6. Jealousy

1925 Words
CHAPTER SIX I got up happily and rushed into the shower washing my body thoroughly. Yesterday's hangout with Alessandro was so much fun. After taking a quick shower, I left my hair in a towel selecting out my today's outfit. I chose a pair of skinny boot cut denim jeans, a white tee shirt rocking it with my most expensive collection of brown combat boots and a blue band to tie my not so terrible hair. The make up kit I got last year as a birthday gift stared alluringly at me urging me to give it a try. A car honked outside bringing me out of my reverie and I exited the room. "Hey good morning." Alessandro mumbles as he steps out opening the car door for me. His hair fell messily down his forehead. He had a shade and damn, this guy could pass for an actor. "Morning Sandy, you look terrible or didn't you get enough sleep."I teased sliding into the opened car. Alessandro closed the door with a bang and turned to the driver's seat sliding in steadily. He looked in my direction and I can imagine him glaring at me underneath the shades. "Most times I wonder if you even love me. "He murmured throwing a glance my way. "Look who is talking about love,let me save it for my future hubby. You would do worst to me if ever you are given the chance."I defended throwing up my hands for emphasis.I won't let him guilt trip me. "Hubby, seriously, and how sure are you that you aren't getting married to me. Look Peaches, you might be stuck with me, "He said with a playful tone."and imagine my revenge for daring me to sneak into Miss Bat's house to steal underwears."He said glancing at me. I can't stop laughing, Alessandro is really dramatic. He is making a great deal out of a game he forced me into playing. "But you dared me to kiss a guy in a month or give you 10 thousand bucks."I argued back. He took his eyes off the road and might be glaring daggers at me underneath those shades. "What harm is there in kissing huh Peaches."He points out accusingly. "And that my dear is for me to worry about besides it was just stealing some underwear so stop whining like a kid."I laughed. A frown outlined his forehead. " Oh so you don't feel sorry for me," He states."that old hag is creepy,dirty,gross," "Hey that's not right."I shook my head giving him the best warning look I could muster. Thankfully we reach the last turn leading to the school. We make our way into the parking lot. "You will drive back Peaches."Alex says and I nod. He turns off the engine and we made our way into the school building.So after series of romance movies, Alessandro forced me into playing the game and now he's busy sulking like a baby. Alessandro banged open the door moving into the main hallway. The hallway was already filled with students chattering here and there. After Alessandro's grand entry, the students action seemed to be paused. Girls fanned themselves as Alessandro took off his shades. Some girls passed out as he raked his hands through his hair. "Good morning Alessandro" "Hi Alex" "Nice outfit,I missed you" " Oh goodness he winked at me. I love you Alex. " " No way.... he winked my way."another argued " Alex will you date me." " Awwwwwwwwn.... he smiled, did you see that" I couldn't help but roll my eyes at these overdramatic fan girls. They are also the reason Alex will never stop being cocky. And here I am, the boring best friend with zero social skills. I guess the saying of showing one your friend and you be told of your character is totally wrong. Alessandro was the social butterfly. I was the lone wolf. "The whole school missed my swag."Alessandro whistled. " I am sure they did."I chuckled staying behind Alex in case his fangirls decided on chewing him raw. He escorts me to my locker where I retrieved and dumped some of my materials inside. "Good morning Alex...." "Alex welcome..." "Hi lex....." Some group of girls giggled as they passed,they giggle more as Alessandro checks them out. "That brunette is hot but I don't feel like cruising fun with her." He chuckled and leaned on the locker beside mine. "Sandy I hope you know that girls heart aren't fun to play with, they possess tender heart to be cherished and loved."I glared at him slamming my locker shut. Maybe I'm just annoyed he will find some other girl to hook up with. "C'mon Summer, loosen up a bit okay. Just find a guy, play along with him for a while then dump him, you will love the feeling of being superior when he comes back begging you to stay. "He said with all seriousness. I ignored the girls hanging around for Alex to notice them. I clicked close my locker glaring at him in disbelief. I really can't believe playing with people's emotions gives him joy. "People's feelings are not to be joked with or one day you'll turn them into heartless beings,I hope you do know that people are not born monsters, they are made from their interactions with others. Bea Logan, name rings a bell or do you even remember her name. "I spoke as quietly as possible. I don't want to be hearing rumors. He gaped at me but I wasn't done with him yet. I might be hopelessly in love with him but I won't let him regard girls like s**t right in front of me. "You break heart Alex,not legs." I added folding my arms across my chest. He looked stunned not that he didn't know all these, might be because I have