Chapter 7-The Call

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Ronan's text kept running through my mind, the message actually making me heart aching as realization hit me like a ton of bricks..he is just probably wondering if I drank too much or something..concerned for me as a friend because why would Ronan like me more than that? How could I think that he could develop feelings for me when it hadn't happened so far in my life. What would be different this time? Even with a fake online character and world, there was no way he would have feelings for me. I just needed to realize that now and not get my hopes up. Katina: yeah, just going to bed. I set the phone down, closing my eyes as that pain began to settle in my chest. All those times I was a third wheel to Mack when the guys I liked only talked to me to get to her. Realizing that it would never be me because there was obviously something wrong with me..nineteen years old and a virgin. Not only a virgin, but I have never even had a real kiss before. Suddenly the image of Asher's mouth against my neck filled me and I couldn't help but groan. embarrassing, I don't think I could ever look him in the eye again after that..he had to know I was completely into it and more than willing...that's the worst part. Just then my phone vibrated again. Ronan74: Can I call you? I instantly sat straight up, my heart racing as I read his message over and over again. He wanted to call me? I quickly wiped my eyes, taking a few steadying breaths as I typed back a message. Writing out a response and then deleting it, fighting with what I should even say..finally I just typed out a message and hit send while falling back on the bed, groaning loudly. Katina: yeah sure, if you like. Oh god..I needed to play this cool. I bit my lip anxiously, staring at the screen, waiting for a response as my heart stopped when I saw his call prompt on the chatting app. "Hello?" I whispered, my nerves going crazy as I felt like my heart just might beat out of my chest. "Hey, how are you feeling?" His deep velvety tone caused a shiver to run through me. He sounded like he was trying to be quiet too. I turned in the bed, biting my lip as I took a shuddering breath. Feeling even more anxious after everything that happened tonight. " I never want to drink again." I laughed nervously and I could hear him chuckle softly as I turned in the bed once more. "Yeah, sounds like quite the eventful night." He sounded just as nervous as me... For some reason, his voice always sounded so familiar to me. The way he spoke and his be honest..he sounded a lot like Asher but more deep and husky, let's hope that was the only similarity they had, if not..I'm in big trouble. "What did you end up doing? And sorry for drunk texting you so much." I cringed inwardly, hoping it didn't annoy him too much. He laughed, seeming to relax with my lighthearted response..let's be honest, I was surprised I could even form coherent sentences at this point. "Just hung out with a few friends. And it's okay, you can always text me, drunk or not." I could hear the smile in his voice and my heart skipped a beat..he sounded so handsome. I could just tell by the way he spoke..but no matter what his personality is what drew me to him the most. "I know you are pretty private..and you don't have to tell me..I just..well I was wondering how old are you?" I blurted out..Trixie's words echoing through me..please don't be fifty..please don't be fifty. He paused for a moment, obviously contemplating if he should share more about himself. Which I understand..technically I am a complete stranger. "I'm twenty-two." He whispered and I sat up.. that's not too bad, three years older. "Oh gosh, what a relief..Trixie had me thinking you were a fifty-year-old man." I laughed, causing his own deep laugh to follow. "Nope not fifty, how old are you?" He asked, making me feel nervous all of a sudden. Maybe I was too young for him. "I uh, turned nineteen this past June." I closed my eyes, bracing myself for the rejection. "Oh, that's not too bad, three years difference." His response making my stomach flip uncontrollably. "Yeah." I said breathlessly..was this really happening? There was a slight pause and then he began speaking once more. "You know, you are quite a hot commodity on the server. Everyone's talking about the badass mage who solos rare mobs." I couldn't help but smile at his teasing tone. "Hmm, you are right..I think I might deserve a raise." I quipped back, causing him to laugh. "Don't I shower you with enough gifts already?" Okay, he was freaking adorable. "Well..I mean I really haven't seen what the other guilds can offer, sooo..." I said innocently, and I swear I heard him growl. "Don't you dare." He huffed, and I couldn't help but giggle uncontrollably, which was quite embarrassing. "I'm just teasing. You know where my loyalty lies." I can't believe how easy it is to talk to him..and I'm actually being flirty. "Yeah, I'm sure you get lots of offers we don't know about..even in real life. I'm surprised you don't have a boyfriend." He said with a low tone, and my stomach twisted. Was this his way of asking if I had a boyfriend? "Nah, no boyfriend here. What about you?" I asked nervously. "Do I have a boyfriend? No." He teased, and I scoffed, feeling a little better from his playful banter. "You know what I mean.." I laughed. "Nope, no girlfriend either." He whispered softly, the way he said this, making me feel more nervous than I ever have in my life. "I'm surprised, from the sound of your voice you must be batting them off daily." He had to be smoking hot..I just know it. "Oh yeah? You like my voice?" He asked smugly and I couldn't help the huge smile that appeared on my face. "I's okay I guess." I bit my lip. "Well..can I be honest?" He asked, making my heart race. "Yeah, of course." I whispered, turning in the bed and pulling the covers over my head. Hiding