Chapter 8: Secrets

1967 Words
Alexia Just then, the nurse walked in with a tray with some soup and what looked like jelly. Carter took it, and started to feed me the soup. “I can feed myself, you know, nothing is wrong with my hands,” I said. He chuckled, but still continued to hold the spoon to my lips. “Let me take care of you please. Just open that pretty little mouth of yours, and eat.” He says with a smile. I however, flinched and froze. Another memory, f**k not now… “Open that pretty little mouth of yours, you dirty little w***e” that voice that gives me chills said. I closed my eyes and tried to shake the memory. I opened my eyes, and Carter was eyeing me worriedly. “Are you okay? Did I do or say something wrong? Should I get the doctor?” Carter asked in a worried tone. “No, I’m fine. Just a wave of nausea,” I lied. He didn’t say anything, but I could feel he didn’t believe me fully. He asked if he could continue to feed me, and I let him. He was so sweet and attentive. I did not deserve his kindness. After I ate, and he tucked me in again, he left to make a few calls. He said he had to check up on business, and follow up with Chief Bill on the robbery. I agreed because, in all honesty, I was tried. I also wanted to limit my time with him. I do not need him getting attached to me, if I have to run again. He doesn’t seem the type to give up easily though. A few minutes after he left, Dr Grant came in, she closed the door and took a seat next to my bed. “Alexia, I have a few questions to ask you. We don’t have a medical record at this hospital for you, and you were unconscious when you arrived.” She said with a small smile, though her eyes held some other emotion I could not grasp. “Okay sure” I said. “Do you have any allergies in regard to medication?” she asked. “No doc, not that I am aware of.” I answered. She proceeded to go through a list of diseases, and I answered as she went. “The last thing I need to ask is a bit sensitive. Please don’t take offense, I am your doctor now, and everything you say is confidential.” She says with a soft smile and sad eyes. I already know what’s coming. Fuck, I almost forgot. She obviously saw, because she had to check my body. I looked away, and tried to remain calm. “Alexia, you know what I am referring to, don’t you?” she says in a soft tone. “Yes” I said so softly, but I know she heard. “I won’t force you to tell me how you got those injuries, though I hope you feel safe enough to trust me, with the truth. I just want to make sure that there aren’t any internal injuries, I should check for? I treated and stitched a few that were not healed correctly. I also put you on an antibiotic to ensure that it heals. I hadn’t said anything to Carter, and he did not see any of your wounds. If he sees the bandages, we will tell him it’s from the crash.” She says, still using that soft, friendly tone. “I appreciate your help, doctor. You didn’t have to. It’s a very long story, and one I do not wish to share just yet. I don’t know about internal injuries, but could I please ask you to check if it’s not too much trouble.” I said, trying and failing to hide the few wayward tears that escaped. “It’s not a problem at all, my dear, it’s my job. I understand if you don’t want to share right now, but you know where to find me. I will help in any way I can. You can call me anytime of the day. We also have a on-call psychologist that you can speak to, if you want. She handles our trauma counseling as well.” she says and hands me a card with her cell number, as well as office number. “I will be right back to do an internal exam.” She says as she gets up to leave. When the door closes, I let the tears flow freely. Why is everyone here so great? I should never have gotten into that accident. I can’t let them know the truth behind those scars. All I see is shame when I look at them. The door opens, and I don’t look up because I think it's Dr Grant, but am startled to find a worried-looking Carter in front of me, cupping my cheeks and wiping my tears away. “What’s wrong Lexi?” he asks while gently wiping my tears away. “It’s nothing, I’m sorry, I didn’t even realize I was crying” I lied, but I could see that this time he didn’t believe me at all. I saw him look at the scar just above my breast with interest. I pulled the blankets higher, and tried to pull away. He gently cupped my cheeks again, and lifted my face to look into his eyes. “I know that there is a lot of pain hiding behind those beautiful bright eyes of yours, Lexi. I am here for whatever you need. I feel this need to be close to you, and protect you. I won’t ask, but I hope that someday you will let me get to know the real you, and share some of that pain with me. I know this