Chapter 5: I Need To Leave

1976 Words
Alexia “You have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen; they are so bright. It draws me in, and I feel like I can’t look away”, he whispered, so close to my face I could feel his breath. I couldn’t look away from his intense gaze. I snapped out of my tranced, and tried to move away. “I have to use the restroom” I blurted. I did not like this proximity to him. I need to get a grip. He let go and I stood up. My legs felt a bit shaky, as I walked over to the bathroom. I locked the door and walked to the sink. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I was flushed, and my cheeks were too rosy, my amber eyes were nearly hidden behind half-hooded eyelids, and my brown hair was a bit of a mess. What am I doing? I thought to myself. Getting turned on so quickly, and you don’t even know the man. He wouldn’t look at you like that if he knew what you had been through. That intense look would turn to disgust or pity, and I did not want to see either in his eyes. I try to keep the memories at bay, but one pushed through my mental wall I’ve built. (Flashback to a year ago) … I’m naked and on my knees in the corner facing the wall, with tears rolling down my face. I hear movement behind me, and I hear that voice that elicits nothing but fear within me. “Someone has been a very naughty little girl. I wonder how Daddy should punish her today? Naughty girls don’t get to come, now, do they? Turn around and face me and stand on your knees.” I hesitated, and felt the sharp pain of a belt across my back. I cried out and slowly turned around, but kept my eyes to the floor. I know better than to look up when told not to. “Look at me, Daddy’s little w***e” he shouts. I looked up and got a swift slap across my cheek. I wince at the pain, but swallow my sob. “Naughty little girls don’t get to cry.” He says with a wicked smile. He yanks me up by my hair and pulls me flush against him. He kissed my lips brutally while pulling my hair. I turned my face away. “You’re hurting me.” I screamed. “Did I say you could talk? I think Daddy has a much better way of keeping that pretty little mouth of yours busy. Now get down on your knees, and open your mouth, like the good little w***e you are.” He says with that lustful look in his eyes, that makes me feel sick. I go down on my knees, while the sobs wrack my body. I know what’s coming, and I already feel like I want to throw up. (end of flashback) I snap out of the memory and shake my head. A single tear rolls down my face, but I quickly wipe it away. I need to leave, and keep my distance from Carter. “I will wait until he falls asleep before I slip away. It’s for the best,” I told myself softly. I quickly rinsed my face, and walked back out. There is a tray with food waiting for me near the chair. I also noticed there was a bed set up next to Carter’s. That was quick. How long was I in there, staring at myself in the mirror? “You took so long. I think your tea is cold. I sent for some dinner for you. The food is on a warmer, so it should be fine. Are you okay? Do you feel ill? You look a little pale?” Carter asked with worry clear on his face. “I’m okay, I just felt a bit light-headed earlier, and had to splash some cold water on my face. I haven’t eaten all day, but I feel fine now”, I said, with a small smile. I sat down, and took the lid off the plate. Steak, mash and gravy and some roasted veggies on the side. Not bad, I hope it doesn’t taste like hospital food. “Please eat while the food is still warm. I feel so bad that you missed dinner because of me. Don’t worry, it’s not hospital food. I had it brought from the local restaurant.” Carter says. “Thank you, Carter, it looks really good.” I said as I started to eat. I could feel his eyes on me, but I tried not to look his way. “Any good?” he asked. “It’s great actually, thank you. The steak is perfectly done.” I said, feeling a little shy. I can feel he’s still looking at me. I was nearly done eating when he spoke again. “So, I take it you moved down here alone? No significant other?” he says. “No, just me. I’m not really looking to date at the moment. I just wanted some alone time, and a fresh start.” I said, hoping he would get the hint. “I am also very single, but there is someone I would really like to take on a date, as soon as I get discharged.” My face fell a little at his comment, but then I remembered that I am not supposed to like him anyway. “Oh, that’s great. I hope you two have a great time. You deserve a night out after your ordeal” I said, trying to hide my disappointment. “I am sure the two of us will have a great time, and maybe more. I can’t wait.” He says in that low husky voice of his. Wait, what? I looked up to see him already looking at