Chapter 2: Hospitals and Sheriffs with kind eyes

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Alexia The paramedics were still working on Carter when we arrived at the hospital. The hospital was not as huge as I thought, but then again, this is a small town. I followed the paramedics whose names I have come to learn are, Perry and Jan. Perry is a middle-aged man with a slight tan, and black hair with a bit of gray at his temples. Jan is, I would assume, in her late 20s with brown hair and caramel skin, and a sprinkle of freckles on her nose and cheeks. She was a very attractive woman, with bright brown eyes that showed how friendly she was. She kept me updated on Carter the whole drive over. I had explained to them that I was just passing through, and stumbled upon the robbery, and did not really know anyone in the store. They were both intrigued, and found the whole situation a bit funny. I was the hero of this particular story, and I didn’t even mean to be. They agreed with Dan about Karma sinking its claws into the robber. That part is hilarious, I suppose, but Carter was still in dire straits. When we entered the emergency room, we were immediately assisted by a female doctor. I think she could be in her late thirties, with bright red hair, and a very fair complexion. She asked me to wait in the waiting area, and proceeded to assist the paramedics with moving Carter to a bed. I made my way towards the seating area. A nurse approached me with a glass of water, and I gladly took it and sat down and waited. My mind was in a whirl, everything happened so fast, that I didn’t even have a moment to process. I’m just glad everyone could get help so quickly, and that Carter was at the hospital. I don’t know what it is, but I feel the need to protect him, and make sure he is okay. I feel drawn to him in a way that I cannot explain, and didn’t want to examine right now. The guy was close to death, and here I am thinking about those hard sculpted abs, and that oh-so happy trail leading into his jeans. I saw how fit he was while they worked on the wound. I tried to shake those thoughts, but I just couldn’t get his bright green eyes out of my mind’s eye. “You just got away from a man… Don’t go there, Kylie” I said softly to myself. Then I chastised myself because Kylie was no more. I am now Alexia Kane. I repeated my new name in my head over and over. Kylie Sanders is dead and buried, until I am safe again. Who knows how long that will be, and I may never be safe. I leaned my head back against the wall and closed my eyes. It’s funny how I ran from violence straight into violence. I just can’t catch a break. What is wrong with me? Am I a magnet for trouble? f**k…my life sucks. I was so deep in my own thoughts, with my eyes closed, that I didn’t feel it when someone came to sit down next to me. “Mam, are you okay? Dan mentioned that you had taken a fall. Do you need to be checked out as well?” I opened my eyes and turned to look at a graying older man, with soft brown eyes, and a police uniform on. I smiled and assured him that I was okay, and probably just had a bruised behind. “I am Chief Robert Cross, but you can call me Bill. I believe you are the young lady that made my job a lot easier.” He said with an outstretched hand. “Alexia Kane, you can call me Lexi, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I suppose I did, any openings for me on the force?” I said with a small chuckle, and shook his hand. “There is always place for spunky, young ladies like you” he said with a wink. His look then turned somber, as he took out a notebook and pen. He turned to me again after writing something down. “So, what brings you to Cornwall? I know everyone in this little town, and I know I haven’t seen you before. Don’t feel offended, this is not an interrogation, I’m just curious.” He said with a small smile. I shifted in my chair feeling slightly nervous, but not wanting to show it. “Just passing through actually, on my way to Rapid Falls. I landed myself a job at the local newspaper. I was stopping for gas, and needed something to eat. I guess it was just a coincidence that brought me to the store's entrance at the same time as the robber was leaving the store. I felt so bad that I had injured him, because I was preoccupied with my phone. To be honest, when Dan said the police were on the way, I felt a bit panicked, because I didn’t mean for anyone to get hurt. I didn’t even know about the robbery. I did wonder why it was so quiet, but I figured it was just because it’s a small town. I was just going inside to look for a sandwich and some chips for the road.” I said. “Wow, so you are just an hour’s drive away. Rapid Falls, you say? How did you manage to get a job there? The locals don’t normally allow outsiders to work there. Everything is family owned and run. Do you have family out there?” Chief Bill asked. “No, I was looking for a change from the fast pace of city life, and checked online for any vacancies closer to forest areas. I love being out in nature, and staying close to a natural water source, really spiked my interest in Rapid Falls.” I said, technically it is a half-truth, so I’m not lying to the police. I do love nature, and something about it calls me. I had envisioned myself living near a lake and forest. I can see myself floating lazily in the water, whenever I want. I just left the part out about running for my life, from my psychotic, perverted ex-fiancé. He doesn’t need to know that. Phillip has eyes and ears everywhere, and I know his dad has deep roots in law enforcement. I still can’t understand how he never suspected that his own son was crazy and sick, and broke the law without a second thought. Maybe he knows, and tries to hide or ignore it. Not to mention what lies he could’ve spread about me, since I left. As much as his dad likes me, he will obviously believe his son. I am only an outsider anyway. Why would he trust my word? “Well, lucky for Carter you happened to stop on your way to your new home. I’m sure he would want to thank you himself, as soon as he gets better. That boy won’t be down for long, he is a fighter that one. I hope you don’t mind, but Officer Jack drove your car over here for you. You dropped your keys in the store. We figured you might need your car here.” Chief Bill said, snapping me out of my inner thoughts. “No thanks necessary, I would like to stay until he wakes and is out of danger. Thank you so much for bringing my car. Everything I currently own is in that car. I didn’t even realize I had dropped my keys. That was the last thing on my mind,” I said with a small smile. I don’t know why I feel the need to stay, I should leave and get away from Chief softy Bill. His kind eyes make me rather homesick. “Well, my dear Lexi, it was a pleasure to meet you. I don’t really have any questions for you. The footage from the store shows us exactly what happened. I just wanted to meet you, and thank you for your help. You didn’t need to stay to help with Carter and Hank. Most people would not have bothered. It shows your character, and that is someone I would gladly like to see more of. I handle all the crime at Rapid Falls. There isn’t really much crime in all honesty. They don’t have a police force and rely solely on Cornwall for any legal assistance. I will be seeing you around, my dear, and good luck with your new job, if I don’t get to say goodbye before you leave.” Bill said with a smile and a tip of his hat. “Thank you, Chief Bill, I hope to see more of you too, not on the wrong side of things though.” I said with a chuckle. He chuckled and agreed. He gave me a mock solute and left. I sigh heavily and rest my head back again. Everyone here seems so nice and welcoming. Why do his eyes have to be so kind? They remind me of my dad.
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