Chapter 6-Fake Out

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I looked between Ethan and Asher, sensing some type of weird tension. "What do you want Ethan?" Asher asked firmly, annoyance flashing across his face as he kept his eyes on me, not even turning to look at Ethan. "Well, Em said she would show me a few moves out on the court." Ethan proclaimed, looking at me odd standoff forming between the two guys as they both now looked at one another. Maybe it would be good to get some fresh air, it's way too loud in here anyway. "I don't know..I don't want to bruise your ego..." I teased, causing Asher to squeeze my waist tighter as I met his gaze with confusion. 'What?' I mouthed, looking up at him with my brow furrowed. "You're too drunk to play basketball." Asher pointed out and I gasped. "You don't think I can win?" I asked raising an eyebrow feeling like this was a challenge more than anything. Listen..they have me on height but I was the swish queen. I could even make a basket turned around backwards, throwing the ball behind my head. I played a lot with Carson my whole life and found my hidden talent. Let's just say I am a champion at horse. "I don't think you can even walk right now." Asher chastised me sternly, looking down at me with disapproval. "Move aside." I commanded, trying to jump off the counter as his eyes widened. He quickly wrapped his arms around my waist, catching me mid-air before setting me down gently on the floor. Surprised by how quick his reflexes were, I stared up at him with awe..or maybe I was just slower in my drunken haze. His large hands continued to grip my body firmly as his powerful gaze bore into felt as if time itself had stopped. His embrace was tight and protective as he held me against his long hard body. My head barely met his chest as he looked down at me. I swallowed hard, my heart beating erratically as his hands moved slightly, sliding up my back and stroking me gently. Just then I heard someone clear their throat, and I turned my head. My eyes now darting to Ethan's as he looked completely pissed off. Why was he mad now? "Can I speak with you? Alone?" Ethan asked, his jaw clenched and his hand gripping his beer tightly. "Me?" I was confused. Did he want to speak with me alone? "No." Asher quickly interjected, glaring at Ethan now. His hands were still wrapped around my waist and my head began to spin. Why did these guys look like they wanted to kill each other? "I don't think it's up to you Asher, she is an adult, she can think for herself." Ethan spoke in a cold tone, his gaze burning now. Just then Mack and Stephanie sauntered into the kitchen, their eyes going wide at the sight before them making Asher swiftly let go of me, causing me to stumble forward as Mack walked up, looping her arm through mine. "What's going on in here?" She asked, looking between me and the guys. I just shrugged, not knowing what was going on either..I am just as confused as they are. "Come on Em, let's do another shot then go dance." Mack smiled, glancing at Asher as Stephanie stepped towards Ethan, trying to get his attention. "No, she is cut off." Asher said firmly, causing Mack to scoff. "What crawled up your ass Ash. You're being more of a d**k than usual." Mack smirked, not caring how rude she had been as I frowned slightly. This was how she always talked to Asher. Asher just looked at Mack, his jaw clenching as Ethan stepped forward. "I'll do another shot with you guys." He smiled brightly, putting his arm around Stephanie as she couldn't help her own smile from forming. "You guys go ahead, I think I had enough. But I will dance with you after." I said, knowing if I fought both things Mack would be pissed. I don't know why but I felt like I didn't want to disappoint Asher all of a sudden. Seeing his shoulders relax a little I could tell he was relieved I said no to the shot. Ethan on the other hand looked more annoyed than ever. All three of them filled up a shot glass and tipped it back quickly. Stephanie giggled, gripping Ethan's arm as she looked up at him. Suddenly Asher sidled up to me, his head bending down as he leaned in closer to my ear. "You need to stay away from Ethan, he is trying to get into your pants." Asher hissed, his warm breath sending a shiver down my spine as the realization of what he just said finally hit me. I blinked my eyes, shock filling me as I turned my head, meeting Asher's gaze. "Me..mine? My pants?" I choked out. Why was he trying to get into my pants? Wait..has he really been flirting with me this whole time? I glanced over, peeking at Ethan as I saw his eyes scan my body quickly and then look back up, meeting my gaze. He smirked and wet his lips with his tongue. Why am I so completely clueless about this stuff? "Is that so hard to believe?" Asher said in a serious tone, making me look at him once more. His silver eyes were blazing, his hand sliding out and settling on my lower back. I just nodded, feeling like it was hard to believe, especially with Mack and Stephanie right here. Why would Ethan be interested in me? I bit my lip, looking down as I shoved my hands into Carson's hoodie pocket that I wore. "Are you really that oblivious?" Asher added, his words making