Chapter 6: Midnight Mistakes and My Mate

1895 Words
Alexia When I stepped out of the restroom, I saw that his eyes were closed. Hopefully he is asleep. He should be, judging by all the meds he was given. So, he should be in a deep sleep soon. I sat down again on the chair for a bit, scrolling through my phone. I got the GPS ready from here, to my new address. Looks like just a little over an hour still to go. Luckily, I was told where to find the key to my new cottage, so I don’t need to bother anyone’s sleep. I’m sure the drive there will be okay. I waited another 5 minutes before I called Carter softly. He didn’t respond, so I walked quietly to the door, and towards the nurse’s station. Lana wasn’t there anymore, but the nurse that organizes the bed was. “I won’t be staying; Carter is fast asleep. Please tell him I will call to check on him tomorrow. Have a good evening further.” I said to her. “Are you sure mam, I know you are not from around here, so where will you be staying?” she asked. “I am actually on my way to Rapid Falls, that’s where I will be staying.” I answered her. “Are you going to be driving to Rapid Falls now?” she asked surprised. “Yes, don’t worry, it isn’t a long drive, and I really do need to leave.” I answered. “Please rethink your decision. You can leave in the morning. The road to Rapid Falls is not safe at night, its misty and there is no lighting. There are a lot of wild animals that cross the road at night, and the mist makes it hard to see them,” she says. “I will be okay, please don’t worry about me, Goodnight.” I say as I walk away. Once I am outside in the fresh air, I feel like I can breathe again. It’s not hard to find my car, because the parking lot is nearly empty. I got in and turned on the GPS, and pulled out of the lot. A few minutes later, I could see what the nurse meant. The road was very misty, so I switched on my headlights. I will just drive slowly and carefully, even if it takes longer to get there. There was nothing but forest on both sides of the road. After a few miles, I came up to a bend. I was about to slow down, when something ran in front of the car, from the left side of the road. I swerved the car, so that I did not hit the animal. In my panic to get hold of the car again, I accelerated instead of hitting the brakes. By the time I realized this, it was too late, and I drove straight into a tree. Due to the force, I banged my head on the steering wheel before the airbags kicked in, and knocked the wind out of me. My eyes slowly closed and blackness overtook me. I could feel someone was moving me, but I was too out of it to know what was happening. I knew I was moving, and my body ached with every movement. My head was pounding, and I tried to open my eyes, but I couldn’t. I must’ve blacked out again, because when I eventually tried to open my eyes, I was hit by a blinding light, and I shut them again. Carter I woke up with a start, and immediately looked around for Alexia. Maybe she is in the bathroom. I lay back down, and closed my eyes and smiled. I can’t believe I found her, or rather she found me. She is perfect, beautiful and sweet, and those eyes… Goddess, those eyes. It’s like she is staring into my soul. I can see pain behind those beautiful eyes of hers, and I wonder what could make her so sad. I need to know everything about her. “Lexi?” I yelled out, but got no answer. I yell again, and realize that I can’t smell her, her scent of caramel and the sea is faint, she must’ve left. I reach for the call button and press it, and the nurse from before comes walking in. “Everything okay Mr. Quinn?” the nurse asks. I think her name is Emma, I honestly don’t care about that now. “Yes, I am okay. Where did Alexia go?” I ask and she frowns. “She left; she said she needed to get to Rapid Falls.” She says. “What!” I yell, making her flinch. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to yell. She shouldn’t be driving to Rapid Falls at this time of night. Didn’t you warn her?” I asked, trying to rein my anger in. “I did, she wouldn’t listen. I told her that the road would not be visible, and there are many animals crossing at night. We have had enough accident victims for me to know that road is not safe.” She says and I try to calm down. “Okay, thank you.” I say and she nods. She checks my machines and records something on my chart, before she leaves. “Go find her now!” Caeser, my wolf, growls in my head. “I will get Charles to watch her. Don’t worry, we will get her, I won’t lose her.” I reply and he just huffs. I