Chapter 4: Carter Quinn

1960 Words
Alexia He was so freaking handsome. Those eyes, and that sculptured jaw line, and sharp nose. Those plump kissable as f**k lips. Hmm…he truly looks like some Mythological Greek God. Damn it Kylie, stop these wayward thoughts. I tried to clear my thoughts, and chastised myself again for using my old name. This guy has me tied up in knots. I need to get out of here and away from him. “I really would love to, but I have to get going. Your fiancé is in the waiting area and is eager to check up on you. I don’t want to overstep, and wear out my welcome.” I said, trying not to show my distain for the said fiancé. Stupid bimbo, she does not deserve this sweet man. “Fiancé?” he says with a puzzled look on his face. That made me look at him quizzically too. “Yes, I think she said her name was Rebecca. She was at the nurse’s station when Dr Grant came to get me, and she was not happy with me getting to see you and not her. So, I think its best I leave.” I said. His whole face changed as soon as I said her name. He was emanating angry vibes, and I felt a little scared to be honest. His eyes turned a shade darker, not the bright green staring at me just a minute ago. “She is not my fiancé Alexia; I don’t want anything to do with that woman.” He says in a low and deep tone. “Well, she announced herself as your fiancé, and shouted at everyone that tried to talk to her. Demanding to see you while you were still in surgery. Oh, and she also threatened to have Nurse Lana fired for disrespecting her status as your fiancé, because you own half of this hospital.” I said. “She did what? That woman is crazy. I will make sure that she leaves, and I will apologize to Lana. I’m so sorry, what did she say to you?” Carter said after he took hold of my hand again. So, not the fiancé then. I wonder what the story is there, but I should really just stay out of it. “Nothing,” I lied. “Tell me Alexia, I can tell she said something to you. Please tell me?” Carter said with pleading eyes that seemed to have brightened a bit. “It doesn’t really matter to me though. But she called me a back-alley, gold-digging w***e, and said that I was not worthy of seeing you, and that you are dying to see her”, I said, looking away from those eyes. “She was probably just reciting her own life story. I’m so sorry that you had to be subjected to that woman’s crazy ass. I would rather die than have to see her. The only person I was dying to see was you.” He said with a smirk. Well f**k, I am actually speechless. I was not expecting him to say that. I need to get out of here. “I’m glad I could be of assistance. I wouldn’t want anyone dying on my watch.” I said, looking at the floor. “Will you please stay a bit. I just need to make a call quickly.” he said, reaching for his phone, but not letting go of my hand. Still drawing patterns with his thumb, while he dials a number on his phone. I heard him ask the person to escort her in because he wanted a word with her. He hung up and looked at me. “Please have a seat for a bit, I just need to speak to someone, before we continue to get to know each other better” he said with a sexy smile. Oh, my…this man does things to me with just a look. I need to steer clear of him. I took my seat again, with him now holding my hand in both of his. The tingly feeling is ever present. Why does it feel like this? A commotion outside drew my attention to the door, just as it was forced open by Miss Bimbo. “Carter baby, I was so worried about you!” she shouted, running towards the bed only to be stopped by the guard that accompanied her. “Let go of me! How dare you! Get your filthy hands off of me now!” she screeched. “Carter baby, have this i***t arrested.” She whines trying to get free of his grip. “Get away from my fiancé you b***h. Who do you think you are? He does not need a hooker right now, or ever. I am all he will ever need.” she screams at me with a look that could kill. “Rebecca, what the f**k are you doing here? I told you to stay away from me, and stop referring to yourself as my fiancé. We are nothing to each other, get that through your thick skull. I do not, and will never, be with a woman like you. If I see you anywhere near myself or Alexia, I will make good on that promise of a restraining order,” Carter said in a low, menacing tone. “Joe, please escort her off the premises, and ensure that she does not enter again, for the duration of my stay. Advise the team as well, please. Thanks, Joe” Carter says to the security guard, as he tries to remove a screaming and squirming Rebecca. “Carter baby no, I love you. I know you love me too. Let’s talk this through.” She screamed down the hallway. Carter gave me an apologetic look while continuing to rub circles on my hand. “I am so