Chapter 7: Awake

1972 Words
Carter I sit like that until they come back. Alyssa assures me that Lexi will be okay, she just needs to rest. She asks Charles and I to step out so that she can do a full body examination. As much as I would like to stay, I will give her privacy. I waited outside in the hall until she called me again. “Alpha, she has a hairline fracture and a bit of swelling on her brain due to the impact. Her neck will be stiff for a while due to whiplash. I have started her on a course of antibiotics, and have treated all her wounds. Now we just have to wait for her to wake up.” Alyssa said as I went to sit and held Lexi’s hand. I feel those delicious tingles when I touch her skin. Is it possible to love her already? I can’t lose her; she just has to be okay. I kissed her forehead, and said a silent prayer to the Moon Goddess for bringing her to me, and for keeping her safe when I couldn’t. It’s been two days, and she still hasn’t woken. I feel like I am losing my mind, and I know I am driving Alyssa crazy. I had a bed moved into Lexi’s room, so I could stay with her. I just sit and watch her while she sleeps so peacefully. I know she is okay, and I can hear the steady beat of her heart, but I can’t help but worry. All I want, is to see those beautiful amber eyes of hers, and for her to tell me she is okay. I don’t know how I am going to reveal myself to her, or how I am going to explain the mate bond. I know she can feel it, and is as affected by me as I am by her. I can also see that something is holding her back, and I won’t rest until I know why she seems so guarded. Alyssa warned me a few times to take it slow with her, and I feel like there is more she wants to say, but she doesn’t. I can use my alpha command on her, but I don’t want to interfere with her work. I know that whatever she is holding back from me, is probably confidential, as Alexia is now her patient. I have no idea what it could be though. She stirs a bit and lets out a whimper before she goes quiet again. After a while, I hear her whimper again, and murmur something unintelligible. When I looked at her face, I saw a few tears roll down her cheek. I use my thumbs to wipe them and after a while, the tears and the whimpers stop, and she goes still again. What could possibly make her so sad? I kissed her eyes and her cheeks, before I sat down again, and held her hand. I love the feeling of the tingles when our skin touches. I heard about the effect of the mate bond, but I never knew just how strong it was. Imagine what it would be like when I am inside her. f**k, not now Carter, keep your thoughts PG, your mate is in a coma. My phone vibrates, and I answer when I see its Charles. “Hey, what’s up?” I ask softly, not wanting to wake her. “Hey, I just wanted to check if our Luna woke up already.” He says and I smile. “She is still asleep, but Alyssa assured me she should wake soon.” I say and he sighs. “That’s good man, I can’t wait to meet her. My mom is at your place, getting everything ready for her. She is even more excited.” He says with a chuckle. “Tell your mom I say thanks, she is the best.” I said. “She knows, and she loves you the most. You are the only one who allows her to take over your home and kitchen. I swear she literally threatens the other staff when they want to come to your place to clean up.” He says. “I know she loves me the most, who wouldn’t?” I say and he chuckles. “She just comes there because she loves the kitchen and the house. I think the fact that you and James are nowhere around also helps. She needs a break from you too.” I said and laughed at his obvious fake gasp. “How dare you? I am her sweetest and most gentle son.” He says and chuckles. “I have to go, let me know if you or Luna need anything.” He says now seriously. “I will, thank you, Charles. I will let you know when she wakes.” I said and end the call. I sat back down and held onto Alexia’s hand. I want nothing more than to get into bed and pull her into my arms, but I can’t risk moving her. How much longer is she going to be in this state? What if she never wakes, and I never get to see those beautiful eyes of hers again? I stroked her cheek and then took one hand into both of mine, trying to will her to wake up. Alexia I could feel someone was holding my hand, and I felt that tingle again. I tried to open my eyes, but it was so bright, so I closed them again. I tried again and squinted to let my eyes adjust to the light. I tried to turn my head, but was met with a pain in my neck. My head was throbbing, and I felt nauseous. I closed my eyes again and when I opened them again, I was met with two familiar green eyes filled with worry. “Carter?” I