never really stood up against him. "Alex...." An extremely loud male voice yelled jogging down the hallways. He's a tall lanky guy with attractive features. He is on the basketball team and one hell of a good sport man and he flashed a flirty smile at the girls waving at him. "f**k Ryder, why are yelling."Alex hisses standing straight. " You are one hell of an ass, Coach wants to see you."The guy grunted slapping the back of Alessandro's neck. "You can't just be yelling my name like that just because coach wants to see me." Alex warned Ryder who doesn't look a bit bothered by Alex's words. His eyes meets mine and he raises a brow at me. "The best friend who doesn't want to meet us." He said stretching his hand for an handshake. I made to shake him when someone pushed his hand away " She's off limits..... "Alex glares. " Peaches we will continue this conversation later."He leans closer whispering the words in my ear with his warm breathe fanning my ears sending pleasurable wave across my body. They both walked off. I adjusted the bag sliding off my shoulder and strode on to class. Barely a few seconds later,the literature teacher walked in with his usual strict face. Mr Lucas Brooke cleared his throat and began the lessons. The door is pushed open and someone walked inside. Jaden Acker. He strode in.His outfit totally screamed "Hot.".He was on an all white outfit.I mentally fanned myself when he spared me a glance.I felt my cheeks heating up as he winked at me.I avoided meeting those eyes again as I averted my gaze to the board. "Mr Acker you might be the best student here but I won't tolerate lateness in my class. No one forced you to leave your private classes so you have to abide by my rules young man."Mr Lucas warned with his gaze alternating between Jaden and the huge textbook he's holding. Wow. So he left his private class. Jaden nodded glancing round the class, might be for an empty seat and there are a lot.Some girls are even calling him to sit with them.I shrunk on my seat as his gaze landed on me again. I avert my eyes from his. The whole class went silent as he took the seat beside me.I suppressed a hiss at the attention he was calling my way. "Hello Sunshine."He said with his eyes on mine. I nodded focusing my attention back on the board.My grades are seriously dropping so I won't drool over some pretty rich kid cause he said hello to me."Oh right ignore me."He said faking a sad voice. "Don't make me laugh."I giggled as he pouted in a childishly annoyed manner. "Oh wow so miss gorgeous has finally acknowledged my presence."He rolled his eyes. I focused my attention back on the board zoning him out of my distraction box. Class went pretty well today and I don't know if it's just me but the lessons were pretty easy to grasped. I moved through the filled hallway to my next class.I reached to push through the door to the classroom when someone grabbed me by the arm dragging me away from the door. Jaden Acker. His vanilla scented perfume filled my nostril. "What the hell are you doing." I yelled quite shocked. He ignores me pulling me Into the Janitor's room. "I know Sunshine but we couldn't finish our conversation the other day."He said. I groaned when he leaned against the door blocking my only exit "Have you been avoiding me Sunshine...." "No......."I retorted almost too quickly.I could taste my lie on my lips. " Baby girl.....no need to lie...."He said leaning closer to me. I don't know what Jaden is up to but it's giving me the creeps."I want to show you something.Will you please go on a friendly tour with me?"He asked. His gray eyes boring into mine. "Like a date."I asked looking away from his eyes. Jaden heaved a sigh."I am a proper gentleman.I know how to ask a pretty lady out."He grinned.I raised my hands in mock surrender. His eyes held a playful glint to it. "Please don't say no." "If I say no will you let me be." I asked.My feets are getting sore from standing. He tsked like he has to consult the council of judges before he gives me a reply."Uhm certainly not.". I hummed in response.Jaden gives off an aura which is totally friendly and inviting but a girl got to be careful with this pretty face. Being friends with Alessandro have taught me a lot. "I promise Sunshine.......I ain't dangerous."He grinned sheepishly and somehow I believed him. "Ok pretty face...." "You think am pretty."He grinned widely, dramatically fanning his face with his fingers. I wish I had never spoken to Jaden, he seems like one I won't throw off easily. "Shut up Jaden," "Damn,the way you say my name baby girl". I groaned as I run to my next class The day goes faster without any drama. Alessandro and I walked side by side ready to leave. "C'mon let's g....." I'm cut off by a familiar voice. "Give me a goodbye kiss baby!"Valentine purrs standing in front of us specifically Alessandro. Tiptoeing,she pouted out her lips and urges Alex for a kiss. I stared at their display of affection and I wasn't the only one. The whole school was cooing them. I ignored the pain clutching at my chest. Alessandro chuckled leaning down to her face,he grabbed her waist and smashed their lips together. A smug look crosses her face as they broke apart smiling cutely at each other. My heart broke further.
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