Chapter 3: Blonde bimbos and fiancés?

1921 Words
Alexia I sat back on my chair and continued with my wondering thoughts. If it’s true that Rapid Falls does not allow any outsiders, why did they give me the job? Hmm, I need to find out why. I hope it was my stellar CV I created for myself. I didn’t exactly fabricate anything besides the name. All those achievements and experiences are all mine, not Alexia’s. Hopefully no one finds that out. I really need to get moving and situated in my new cottage. I only have 2 days to unpack before I start at Rapid Falls News. I wonder why they need a publication if it’s such a small town, and everyone knows each other. Well, who am I to complain? At least I will have a paying job and a safe place to hide out. It’s been about 3 hours, and I’m still in the waiting room. No one has come to talk to me again, but I’m not exactly Carter’s Family, so I shouldn’t expect updates. Just as I get up to go to the nurse’s station, a leggy blonde in a very short, tightly-fitted black dress, with her huge boobs popping halfway out, pushes past me in six-inch heels and speaks to the nurse first. “Where is Carter Quinn? He was brought in with a stab wound, and I demand to see him right now!” she says in a very high-pitched nasal voice. “Good day mam, you can have a seat in the waiting area. Mr. Quinn is still in surgery. As soon as the doctor is done, she will come speak to you.” the nurse says with a small smile. “I will not wait; I demand to see him now,” she says with a scowl. Who the f**k is this b***h, being so demanding, when the nurse just explained to her what is going on. “Mam, as I said, he is still in surgery, and cannot receive any visitors.” the nurse answers, trying to hide her frustration. Is this b***h stupid, she is really taking the dumb blonde stereotype a bit too far, I think. “I am his fiancé and I demand respect. Don’t speak to me in that tone. Carter owns half of this stupid hospital. If you don’t let me see him right now, you can pack your bags and I will make sure the first thing he does when he wakes, is fire you for disrespecting me.” She all but screams. What the actual f**k. I’m speechless, part of me wants to slap her for speaking to the nurse like that, but I stay put. Poor Carter, to be engaged to that. I shiver, feeling a bit sorry for him. “Mam, I will say it again, he is still in surgery so you will have to wait.” The nurse says, trying to remain calm. “Fine, have it your way. I want your name and surname, as well as your identity badge.” The leggy blonde says, or let’s call her ‘Blonde bimbo’. “I am nurse Lana Graves mam, and I’m sorry I can’t hand over my ID card to non-personnel. I do know that you are not a staff member here, nor are you my employer, so I’m sorry, but you won’t be getting my badge.” Nurse Lana says with a smile on her face. I fist pump the air behind the blonde bimbo, so that Lana can see me. I stifled a giggle and continued to watch the show. Lana seems to be well-equipped enough to handle this i***t. “Listen here you b***h, who the f**k do you think you are to speak to me like that” the bimbo says, just as the doctor comes walking to the nurse’s station. She walked right past the bimbo and straight over to me. “Hello again Alexia, I’m Dr Alyssa Grant. I’m so glad you stayed. The operation was a success. The knife made a small puncture in his intestine, but I patched it up. With some rest, and good after care, he will be better in no time. He asked to see you. Could you please follow me?” The doctor says with a bright smile. “I’m so glad he is going to be okay. Are you sure he wants to see me?” I asked, puzzled. How did she know my name? “Yes, Mr. Quinn asked for the lady that accompanied him when he arrived. He didn’t give me your name, but the paramedics explained what happened, and gave me your name.” Dr Grant replied. “Doctor, I need to see Carter Quinn. Is he awake? He must be dying to see me. I am his fiancé, Rebecca Small,” The blond bimbo says, barging into our conversation. Dr Grant gives her a once over before she replies. “Well, Miss Small, Mr. Quinn is awake, and the surgery was a success. He is in a recovery room and not allowed any visitors at the moment”, Dr Grant says with a small smile. “But you just said that you are taking her to see him.” Rebecca says to Dr Grant. “And who the f**k is she anyway? Carter is my fiancé and I should be attending to him. Not some…” she looks me over with distain “back-alley, gold digging w***e from God knows where. Why does this b***h get to see Carter and I don’t? I am his fiancé!” she screams. If this b***h doesn’t stop, I’m going to slap her right into the middle of next month. Who the f**k is she calling a w***e? She is the one that seems to be