may seem strange since we met practically three days ago, but I really want to be a part of your life. Will you allow me that one wish?” he says in that low husky tone. “Carter, my life is a mess, and I would rather spare you from the drama,” I whispered. “You don’t have to spare me from anything, Lexi, I choose to be near you. I want, and need to keep you safe and happy. Will you please give me a chance to show you that I can make you happy?” Carter said with a soft smile. Fuck, I want this man. I want the safety he is offering me. But how can I accept it? What if I need to leave again? I don’t want to hurt him. “You don’t even know me, Carter.” I say “That’s why I am asking for a chance to get to know you,” he says while stroking my cheek. I was about to answer when Dr Grant walked in. She gave me a knowing smile when she saw Carter, and set her equipment up. “Mr. Quinn, can you please give us a few minutes? I need to do some more tests on my patient. You should also still be resting, not prancing around like someone who didn’t have surgery three days ago.” She says, pointing a finger at Carter when she said the last part. He gave her a huge grin, and then he asked “Is everything okay with Lexi? Why do you need to do more tests?” “Just some follow-up tests, and lady stuff while we are at it. Please wait outside, or better, yet go to your own room and rest” she said in a no-nonsense tone. “Fine doc, just let me know when you are done. I can’t rest till I know she is okay” he says, and gives me a kiss on my forehead, and leaves the room. I know I’m blushing, so I can’t look at Dr Grant. She looks at me and chuckles. “That man is quite smitten with you my dear. I have known him for many years, but I have never seen him this attentive to anyone, besides his parents. Do you know that he forced us to bring a bed in here, and he stayed at your side until you woke? He is a good man, but very private.” She says with a soft smile. “He does seem like a great guy. I’m just not looking for a relationship, or intimacy at the moment. All I can offer him is friendship.” I said, looking away from her. “Well, I’m a doctor not cupid, but I do think you guys could be good together. I understand what you just said, but give him a chance. Whatever you went through won’t matter to him.” She said with a hint of sadness. “Do you want to know what the first thing is that he asked for, when he opened his eyes, after the surgery?” she asked with a broad smile. “What?” I asked, now very curious. “He opened his eyes and asked me where the beautiful angel, with the amber eyes is, that came with him?” she said with a chuckle. “The drugs we used to put him under make you wonky, so it was kind of funny. I knew he meant you, though the nurse thought he was still high on the anesthetic. He didn’t ask if he was okay, he asked for you. That, my dear, is a man smitten.” She says with an even bigger smile. I couldn’t help my answering grin. Did he really think I was beautiful? It could’ve been the drugs, but he called me beautiful before. “Okay, let’s get started, shall we.” Dr Grant says, snapping me out of my thoughts. About 30 minutes later, she was done, and left assuring me that I would get the results later. I was about to close my eyes when the door opened again, and Carter walked in looking worried. “Everything okay Lexi?” he asked. “Yeah, doc will let me know later, if there is anything to worry about. It’s just standard follow-ups, I suppose.” I lied. “Okay, I hope it's good news then. So, we are both still patients here. I need rest, you need rest, so why not rest together” he says with a smirk. “Well, there is another bed in the room, so feel free to use it.” I answered. “I would really like to share yours. I would really like to hold you while you sleep, if you don’t mind. I just need to know you are safe.” Huh? I was caught so off guard that I just said yes. Did I just agree for him to sleep with me? What the f**k is wrong with me? But deep down I knew that I really needed to be held right now, so I scooted over a bit. He smiles and, slowly and gently, gets in next to me. “Come here and lay in my arms with your head on my chest. That way we both won’t move too much. I don’t need the doc scolding me for hurting you.” he says. I do as he asks and snuggle up to him. I lay there not saying a word as I closed my eyes, and listened to his heartbeat. He runs his fingers through my hair, and it makes me even more sleepy. I fell asleep like that, him stroking my hair, and me listening to the beat of his heart, feeling soothing tingles wherever we touched. “Sleep well my beautiful angel” is the last thing I hear before sleep takes me.
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