me, with a smug look on his face. “What do you mean?” I asked. “I’m taking you out on a date as soon as I get discharged.” He simply said. “I didn’t agree to any date, and you need to rest, even when you are discharged. And besides, I won’t be here when you are discharged.” I said, trying to look away from those mesmerizing eyes, but failing. “Well, as it happens, I actually also live in Rapid Falls. So, we will essentially be neighbors,” he says. Oh no, I was hoping an hour’s drive would deter him. “Oh, I didn’t know that. You don’t need to take me out on a date, Carter. You just bought me food.” I said. “The food is here because you are hungry and need to eat. I want to take you somewhere special to thank you for your help during the robbery. Please let me do something nice for you, to show my appreciation” he said with that panty-dropping smile again. Mother fucker, this guy is good. “You really don’t have to; I didn’t do anything worthy of thanks. It was just some weird stroke of luck, that I happened upon your store.” I said as I took a sip from the bottle of water, instead of the cold tea. “I think it was fate that brought you to my store.” He says with a smile. I didn’t answer him, and I noticed he had a far off look in his eyes. “When I started to lose consciousness, I felt someone squeeze my hand. I heard this beautiful voice call my name, and when I opened my eyes, I saw the most beautiful and bright amber eyes I had ever seen. I thought I was dreaming and that you were an angel, but the pain I felt made me know it was real. I know that you just said you were looking to be alone, but I feel like we were destined to meet. I would really like to spend more time with you, and see where this attraction can go. I can see that you are just as affected by me, as I am by you. You are truly the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on, and I can tell that you are a good person. Please give me a chance to get to know you?” he says all this in that low husky tone he keeps using. Oh, my…he feels the attraction too? But I can’t, or can I? Maybe I will just appease him with this date, and then maybe he will lose interest, and leave me be. I can’t say I’m not a little thrilled at spending more time with him, but I am also scared of getting closer to him. What if he discovers my secrets, or heaven forbid sees my scars? There are still a few that didn’t heal up right, due to infection. I can never let him see that part of me, no one can. “Okay, I will agree to one date as a thank-you. I appreciate the sentiment. I doubt I am the most beautiful woman you have ever seen, as you put it, but thank you for the compliment. Now, you really need to get some rest. I will take a shower after you fall asleep, and then see you in the morning.” I said while tucking his blanket in again, and lowering his bed a little more. I can see he is tired. “Do I get a good night kiss? On the cheek is fine, then I will go to sleep like a good boy.” He says with a grin. I rolled my eyes and leaned in to kiss him on the cheek. He turned his face before my lips made contact with his cheek, and my lips brushed his. I was so caught off guard that I froze. He cupped my cheeks and deepened the kiss, and pulled at my bottom lip with his teeth. I gasped, and he slipped his tongue in my mouth. I found myself kissing him back, as he explored my mouth so skillfully, with his tongue. He moved one of his hands into my hair, and pulled me closer. For some reason, my mind chose that moment to get another flashback, and I pulled away, a bit panicked by the memory. He saw the panic in my eyes, and immediately apologized. “I’m so sorry Lexi, I got carried away. I didn’t mean to upset you. Are you okay?” he says, looking rather panicked. “No, it’s okay, I also got a bit carried away, I’m okay.” I lied. I felt so confused and conflicted. I liked that kiss way too much, and maybe that flashback came to remind me to keep my distance from him. “Goodnight Carter, get some rest. I will go freshen up a bit”, I said, and walked toward the bathroom. “Goodnight Lexi, I’m sorry for overstepping, but that was one hell of a first kiss” he said with a mischievous wink, and closed his eyes. First Kiss? There won’t be anymore. I chuckled softly at his cheekiness. I used the restroom, and washed my hands. I looked up at my reflection in the mirror again. Damn, flushed again. This man gets me too hot and bothered. I touched my lips and closed my eyes, replaying the kiss. I knew those soft lips were kissable. He is right, that was one hell of a first kiss. I need to get out of here before he wakes. I will just wait a bit to make sure he is asleep. Then I can get on the road again, and clear my mind.
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