pick up my phone and call Charles, my beta. “Alpha, everything okay?” he immediately asks. “Hey Charles, I need a favor please.” I say. “Anytime Carter, what do you need?” He asks immediately. “I found my mate.” I say and I hear him gasp. “That’s great news, congratulations man. We finally have our Luna. What is she like? Where is she from? What’s her name?” he asks, and I just chuckle. “Calm down man, I will tell you everything, but first I need you to go check if she is okay.” I say. “Where is she, what happened?” he asks quickly, sounding worried. “She was supposed to stay in my hospital room for the night, but the nurse said she had left, and drove to Rapid Falls. I need you to check if she is okay, and make sure she made it safely.” I said. He agrees, and after I told him a bit about her, he hangs up. Now I have to wait and worry. I don’t know how I am going to play this, but I have to make her mine. She is human, and I don’t think she knows anything about the supernatural world. I have to take this slow, and ease her into it. I can’t be away from her now that I found her. She may not understand or like my possessiveness, but I have to find a way to make her mine. f**k, I can still taste her on my tongue. I knew I was a little pushy, but I couldn’t resist taking a taste of her plump lips. She is definitely human, but there is something different about her, but I don’t know what it is. My phone rings, taking me out of my thoughts, and I answer. “Alpha, she was in an accident. She is unconscious, but I think she is okay. I am on my way back to the hospital with her.” He says and I growl. “f**k, please tell me she is okay.” I growl out. “Calm down Carter, she just knocked her head. We will be there soon.” He says, and I try to rein Caeser in, because he wants to shift and go look for her. “Okay just get here quick.” I say and he hangs up. “f**k!” I yelled out in frustration. I mind-link Dr Grant, and tell her that Charles is on his way back with an unconscious Alexia. She immediately comes to my room, and I fill her in on what I know. “Carter, you have to be careful with her, she is human.” She says and I just nod. “I know, but now that I found her, Caesar and I can’t be away from her.” I say, and she squeezes my shoulder before she gets up. “I will help as much as I can, but for now I need to go get ready for my patient. I will keep you updated.” She says and leaves the room. I got up, and threw on sweatpants, and headed out to the emergency room. “What the hell Carter? I told you to rest.” Alyssa says and I roll my eyes. “I have had worse injuries Doc, I will be fine, I am already healing. I need to check on Lexi.” I say and she sighs. “Werewolves make the worst f*****g patients.” She grumbles under her breath, but she knows I can hear her, and I just chuckle. A few minutes pass before Charles comes running into the room, with an unconscious Alexia. I can’t help the growl that escapes my lips, at the state she is in. He lays her down on a bed that is readily waiting, and I rush over to check on her. Alyssa shoos me away, but I growl at her. She just gives me a scow, l and continues to check on Alexia. “Give her space Carter, let Doc do her job. She will be okay.” Charles said, with a comforting hand on my shoulder. I know I am being unreasonable, but I don’t like seeing her in pain. The nurse wheels the bed to a room, and I follow behind. “You can stay Carter, but you need to give me space to work.” Alyssa says, and I nod, kiss Alexia on her forehead, and step out of the way. I never take my eyes off her. “Mark her, it will help her heal her.” Caesar says. “No, we can’t do that to her. She is human and won’t understand. We have to wait until she accepts us.” I said, trying to make him understand. He just huffs and stays quiet. “I have to take her for a CT scan, you can wait here.” Alyssa says. “No, I want to go with her.” I growled out. “You can’t Carter, she will be okay. Just wait here, she has a concussion and I just need to check for any internal swelling. I’ll be quick.” She says. Charles put his hand on my shoulder, and squeezed it. I nod, and watch them wheel away my reason for breathing. “f**k!” I yell, and slide down the wall, sitting with my head in my hands. “She will be okay Carter. Just give it a day or two. We will be right here to make sure nothing else ever happens to her again.” Charles assures me, but I don’t look up. I just found her and I let her get hurt. She couldn’t even wait to get away from me.
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