me feel confused. I never had this type of attention from a guy before..definitely not like this. How am I supposed to know? I guess I have seen it a million times. How they flirt and try to impress Mack, but when it's happening to me it doesn't seem so obvious. "Most of the guys in this place have been checking you out all night." I couldn't help but roll my eyes at this..every guy has been checking me out, that's freaking hilarious. Why was he telling me this? Suddenly Asher reached out, his hand gripping my chin and turning my head to meet his gaze. "You don't believe me?" He asked, his voice deep and serious as his eyebrow raised, his eyes studying my expression intently. I leaned forward, my hand resting on his shoulder as I reached up on my tiptoes to speak into his ear. The music was so loud I could barely hear myself think. "I think you are confused, they are looking at Mack and Stephanie." I shouted, trying to clear up this whole miscommunication as I pulled back, making our eyes connect once more. He just shook his head, disagreeing with me. Before he could say another word, Mack grabbed my hand pulling me towards the other room. "Come on! You said you would dance!" She yelled above the music and started pulling me along. "By the way, what's going on with you and Asher?" She asked, looking at me accusingly and I shrugged. "I have no idea, he is actually being nice. I think Carson put him in charge of babysitting tonight." I laughed and I swear I felt Asher glaring at me from behind. I hope he didn't hear that.. "Yeah, that makes sense." She nodded her head, glancing over her shoulder and smiling widely at Asher I presume. "What happened to Craig?" I asked loudly, watching her bright blue eyes scan the room before she spoke. "He is out back helping with the keg, but he said he will find me in a little bit..we kissed." She said with a smoldering look. "What?!" I gasped and she nodded her head. I couldn't help but be happy for my friend. She really liked Craig, he was actually a couple of years younger than Carson. "I'm happy for you Mack." I smiled brightly and she couldn't help but return it. Mack pulled me through the sea of bodies as people drank and danced to the music. It was like a club in here, they set it up with strobe lights and a real DJ up on a platform. It was amazing and probably cost a fortune. Suddenly I felt someone grab my other hand, a jolt of electricity running through me as I glanced back, seeing Asher holding onto me. I swallowed hard, my stomach doing somersaults as I tried to wrap my head around what was going on. "Let's dance here! Take off your hoodie, you're going to get too hot." She yelled above the music, pointing at Carson's hoodie as I nodded, already feeling too hot. I will just slip it back on afterward. I pulled it off, wrapping it around my waist as Mack gave me a thumbs up. I glanced over, seeing Stephanie already dancing with Ethan as she began rubbing her ass against his crotch. My eyes went wide as I turned away, not wanting to stare. Maybe Asher was wrong and Ethan wanted to get into Stephanie's pants this whole time. She seems more than willing. Just then Mack grabbed my hands, her body began moving to the music as she leaned into me. "You look so hot right now. Asher can't keep his eyes off of should dance with him." She yelled into my ear. I pulled back, seeing her mischievous smile as she nodded her head. "This might be your only chance Em, might as well take advantage of it." She winked, spinning me around and dancing once more. Mack knew how I felt about least how I used to. I honestly gave up on that delusion the moment he called me Emily. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. "If he wants to I won't stop him..I just don't want to be the one to instigate know?" I said, not wanting to make a complete fool of myself and she nodded. Agreeing with the plan completely. Suddenly a song from Calvin Harris came on, one of my favorites as me and Mack jumped up and down happily. I raised my hands up, feeling the music as I let my body take over. I have never danced like this in public before in my life. Usually, it's just me and Mack in her room while she gets ready for a date or a photo shoot. My hips began swaying rhythmically, my body flowing with the music as I let my head drop back. Suddenly I felt two hands wrap around my waist. Opening my eyes in surprise I saw Mack beaming at me as she gave me a thumbs up. I knew who it was right when those hands touched me, but seeing her face confirmed it even more. Asher's arms wrapped around me, my hips pressing against him as he leaned down, bringing his head to my neck. "You have no idea how f*****g beautiful you look right now." He whispered against my ear, his words causing my stomach to explode with millions of butterflies as I swayed against him. I felt like this was a dream, truly a freaking dream as Asher stood behind me holding me close to his chest. The room began to spin, his intoxicating ocean-scented cologne filling me as his hands roamed my body slowly. I moved back further, my body grinding against his waist as I began to feel something hard against my lower back, causing my eyes to widen. His hands wrapped around me