Chapter 5-Feed Me

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Carson reached out, grabbing my arm, dragging me off to somewhere more private. "Carson, what's wrong?" I asked, confused by what was happening. "We need to talk." He barked, his tone was serious and caused my stomach to drop..he seemed mad at me. Carson hastily pulled me into his dad's office, turning on the light, and closed the door. "What the hell are you wearing Em." He asked, his eyes wide as he looked down at my body. I almost forgot how revealing the top was. "Mack picked.." before I could even continue he stopped me. "Of course, she did..listen, you don't have to do what she says you just isn't you." He proclaimed, pointing at my outfit and my heart dropped. Of course, this isn't me..I can't pull something off like this. I must be embarrassing him, I didn't even think of that. "I'm sorry..I will go change right now." Suddenly without warning, Carson took off his hoodie and shoved it over my head. "No need, you can just wear this." He quickly reached out, pulling my trapped hair out of the hoodie and freeing it. His hands lingered subtly by my neck as he looked down at me intently. At least Carson had a shirt on underneath..or that would have been really awkward. "And Em..stay away from Ethan, he is bad news. I know he keeps following you so I want you to stick with me, okay?" He brushed my hair back as I nodded, the alcohol fully kicking in as I swayed slightly. "s**t, are you drunk?" He asked, tilting his head as he met my gaze. A bright smile formed on my lips, the urge to laugh filling me as I nodded my head. "Maybe a little." I giggled, slipping my phone into my front hoodie pocket. "Oh god..your dad's going to kill me if he finds out." He said under his breath, causing me to giggle again. "Yeah, you're not leaving my side." He pulled me along, putting his arm around my shoulders as he shook his head. "I never thought I would see the day Em." He laughed now, smiling down at me. "Thanks for letting me come to the party,I know it's kind of a hassle to have to keep an eye out on me and Mack. I promise I won't drink anymore." I began to ramble, feeling guilty for Carson leaving his own party just to make sure I was okay. "Of course Em, I know, you are a good girl." He smiled, rustling my hair with his large hand causing me to frown. Just then we appeared back at the group as he saddled up next to the redhead again. "Okay, sorry about that. Jackie, this is Em, my other little sister.. nonrelated." He added, making me laugh as I stuck my hand out, offering it to the girl. "Nice to meet you." I smiled and she took my hand, laughing as she smiled brightly. She was freaking gorgeous..I could tell Carson really liked her just from the way he was staring. "You too." She said with a smile, and I glanced around the circle, locking eyes with one particular person, Asher. He was everywhere tonight..what the hell. Asher stared at me intently, that liquid courage finding its way back as I met his gaze. My eyes stared into his just as fiercely. I swear I felt something..a spark, jolt, fireworks..something..maybe all of the above. Just then I remembered my phone, the conversation with Ronan making my stomach drop. I hope he wasn't mad at me. I quickly took it out, opening the chat once more. Katina: hey I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to drop off like that. To be honest I might be a liiiittle drunk. I never really drink so It's coming on strong haha. Katina: but I just wanted to say, I meant what I said before. Okay sorry, I will leave you alone now. I quickly tucked my phone back and tried to listen to the conversation. Carson was debating about some type of movie and how the remake was better than the original. I just listened as I examined the room, seeing Asher obviously not into the convo as he was on his phone too. Then I looked behind him, seeing Ethan leaning against the wall. His eyes locked onto mine as he lifted his beer up and gave me his best lopsided smile. I just smiled softly, feeling my phone vibrate once more as I looked away from Ethan and pulled it out. From MacKenzie: hey, keep my brother busy, Craig just got here. I blinked down at the message, looking up at Carson who was now staring down at my phone with an annoyed look on his face. "I'm guessing you saw that?" I asked softly and he sighed heavily, shaking his head in a disapproving way. "MacKenzie's her own person, it's her bad choices she has to live with." He said with a cold tone, surprising me completely. "Really?" My mouth fell open as I looked up at him. He leaned down, getting closer to my ear. "There's no changing her, I found the more I push the harder she pushes I'm trying the 'don't give a s**t' approach tonight." He said next to me and I nodded, agreeing with him on that. MacKenzie was the kind of girl that if she was told no, she would fight tooth and nail just to get that yes. I on the other hand was a one-time no and listen type of girl. I quickly felt my phone vibrate once more, thinking it was Mack again. Ronan74: how many drinks have you had? My stomach dropped..shit, I think I completely made a fool of myself. Now I seemed like the uncontrollable drunk girl. Katina: four shots, jello shots count as a shot, or since it's a solid would it be a bite? So two shots and two bites of alcohol. Suddenly I heard someone laughing loudly in the group. Glancing up I realized it was Asher laughing, the sound not only surprising me but Carson. He must have said something pretty funny. Asher quickly cleared his throat and turned his attention back to his phone. After a few more minutes of listening to the group talk, I felt my phone again. Ronan74: Maybe you should eat something