10. Cocky Apology

1181 Words
I woke up this morning to my alarm.I slammed my hand down on it to make it shut up.I got out of bed and did my morning routine. I picked out a simple blue shirt and black pants and brushed down my hair. A car honked outside. There parked outside is Alessandro's Mercedes blasting music from it. Alessandro jogged up to me in flashing pink attire."You went shopping for pink." I said chuckling at his appearance. "Good morning Peaches."He said softly with his hands ruffling my hair.He looked down at his outfit. A pink leather jacket over a pink single,pink boots and pink pants and he's even wearing a pink hat. "Valentine's idea on a matching attire."He muttered.I couldn't help but laugh a bit. " So you must be dressed like Val's day."I asked trying to stop the cackling as he glared at me. " You said I should treat girls with respect."He retorted tugging his hands into his pocket. "I'm not saying pink is bad on you but the way you are wearing the pink will give off a message when we arrive at school."I stated." You are not wearing that.". I unlocked the door and he followed me in. I shuffled around the corner and into the laundry room with Alex trailing behind me.Curiosity poked me."Why are you all dressed in pink anyway?"I asked. " I told you it was Val's idea."He said with an irritated look. " You never ever liked pink."I rolled my eyes picking out his black tee-shirt and a ripped blue jeans he had dropped at my place. "Neither do you."He said.I glared turning around to face him properly. "So you expected me change it."I asked in disbelief. Alex grinned snatching the clothes from my hands. "Yep what are best friends for."He said.I fell into fit of laughter as a pink handkerchief fell out of pocket."Really it was a pink day."He chuckled."Girls can be really overbearing."He threw off the hat and pulled the off the jacket and singlet. " You could have excuse me."I mumbled exiting the laundry. Image of Alex's upper body flashed through my head. I groaned squeezing my eyes shut.I walked into the kitchen and took a glass of water to cool down my nerves. "C'mon let's go."Alex called out. I exited the kitchen to the parlour where he is fixing his tee shirt leaving his upper middle chest to my view. I gulped down at two reddish n*****s visible on his chest. I almost groaned as he pressed the rashes.Might be to make it disappear. My lips twisted wishing to replace his fingers."Valentine is in the car."He added. "What.....".He brought her here again. "Her car broke down and she needed a ride to school,I hope you don't mind."He added walking out the door. I locked the door and trailed behind him to the car. Valentine is leaning on the passenger's seat of Alex's car in an all pink attire, eyes on her phone. Her eyes flickered to us and her once nonchalant demeanor turned to that of rage. "You bitch." Valentine yelled.Her eyes almost popping out of their socket as she stomp toward me.Alessandro grabbed and dragged her back to the car. "What are you doing."He muttered slamming her back to the car. He was a shade darker."Don't you dare touch her."He warned looking back at my face.I immediately felt my stomach twist as Alessandro's eyes connects with mine. The rage in them sent shivers down my spine. "You're chosing her over me." She yelled letting off a cruel laugh before pushing Alessandro off her. I felt frozen on spot. "Are you in love with her,wait do you sleep with her."Valentine screamed throwing a disgusted look my way.Alessandro face morphed into one of irritation. "So I should let you hurt her since I am not in love with her."He said gritting his teeth. He motioned with his head for me get into the car.I nodded and got in. "Oh get in bitch.... all you do is ditch me to go spend time with her..I wanted to get to know you but all you do is speak about football or her....in fact I am done with this sham of a relationship."She yelled almost bumping her body with Alessandro. "She is my best friend for goodness sake,you don't get to compete with that."He said calmly. The engine roared to life without Valentine in the car. Alessandro tightened his grip around the steering. It didn't take long to spot Valentine stomping her heels down the road.Alessandro sighed and slowed the car beside her but she stomped on. I rolled my eyes at her. Her feet will ache before she finds a taxi. "Look Val I am sorry..."He sighed ruffling his hair. My heart clenched as Alessandro stopped the car and ran after her. He grabbed her waist and hugged her from behind trailing kisses along her neck. I was trembling in jealousy. I stared on as she slammed her lips on Alessandro peering at me through the glass with a smug look on her face. A reminder of what I know I can never have with Alex.I ignored the pang in my heart and looked out the window as both of them got into the car holding hands as he drove. I got to class as I opened the door slowly and carefully tried to make my way to my seat without the teacher noticing my lateness cause two lovebirds decided to make me arrive late.I succeeded in taking my seat without any overbearing comment.I tapped the desk counting down the agonizing seconds until I heard the bell ring. I allowed my classmates exit before I grabbed my bag and walked out.I repeated the process throughout the rest of the classes I had drumming the desk to pass time.I just wanted to get over with school today. Too much drama than I could handle. The last bell rang and I grabbed my stuff making my way quickly out of school.I am exhausted. I shuffled through the students and through the corridor outside.I walked heading for Alessandro's car. "Hey wait up....." Someone said behind me. I immediately stopped walking and turned to see a freshman I didn't recognize. "I was told to give this....."He handed over an envelope and ran away into the crowd. I walked on to Alessandro's car and leaned on the car waiting for him to show up which might take another 30minute.I unfolded the envelope and look through the content. A letter from Jaden. *Hi Sunshine......am sorry about how everything turned out. f**k I can't even look you in the eye.I needed a model but my approach wasn't right. I messed up big time.I hate seeing you cry. You're a naturally beauty and I'm sorry I didn't think of your feelings first. I know I lost the opportunity of being your friend but I hope you don't hate me. I am sorry Sunshine. From JADEN Always Hot. So much for an apology. A smile tugged on my lips as I folded back the letter. The letter just made my day better.
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