12. Misunderstanding

907 Words
The last bell tolled.I quickly hopped out of my seat flinging my bag over my shoulder and making my way out of the school building down to the parking lot. I am just trying to avoid these weird gossip before it spread. it's actually weird having Alejandro talking to me anyway.Alessandro surprisingly is leaning against the car looking good as ever. "Hey don't you have practice today?"I asked throwng my back pack into the back seat of his car then leaning on the car beside him. He barely looks at me. His green eyes looked cold and distant. "Are you ok Sandy."I asked but he just kept mute tugging his hand into his pockets and a frustrated sigh escapes his lips. "What's going on between you and Jaden."He spats out.His face contorting in disgust. "Uhm what...." I asked confused by his outburst. He seemed enraged. "Oh wow,so it's true.I have been busy with practice and you got your self a boyfriend without my approval."He fired back turning to face me.His eyes were a darker shade. "Where are you hearing all these." I cried out.My voice barely above a whisper. The parking lot had students starting to fill in. "The school blog, of course your photos are all over the school's social media platform...."He replied shoving the phone in my face. Ignoring his rude attitude. I grabbed the phone from him. Different photos of Jaden and I from when I walked over to their table till when we got into the janitor's closet. "It's isn't what you are thinking." I whispered handing his phone back to him. "Wow so you even know what I am thinking."He replied sarcastically. Tears brimmed at my eyes as he glared at me. A group of students cluttered around listening to our conversation. "Fine if you don't trust me but i won't let you humiliate me in the parking lot."I shot back. He looked surprised and stunned then regret flashes through his eyes. "I am sorry......i shouldn't have assumed things,I just don't want you to get hurt...."He said."f**k off losers.." He yelled at the gathering student and almost immediately, they scampered away. "Get in...."He said. I sat down in the passenger's seat as he drove not breaking the silence. "So you won't tell me what really happened......"He asked glancing at me and back on the road.I sighed looking out the window. "How are you doing with Valentina. It'ss been a while I saw you two together."I asked. Alessandro shot me a glare, might know that I am just trying to stalk this conversation. He sighed blowing out air from his mouth. "We won't work out besides I'm thinking of breaking up with her."He said easily.I stared at him in utter disbelief. "It's barely two weeks." I said.I don't have to look at the mirror to know how wide my eyes are right now. He glanced at me with a smug look on his face. "While that's because she is a terrific kisser, it's almost like she went to academy of kisser and she majors in that particular course."He said grinning from ear to ear.I slumped back on the car as he winks at me. " You are terrible and here I am thinking you have found love." "Ouch babygirl that hurts." " I hope cause you deserve worst." "Summer you are my best friend, you are supposed to be on my side..."He groans playfully. " You wish but sadly for you,I have conscience..."I rolled my eyes as he pretends to be in pain. "Ooh really now and so you are implying that I don't have a conscience."He flicked my forehead as he spoke.I glared hard at him as he laughed."I missed us....."He whispered the last part almost inaudibly but I heard him and almost immediately my heartbeat skyrocketed. His eyes locked on my mine.I flushed under his intense gaze. After a few seconds,he faced the road. I tried calming my nerve. "Peaches,I am sorry I spoke to you that way,I just don't like guys around you. "I nodded. I wasn't in the mood to argue with him. "I know.....I'm sorry..... it's just that Jaden. "And then I rambled on and on about everything that has been going on from the modelling down to refusing Jaden's offer and to accepting his offer again.Alex doesn't seem quite excited about everything going on with Jaden.He parked outside my apartment. "Look Peaches I don't like the fact that you have never asked me to tutor you but went quite a far length asking Jaden to."He said looking a bit pissed off. "I can't concentrate when you teach me."I confessed. "And why can't you concentrate." He whispered yelled. I kept mute not like I can tell him that everything about him distracts me from his hair to his gaze,his lips,his cologne,his minty breath when we are both looking down the same book. "C'mon you are my best friend ok. Don't expect me to treat you like Professor Forbes..." I said stifling my laugh.The look on his face is priceless. "I hope you are not in love with him..." He said.I almost rolled my eyes at him. " Of course not.Are you now a love doctor or relationship counsellor."I said glaring hard at him. He shrugged."Well he isn't good for you..." "Don't worry.....ok....I am good.. aren't you gonna make lunch for me..."I teased ignoring his disapproval. He groaned as we headed inside crashing on the couch. I'm so tired.
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