her hand for an handshake but before I could react, Jaden drags me off. The whole cafeteria started buzzing with gossip. He dragged me out of the cafeteria, his electrifying blue eyes looking cold and dull.I followed him to the janitor's closet where he opens and shuts the door behind us. "This will soon become our spot...." I told him chuckling nervously. "janitor's closet...fuck no..."He says. "I got your letter....."I said leaning on the wall and watching his face but he had an unreadable expression on. " Okay..."He says breathing out heavily. His action isn't really encouraging for me continue. "I'm nervous..." I chuckled swallowing the lump in my throat. " Really.......you made me nervous..."he sighs bitting his bottom lips." are you angry with me......"He stared at me with his blue eyes boring into mine as if searching for the right answers in my eyes. "No I forgave you besides I understand." I glanced back at him whose eyes haven't left mine. "I was desperate...." Jaden spoke hesitantly. "I understand.... it's okay...." I said playing with my fingers.Jaden hard gaze was still on mine. " You look tired."I said. "Just stressed out.... family issues."He replied chuckling a bit.He leans his back on the wall gazing at me."Don't tell me you missed me."He teased.I snorted giving him an annoyed look. " I have been trying to talk to you for days now...." I said. " What took you so long...."He asks with his forehead creasing in confusion. " You look so poised and unapproachable especially in your group."I replied truthfully.He laughs more freely this time. He has a beautiful smile.His eyes could lit up a room. "I think you are right,it ain't easy to be attractive and hot."He chuckled I c****d a brow at his pompous self but he laughed on.I couldn't help but join in."So we are good."He nodded. "Yes.... but I need your help." I said.He looked confuse as the word left my lips."My grades are not going well, they are really down I don't want to end up not being accepted to any college.."I continued avoiding his gaze. " I will do what you want in return.." I added. Jaden mouth opened and closed without a word leaving his lips. "I don't want you to feel uncomfortable Sunshine."He said pronouncing every word calmly."I will tutor you but you don't have to model for me if you don't want to." He added.I arched my brow at his show of selflessness. "Did you find another person to agree cause it's been a week already."I asked,a bit disappointed. " It's ain't easy finding someone who completely fits in."He chuckles."but nope I am still searching Alejandro offered to model for me,"He continues. "but she isn't just the one."He added barely above a whisper. I felt a pang in my chest.Alejandro is a sight to behold,fiery red hair that sometimes looks like flame, emerald green eyes and a one sided dimples. "She's a sight to behold." I whispered. "She's beautiful no doubt but she just doesn't carry what I want.I need someone more explorable. "He explains."I won't lie I want you to model for me but I don't want it to be at your discomfort." " I really want this..... I don't know if I can do it enough for you but I need something for once in my life. "I spoke out.He tried dissuading me but I just shut him up."When will the contest be starting."I asked. I ignored his amused expression. "All submission will be closed in a month...... "He replied still looking amused. I don't know what's tickling him. "So shouldn't you be clicking poses..." I asked. He still doesn't look convinced I will do it. "Are you sure you won't back out when it gets too tough...."He whispered suddenly caging me between the wall and his warm body but I don't back down. "Just make sure I understand what those motherfuckers teach."I pleaded. He laughed,his messy brown hair falling down his face. "Welcome to the Elite world Sunshine.."He said. "I never asked for a welcoming."I replied slapping his hands away. Classes today were hectic, pop tests and quizzes throughout. These old baldies find it funny giving test unannounced. I am totally having a D all through. Modeling couldn't possibly turn out bad, just making poses and nothing else. The last class dragged on pretty slowly, Professor Johnson dragged on and on about advertisement. I regret taking this business class. Totally boring. Halfway through the lessons, the door is pushed open. Alejandro walks in with a coy smile playing on her lips. The class pause coming to life after a moment. Her high stilettos making clicking sounds as she walked further into the class. Her long red hair swayed from side to side. "How may I assist you Miss Alejandro."Mr Johnson asked. I almost puked at the way he blinked at her. He should check himself out on the mirror cause to me he looks like a frog with crossed eye. She gave him a full smile.He didn't even reprimand her for interrupting the class, might be cause she an elite, one of this towns founding families. The founding families made up the elite while the rest of them like Cole and Kennedy are elites cause of their influence in the country. I heard Cole's father controls most of the airlines in the country. "I am here to see someone."She says.Her Spanish accent making her more sexy than she already is. Her eyes swept round the class. I tried making myself invisible as possible, she can't be looking for me. I felt more eyes on me.I looked up from my fingers.My lungs felt kicked out of enough oxygen as her eyes connected with mine. I felt flustered as the whole class turned in my direction."A friend. Hello Summer."She winked. Heat crept up to my cheeks as I arkwardly stared back at her. "We have some catching up to do girl." She added catwalking out of the class. The murmuring rose with more eyes turning in my direction. My nerves ticked. What the hell does she mean by catching up.
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