croaked. My throat was so dry. Where am I, and why do I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck? Then the accident came back to me. f**k, I’m such an i***t. I knew I should’ve driven an automatic, but all I could afford was that stupid manual car. “Hey beautiful, you gave me quite a scare. Do you need some water?” Carter asked while getting something from the side of the bed. “Please, my throat is so dry” I said in barely a whisper. He put the straw in my mouth, and I took a few sips. “Where am I? How long have I been out? How did I get here? Last thing I remember was trying not to hit the animal that ran in the road, and hitting a tree instead.” I said in a rather raspy voice. “Well, I woke up about a half an hour after you left and called for you, but I didn’t get an answer. The nurse told me you left, after she warned you not to.” he said in a stern voice with one eyebrow raised. “I asked one of my guys to follow you to make sure you got to Rapid Falls in one piece. He found you unconscious, in your wrecked car, and brought you back here. You’ve been out for 2 days. You had a bad concussion, but luckily not too much damage. Doc Grant says you are very lucky, and that the swelling in your brain will subside in a week or two. It's Monday afternoon now,” he said. What? f**k, I missed my first day of work. “I have to go. It’s my first day at work. I really messed up.” I said, wincing as I tried to move. “Stay put, your neck is still very stiff, and you can’t get up even if you try. Don’t worry about work, your boss has been advised about the accident, and said you can start in a month. You need to rest and recover, and that should be enough time to do that,” he says. “No, I just need a few days. I will call them myself to apologize, as soon as I can get to my phone. Thank you for saving me, I guess we are even now.” I said with a small smile. “Well, technically I didn’t save you, Charlse did. So, I still owe you.” He says with a wink. “You did send someone to check on me, so that still classifies as a save. I would say we are even” I answered. “Let’s not argue about that now, I didn’t personally save you, so it doesn’t count. I will get the doctor so that she can check on you. I will be right back.” He says with a smile. “Thank you, Carter,” I said and really meant it. He walked back in, with Dr Grant hot on his heels. She gave me a gentle smile. “You took quite a knock, Miss Kane. I’m glad you are awake. I am just going to check your vitals, and administer some pain meds. The nurse will bring you lunch. After that, I want you to get some more rest. The CT scan didn’t show any damage, just a bit of swelling. You knocked your head against the steering wheel, before the airbags kicked in. You have a hairline fracture and the stitches should fall out in a few days. We will be keeping you for observation for another two days, and if all is well after another scan, you will be free to go.” she said, ending with a smile. She really made me feel so at ease and safe. “Thank you, Dr Grant.” I say. “Can I lift the bed a bit more for her so she can eat?” Carter asks. “Sure, she must keep the neck brace on for a few more days. Please don’t make any sudden movements, try to take your time when moving.” She says while checking on the machines, and listening to my heart. When she was done, she told me the food would be here shortly, and to eat slowly and then rest. I could feel the pain subsiding a bit. It must be the meds she spoke of. “So, care to explain why you couldn’t wait to get away from me? You put your life in danger by driving so late, even with the warning the nurse gave. Am I that bad that you would rather be in danger, then stay the night with me?” he asked in what sounded like a sad tone. s**t, I didn’t mean to hurt him. How do I explain, without giving myself away? “I’m sorry Carter, I wasn’t running from you. I just really wanted to get to my new home. I was going to drive on Sunday to visit you. I just wanted to get settled and not waste more time. I didn’t mean for you to feel bad,” I said sincerely. I can’t tell him that I am s**t scared of spending any more time with him. “Okay, so at least I’m not the reason you left. I’m still mad at you for putting your life in danger though. Now you owe me two dates to make up for the pain and suffering you caused me,” he said with a broad grin. I rolled my eyes, and tried to laugh, but coughed instead. My chest hurt; it must be from those stupid airbags. “Hey, I’m sorry I won’t make you laugh just yet. Do you want some more water?” he asked while bringing the cup nearer. I took a few sips and thanked him.
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