tighter, his mouth finding my neck as he kissed my sensitive skin delicately. The sensation shooting straight down between my legs as I bit my lip, trying to reign in these out-of-control feelings. I tilted my head to the side, giving him better access as he whispered against my flesh. "Can you feel how badly I want you right now?" He groaned, nipping at my neck and pressing his hard erection firmly against me as I let out a wanted me? Before I could even grasp what was happening I felt my hand being pulled, the alcohol making me feel as if I were floating through the room as Asher looked back at me. His stare burned straight through me and pierced my soul as he began leading me up the stairs. Was this really happening..was I really about to hook up with Asher McNeal? My first time ever being alone with a guy and it was Asher..the guy who could give me butterflies just from one glance. Suddenly he reached for the bedroom door we magically appeared in front of. Opening it quickly, Asher pulled me inside and my back was now firmly resting against the wall. The room was dark and all I could hear was the sound of my heart beating erratically. I waited for a few moments, trying to see where Asher was but I heard nothing. Did he leave the room somehow? "Asher?" I whispered his name softly, wondering what happened to him and missing the feel of his hands on my body already. Just then there was a sudden knock on the door, startling me as the lampshade clicked on, revealing Asher by the bed. "Yeah, we are in here." He said loudly, not looking at me as the door opened. Then Carson poked his head through, sighing with relief as he walked into the room with Jackie by his side. "You okay Em?" Carson asked and I was confused. Why were they in here? I noticed Asher wasn't looking at me and seemed to be ignoring me completely. His appearance was now cold and distant like I was always so used to before. I nodded my head at Carson, embarrassment filling me for being caught with what we were about to do. "Sorry, we didn't fill you in. I asked Asher to help you lose Ethan. To make it seem like you weren't available." Carson informed me, taking his hoodie from around my waist and slipping it over my head once again. "Wait.." shit..i can't believe Asher was doing all of this as a favor to Carson? To make it seem like he was interested in me? My heart dropped..oh god, I am such a freaking i***t. "That was just to get Ethan off of my back?" I muttered..the alcohol making everything even more confusing. I couldn't even look at Asher I was so embarrassed. "Yeah, sorry, Ethan is the type of guy who doesn't take no for an answer. We just wanted to get the point across." Carson said, stepping back and grabbing a bottle of water from Jackie, and passed it to me. "Drink this." He said. "What about Stephanie though?" Wasn't Ethan all over her now? "She can handle herself." He said, wrapping Jackie in his arms and that's when it hit me..these people, they saw me as a freaking child. A naive girl that can't even stick up for herself that needed to be babysat. How embarrassing..this whole freaking thing. I stumbled forward, putting the water bottle down, and walked toward the door. "Hey, where are you going Em?" Carson asked, reaching out and gripping my arm. "I think I might just go home." I said, trying to pull away. "No f*****g way in hell you are." Carson laughed, pulling me back. I felt Asher staring at me and I couldn't bring myself to look. I was beyond mortified...coming to this room with him and actually thinking he wanted me. I don't think I could ever look Asher in the eye again. "You can sleep in here, I will tell Mack you got sick and went to bed." Carson pretty much ordered me. I was done..I just wanted all these people to leave so I could cry, because I knew the tears were coming any moment. "Okay, fine." I gave up, walking over to the bed and climbing in. Not even saying another word. "Em..are you mad?" Carson asked worriedly, stepping next to the bed. "No." I snapped, wishing the floor beneath me would open up and swallow me whole. Then I felt guilty for snapping at's his birthday and so far I have just been a burden to him. "No..I'm sorry. I just don't feel well. I promise I will just go to bed, don't worry about me okay?" I said, looking at the wall as I saw him nodding in the corner of my eye. "Okay, if you need anything just text me okay?" He said and I turned slightly, smiling briefly. "Go enjoy your party. You don't need to worry about me..I will be okay." I said with everything I had left to convince him. He nodded and said his goodbyes and flipped off the light. I heard someone hesitate by the door and then the lock turned and the door closed. Just in time soon as silence filled the room I couldn't stop the tears falling from my eyes. Silent sobs wracked my body as I felt more lonely than feel like I actually had a chance with Asher. That I was so completely oblivious to the situation..what a fool I was. I decided I will just sleep for a few hours and then get the hell out of here. Suddenly I felt my phone buzz, my vision slightly blurry and my hands fumbling to click the message. Ronan74: Are you okay?
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