dressed like a call-girl. Before I can shut this b***h up, the doctor replies for me. “Miss Small is it; Mr. Quinn gave explicit instructions that he only wanted to see Miss Alexia, before he got some rest. You are welcome to come back during visiting hours or wait for Mr. Quinn to ask you. This is a hospital, and we have many patients recovering and resting, so I would please ask you to keep your voice down.” Dr Grant says as she shows me to the recovery rooms. I follow her, and hear Rebecca scream and curse about getting her fired too. What an utter b***h. What could he possibly see in her? I entered the room I was shown, and saw Carter lying on the bed attached to a drip and some machine monitoring his heart beat and blood pressure, I think. He opened his eyes when I entered, and gave me a very handsome dimpled smile. I returned his smile and sat on the chair next to his bed. “Hi Alexia, thank you for waiting around to see if I’m okay. Dr Grant said you stayed the whole time. I really appreciate you helping me and coming to the hospital with me. You kept me anchored and were my lifeline of sorts. I also hear you stopped our would-be robber. A hero and my own personal guardian angel. I truly am a lucky man,” Carter said with a soft smile. “No thanks necessary, though I never exactly meant to be a hero today. You are lucky though, that injury could’ve been so much worse. I’m just glad that asshole is locked up and can’t hurt anyone anymore. I’m so glad you are okay Carter, you had me worried when you lost consciousness. I see you are very well taken care of, so I will take my leave. Rest up, and I hope I see you around soon.” I said with a soft smile, even though leaving was the last thing I wanted to do, I knew I had to. I don’t need any more drama, or attention drawn to me, and Carter’s fiancé looks like drama, with a capital D. “Please don’t leave yet, I have so much I want to ask you. I only know your name because of Dr Grant.” He says “I have to get going, I start my new job in Rapid Falls on Monday and I still need to get situated. I will come check in again to see how you are recovering.” I said. “You're staying in Rapid Falls? I haven’t seen you around town before. What brings you to our quiet neck of the woods?” Carter asked with a pensive look on his face. “That’s exactly it, I was in need of some quiet. I was tired of the city life, and applied for a job at the Rapid Falls News, and got it. So, I packed up and drove down here. I was just stopping for gas, when I happened to get in the middle of the robbery at your store.” I said. “Well, whatever the reason, I truly am grateful you needed gas. I’m Carter Quinn, by the way. Owner of the Gas Station, and father to squirrel hating Max.” Carter said with an outstretched hand. “Alexia Kane, reporter and next town over new neighbor.” I said as I shook his hand. There it is again, that tingly feeling. What the f**k? He didn’t let go of my hand, instead he started rubbing his thumb over the back of my hand. I did not like the feeling starting to form in my lower belly. “I would kiss the lovely lady’s hand, but I was told to lie still for the next few hours. Unless you want to come a little closer, so that I can give you a greeting fit for a beautiful lady like you?” Carter said in a low husky voice with a mischievous smile on his face. “That’s okay, stay put and rest. You might pull your stitches and ruin Dr Grant's hard work.” I said shyly. I’m sure my cheeks were the color of a tomato. That voice does something to me I do not want to think about right now. “So, I will check in with the hospital tomorrow. I need to be on my way. It was really nice to meet you, Carter. Please rest and no moving around until Dr Grant approves. I hope to see you around.” I said as I freed my hand from his and got up from my chair. “Please don’t leave yet, I would really like some company. It's lonely just lying here. I would like to know more about you, Alexia. Your presence is very calming, and I really like chatting with you.” Carter says while trying to get up. I rushed towards the bed to try and stop him. “Please stay put, don’t hurt yourself. I really am not that interesting, Carter. Just a regular girl from the city who would much prefer to be out in nature. That’s why I chose Rapid Falls as my new home.” I said while straightening his pillow and tucking him in again. I was just about to move away from the bed, when he grabbed my hand again, and looked in my eyes. Oh, my…those bright green eyes that are engraved in my mind. It’s like his staring into my soul. It’s kind of intense, but calming at the same time. “Please stay for a little longer?” he asked with what looked like a pout.
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