that doesn't have alcohol in it. Ronan responded and I wondered if he was annoyed with me. "Who are you texting?" Carson asked, glancing down at my phone as I quickly closed it and put it in my pocket. "Just a friend from a game I play online." I said, wanting to change the subject as I noticed Carson staring at me suspiciously. "I think I might go get some food." I slurred, leaning into Carson as I tried to steady myself. "I'll go with you." He responded quickly and I felt Carson was practically babysitting me at his own party. "No, it's okay, I want you to have fun." I waved my hands trying to make my point and before I could drive the point home, Asher stepped up in front of us. "I can take her." He spoke firmly, his presence shocking me. He wanted to take me to get food? Was he confused by who I was or what I needed? "You sure bro?" Carson asked, glancing between us two and covering up his laugh as he watched me frown instantly. "Yeah, let's go." Asher said, gripping my wrist with his large hand. I looked back at Carson as he laughed once more. He knew how much Asher annoyed me lately and how I found him frustrating. My wrist began to tingle, that feeling of Asher around me even stronger when I'm drunk..I quickly shoved that thought to the back of my mind and followed behind him blindly as he pulled me along toward the kitchen. "Let's grab some pizza, you need water too." He yelled at me over the loud music and I nodded my head compliantly. Still trying to debate if this was a dream or not. Asher McNeal was talking to me. He naturally commanded the attention of the whole room as he walked in. Every girl gawking and one is immune, not even me for the most part. His height alone was a head-turner every time he went anywhere. I felt like a small child being pulled by their dad. That thought made me laugh as he looked at me with amusement. He brought me over to the counter and turned me to face him. Suddenly his hands went to my waist, causing me to yelp as he swiftly lifted me up onto the counter. My skin exploded with warmth from the contact as butterflies fluttered in my stomach. Why does he affect me so much? He steadied me on the counter, our eyes meeting for a brief moment as he watched me intently. "Don't go falling off now." He muttered as he slowly backed away, reaching for something in an ice bucket. His words put fear in me..would I fall off? My fingers quickly gripped the edge of the counter as I watched him backing up towards the large bucket and not taking his eyes off of me. He reached down, grabbing a bottle of water as he strode back to me in three long steps. His hands reached for me as he wrapped one around my waist, holding me in place. My eyes widened, the feel of his warm palm on my back making me wriggle on the countertop. My heart felt as if it might one had ever touched me like this. Well..if they did, it didn't feel like this. "Drink this." He said, once the fear of me not falling off passed. I was about to reach for the water when Asher pressed it to my lips, tipping it back for me and helping me drink. His eyes were glued to me as I gulped the water down. "Now eat." He set the water down and was now trying to shove a slice of pizza in my mouth. Who the hell was this guy? I locked eyes with Asher once more and took a bite. "Who are you?" I asked shocked, not realizing I said it out loud until he responded to me. "What do you mean?" He looked at me curiously, his tall stature bending slightly to meet me halfway. Causing his shaggy hair to fall in front of his eyes. "Well..I mean you are just acting weird..I feel like most days you don't even remember my name. Now you are feeding me pizza." I laughed, taking another bite of pizza as he continued to study me. I couldn't help but let out a satisfied moan from the delicious greasy food. "I remember your name." He grumbled, his shaggy hair still covering his eyes as I instinctively reached my hand up, brushing it to the side. He froze, his eyes widening, making me realize my mistake as I looked away from him, embarrassed. "Well, it's not Emily, just in case." I laughed, feeling awkward about what I just did and trying to make light of it. He probably doesn't even remember calling me Emily, why am I even bringing this up? Suddenly I remembered Ronan..crap I ignored him again. I took another bite of pizza that Asher was holding for me and reached into my pocket, pulling the phone out. Checking my messages I noticed he hadn't said anything back. I quickly shoved it back into my pocket and frowned. "What? Is that your boyfriend?" Asher suddenly asked, pulling me from my thoughts, and causing my cheeks to burn red instantly. "Boyfriend? No..well I" I stammered, embarrassment filling me as he looked at me curiously. "You don't like him?" He asked with a raised eyebrow and I wondered how much of my conversation with him he read. "Well..that's not it..I just don't think he likes me." I said honestly, feeling a pang of hurt from voicing it out loud. "So you do like him?" Asher asked intently, his gaze burning into mine..making me feel puzzled for a moment. "Well..I umm..Yeah.." there..I said it. To the last person I ever thought I would admit anything to on earth. Who knew I would get drunk and spill my heart out to Asher about another man that might not even exist really. I mean..I have heard a voice, but that's about it. Just then a booming laugh filled the kitchen as Asher stiffened in front of me. His hands sliding down and gripping my waist, steadying me. "Hey Em! There you are..I've been looking for you everywhere." Ethan smiled, causing me to smile back naturally. Why did I get the feeling that just pissed Asher off..
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