from my own embarrassment. "I think you have the sexiest voice I have ever heard." He said with a husky tone. Oh god..his words went straight through me and shot right to my core. "Really?" I asked breathlessly, my voice coming out raspy and full of wanting. Shit..what was Ronan doing to me? "Yeah..I find myself imagining want it would be like to hear it in person. To be next to you and see what you look like right now." He admitted and I don't know if it was the alcohol or the s****l tension but what I said next surprised me completely. " you want me to send you a picture..of what I look like?" I asked, feeling like I wanted to get this out of the way. Maybe this wouldn't make him interested anymore. Maybe I won't be his type. I know he has seen my profile picture but it's kind of old and just of my face at an angle.. "Yeah..if you feel comfortable doing that." He said breathlessly. "Okay, I have to hang up first so I can take the picture, and then call me back after you get it. If you want to I mean." I said nervously..gosh, I felt so embarrassed by how cringy I was being. "Okay, I will call back right after." He replied and quickly hung up. I sat up in bed, turning on the light as I got my phone ready. I quickly tried to fix my hair and drunkenly took off the hoodie. Would this be too revealing? I feel like I want to show him I'm interested and it's not like my boobs are really hanging out. I lifted the camera, smiling softly as I snapped a photo. Looking at it I realized I look so drunk my hazel eyes were glossy and my lip was swollen from biting it too much..I deleted it instantly and took a few more and picked the one I thought looked best. A deep shuddering breath left me as I sent the picture without a second thought. I can't deny how sexy I look, with my cleavage showing..maybe I should have kept the hoodie on..ugh, I have never done anything like this before. Katina: okay here it is. I sent, attaching the picture as I laid down, waiting for the phone to vibrate..each second feeling like hours as I waited patiently. Just when I was about to groan and roll over I felt the phone ringing. "Hello?" I whispered nerves on end. "You are absolutely stunning." He breathed, causing my heart to combust as a wide smile spread across my face. "Oh gosh..don't say that, you're making me feel nervous now." I laughed..trying to ease the tension. "No..I mean it..and your outfit..fuck." he said with a growl in his voice. Why was I getting so turned on? "It's a little much..I usually just wear a t-shirt with jeans honestly." I laughed, feeling embarrassed by showing that revealing top. "Well..I'm sure you look just as sexy in that." He added, causing my thighs to press together as a weird sensation filled me. This conversation was turning pretty flirty. "I wish you were here right now." I whispered, slapping my hand over my mouth as my eyes went wide..why the hell did I just say that. "What if I was? What would you do?" He asked, leaving the conversation open to me..I was tired of always being the third wheel..I wanted to be wanted. And Ronan was the first guy to ever show true interest..I felt comfortable with him and he made me feel unlike anything I have ever felt. "I would want you to lay in bed with me." I whispered, my body tingling and my head feeling like I was high up in the clouds. "Fuck..If I was in bed with you, I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off of you." He groaned, causing a soft whimper to leave me. I heard him grunt and shuffle in his bed. "Maybe that's what I would want. Your hands all over me.." I practically moaned, my hand naturally wandering down my body, picturing Ronan's instead of mine. It's weird because I can't see his face in my mind but it's almost like I can feel his personality instead. We have known each other for over a year and have been talking for six it's not like he is a complete stranger. "If my hands were all over you, I wouldn't be able to stop." He admitted, the sound of his blankets shuffling turning me on even more. "Where are your hands right now?" He breathed, causing my hand to stop right at the hem of my pants. I bit my lip, closing my eyes as I felt vulnerable..what if he shuts me down, or is weirded out? "Emery, where are your hands?" He practically growled, his own desire pushing through as I swallowed hard. Hearing my name on his lips making my stomach flip. "At the hem of my panties." I breathed and heard him gasp. "I want you to touch yourself, Emery, picture my hand doing it." His voice turned gruff as his low command made me gasp while I breathed out heavily. "Take off your clothes first." He instructed and I froze for a moment. Should I really be doing this? I don't even know what he looks like.. " it possible..can I see a picture of you? I want to know what you look imagine you." I was nervous to ask..not sure if he wanted to share that with me. "Call me back as soon as you get it." He said quickly and hung up. His voice sounded urgent and I pulled the phone back, waiting for the picture..oh god. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything. Suddenly the phone vibrated and I looked in the chat. I saw a small file and clicked it. HOLY SHIT..he was hot! Oh my gosh..I began studying the picture. He had light brown hair with deep brown eyes, his skin was an olive complexion, and his jaw was square. He was handsome and masculine as he smiled softly, his eyes burning into the camera. Wow..there was no way he would have ever approached me in real life. He looked like a model for some type of cologne ad. Suddenly my phone began vibrating again, startling me. "Did you get it?" He asked, his voice deep and low. "Yeah..Ronan, you are really handsome." I admitted, my cheeks flushing as I bit my lip once more. "Now take off your clothes Emery, I want you naked in bed." He said sternly, making my heart jump.
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