sorry about that lunatic; I will make sure she won’t bother us again. I should’ve asked Chief Bill for a restraining order a long time ago, but I just didn’t let her craziness bother me. But I can’t have her upsetting you. I will ask him to have a word with her. Are you ok Alexia?” Carter asked. I was feeling a bit overwhelmed and confused actually, but I didn’t say that. Instead, I said, “You can call me Lexi. Is she an ex of yours? She seems a bit obsessive, to be honest.” “I have never dated, kissed or f****d her, actually. I don’t even acknowledge her. Our parents are friends and try to set us up on dates quite often. I really don’t like her; she is horrible and mean-spirited. She is only after money and status, and she sleeps with anyone that can get her the power she craves. I tolerate her because of our parents’ close friendship, but I’m so tired of her bullshit. Enough about her, let’s not sour the mood by talking about her. She is gone and won’t be back. I want to know everything there is to know about you. You intrigue me, and all I want to do is be near you right now.” Carter said the last part in a very husky tone, that did something to my core. God, this man oozes s*x appeal, even in the state he is in. I can’t fall for his charm; I need to keep my distance from this man. I have too much to hide, and I don’t need to drag anyone else into my s**t show of a life. He is too sweet to get tarnished by my past. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. You need your rest, Carter, and I do really need to get settled into my new home. I promise to come check in on you over the weekend.” I said while trying to get up again. I could see he was tired, but I also could see he was deep in thought. “Okay…” he relented. I was just about to turn and leave, when he continued talking. “I agree that I need some rest, so I can heal, but I would really like you to stay. It feels good having you near me, and I promise I won’t push for more. I just want you to stay a bit. I can ask the nurse to bring in another bed, or you can join me in mine. I will make sure you get home safely in the morning. It's already after 11, and I won’t be able to rest knowing that you are driving alone in the dark. It’s my fault that you are behind schedule, but I promise to make it up to you. It’s not exactly romantic, but please stay the night in my room, so I know you are safe. I know you don’t know anyone here, and it's silly to book into a guest house when you can just stay here with me.” He said with pleading eyes. He could see my resolve waiver as I stared into those stunning eyes of his.” Please…” he said with a tiny smirk. He knew he was winning me over. “Okay, I will stay to make sure you get rest, but I really do have to leave first thing in the morning.” I said, deflated. Why can’t I say no to this guy? It’s those f*****g sexy eyes of his that keep entrancing me. I would probably say yes to anything he wants. Damn it Lexi, get it together. I saw him press the call button and a nurse walked in. “Can we also get an extra bed in here for Miss Alexia? It’s too late for her to drive home alone, and she has agreed to be my on-call nurse for the night, for whatever I need.” He said with a smug wink at the nurse. The nurse blushed and giggled. This asshole, she clearly understood his suggestion, and now she is going to think I’m some call-girl. I huffed and glared at him, and he just winked at me. “Sure Mr. Quinn, I will get an usher to bring a bed right away. The bathroom is over there.” she said, pointing to a door off to the right of the bed. “No moving too much, we don’t need you bothering those stitches.” She said and gave me a pointed look. What the hell, I’m not planning on going anywhere near him. She proceeded to check his vitals and drip, and made a few notes on his chart, before she left. I was still glaring, and he was still smirking at me. “I was just teasing Alexia, she knows that. Come sit here, and we can talk some more, while they bring in a bed for you.” Carter said, patting the bed for me to sit next to him. I rolled my eyes in a bratty fashion, and walked over to the bed. Instead of sitting on the bed, I sat on the chair next to the bed. He took hold of my hand again, and with a sharp tug, I found myself on the bed beside him. I looked up into his eyes feeling a bit flustered. “That’s better and much more comfortable, isn’t it?” he asked and then chuckled. I was so flustered, I just looked at him. I did not like being this close to him. My core started to clench as he tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear, and proceeded to softly touch my earlobe, and then my cheek. His eyes darkened a bit, and he sniffed the air. How odd.
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