5. Movies

1040 Words
"Oh there you are." Alessandro said as I walked into the kitchen, rubbing my eyes and yawning. I smiled at Alessandro who's putting together breakfast. We are skipping school to watch Netflix and chilling all day. "What are you making."I asked Alessandro who turned his eyes on me, I choked on the delicious apple pie I was devouring. "Are you okay." He asked with concern as I gulped down the entire glass of milk. " I am good."I replied with my eyes trailing the sweat that trickled down his forehead down to his chest. He wore my mini sized apron on a naked upper body leaving his toned muscle bare. I can see his red n*****s. Getting flustered from the view, I quickly averted my eyes from the tempting sight I so wanted to mark with my tongue. "Valentine called to apologise." He said glancing at me and back to the pot. He opens one of the pots on the cooker, a mouth watering aroma filled the kitchen. "And you let her,"I glared at him although I love Alessandro, I won't ruin my conscience."that was the worst date any girl could wish for, I mean you should have apologized."I looked away from him as he turned off the gas cooker taking off the apron. "I don't know if I like her Peaches, after she agreed to date me,I felt nothing,"He confessed sitting on the kitchen counter with a blank look."after she told me that she loves me, I felt like it's game over."He added with a sigh dragging the high stool I sat on closer to him. "Do you even know what love is." I couldn't help but ask him as I battled with my mind not to wander my eyes down to his mouth watering toned chest. Although I see him a lot of times shirtless,he still have an effect on me. "Peaches,I don't know how it feels but,"He sighs stirring up a sorry feeling in me.Alessandro is my best friend and seeing him hurt breaks my heart."I love you Peaches and if I can't find love, I'll marry you."He laughed and jumped down from the counter, giggles erupted from my lips as he picked me and swirled round the kitchen. "Drop me down."I screamed playfully. He swirled faster, my hands kept rubbing on his naked upper body, I didn't have any immunity against Alessandro's charms so I could easily be seduced. "Will you marry me if by 24 you haven't found your soulmate,huh."He questioned breathing heavily still swirling in circles as I was busy laughing like a maniac. "agreed...... just...... drop.... me..." I breathe out although this was fun , I felt like I ran a marathon. "Good."He whispered smiling suspiciously. I raised my brow at him about to ask what he was up to but he slammed my butt on the counter laughing like a maniac and trust me, I hate him. "You wanna play rough."I smirked trying to look threatening as possible. The nerve of Alessandro, he was so gonna get it from me. Alessandro looked shocked, and the way he gulped I could sense the fear in his eyes. "Sorry please....... don't you wanna watch Netflix."He pleaded looking cute, my eyes falter causing Alessandro to chuckle. "Rather than mess up this kitchen with eggs, go set the movies and I will bring breakfast...."He ordered with a merry look and shoed me out of the kitchen. "God!" Alessandro groans and sat next to me."Must our day off be spent on these Philippines romance.". Boys.I don't know what romance does to them. "So watch what instead." I questioned smacking him on his arm earning a chuckle from him. "Horror, Action and not slow motion. "Alex replied putting his arms behind his head making his muscles popped up. The view sent my hormones on a wild mission. Each day Alessandro was gaining more control making my body sensitive to every action of his. "C'mon be a darling and don't sleep off ......" I teased taking a bite of the delicious steak. " Alright!"Alex exclaims."I love spending time with you,so even if you watch s**t, I am right there with you"He drawled in an annoying teasing manner. "Shush the movie is starting." I hushed him. " p**n is far better than this." Alessandro mumbled. I gasped hearing what Alessandro spewed from his lips. "Gosh Sandy."I glared daggers at him but the i***t just chuckles. "Hush peanut, we can switch off the tv and make you yell in the bedroom."He smirked. I threw the pillows on him, his dirty words was sending shivers downtown. Soon enough we were done with the meal and the only sound heard was that of the movies. The way this movie is acted is totally heart touching. This heroine falls in love with a gangster killed her father. I stole glances now and then at Alessandro who looked like a damn cute puppy and had a full attention on the screen. The movie was almost at it's end where the heroine demands that in order for this gangster to earn her forgiveness, he will dance with her under the drizzling rain. This gangster agrees and the movie ends where the gangster dips the heroine and kisses her. "Awwwwwwwwwn. I'm sorry happy for them."I gushed. "You are so stupid......." Alessandro grumbled. I turned to protest. His ears were pointed and a tint of red outlined his neck. "See who is blushing,"I teased "No way....."He groaned trying to cover his face with the throw pillow. "Right from the start, I knew you loved this movie, just too shy to admit" "Shut up" "Blushing...." "Stop."He groans and stomps out of the sitting room. " Nothing to be embarrassed about...." I yelled "Shut up...." "I know you want want to try and make it disappear." " I am not...... I wasn't blushing.."He yelled groaning at the other side of the room. "You'll only blush harder......" I teased. "Peaches shut up......." He grumbled loudly. I chuckled looking back at the screen, another romance was about to start. "Hurry up Alessandro, another is starting....." " Ok.....let me grab some popcorn and blanket."He yelled back with his footsteps fading further.I chuckled. Alessandro will one day turn into an amazing boyfriend. "Hurry up."
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