An Accident

1168 Words
COLE’S POV As Archer hits me back to reality I groan in frustration which makes him laugh even more. I need to fix this before tonight, before my mate’s party. I mind link Archer “Can’t we leave in a half hour? I need to go and fix this” he nods and we walk up to the girls and I take Ava on the arm “ Can I talk to you ?” and worries flash through her eyes before she nods and walks with me “So I well we kind of have to leave in an half hour ,things we got to take care of at home but I’ll see you tonight, I promise “ she smiles. Damn I love her smile, she’s really beautiful “ Sure no problem , I mean this was all unplanned and of course there are things you need to do ,guessing that’s why you came to town and all and …” I kiss her to shut her up because I could feel her getting nervous and I thought its very cute. ARCHER’S POV Cole took Ava to a side and talked to her so I walked to her friend who was looking at some denim jacket, I took a breath thinking of how silly it is that she makes me nervous. I tap her arm and she turns around and smile at me, a genuine smile and my heart beats faster. I clear my throat not knowing what’s happening “So I was a little rude, I didn’t ask for your name “She turns back to the rack full of clothes and I can hear the grin on her face “Is this you asking for my name ?”, I roll my eyes but smile “Yes , I guess it is” she turns to look at me and smile “Sofia” and I almost groan because its such a beautiful name, I say it in my head and it sounds like an angel’s name “And my wolf is Natalie” and that’s where Remus growls and I feel Remus trying to push forward but I push him back and close the link. “Wow that’s a real pretty name, my wolfs name is Remus”, she smiles at me and nods. “So…have you met your mate?” why did I just ask that? I feel embarrassed but she doesn’t seem fazed and just says “Nope” popping her P and I smile a bit “ I’m only turning 18 tomorrow” and then it all made a little more sense, she might be my mate. I smirk, well I would like my mate to look like her and be like her, she seems really powerful too. I could feel her strong angry aura earlier when she scolded me at the car. “Have you met your mate?” she asks. “No I haven’t, I’ve been looking but I had no luck” she tries to hide her smile but I see it. AVA’S POV Cole says they’ll be at my party tonight but I can’t help but feel that something is wrong, I don’t know what but when he said they almost have to leave it felt like he was lying about the reason. “Mate won’t hurt us” my wolf Talia said. “I hope he doesn’t” and then I feel her closing our link. Cole and I walk over to Sofia and Archer standing and talking and I smirk seeing her smile at something he said. I look at her and then at Cole realizing that I would now have to go with Cole to his pack and live there. My best friend won’t be just living above me anymore but a three hour long run away in wolf form maybe an hour and a half for her. I looked up and saw her looking at me and I realise I’m frowning and I quickly smile. We say goodbye to the boys because they still need to go do their own thing in the mall. SOFIA’S POV “Ava, what’s wrong?” I look at her and she smiles at me “Nothing, was just thinking there’s so many outfits that we picked but I still don’t know what to wear” Liar. But I know she doesn’t want to talk about it right now. “Well don’t worry, I’ll help you pick something out like I always do the party is formal so a cute outfit should do. Scratch that, a hot outfit should do because you found your mate” we both squeal and shoot to the dressing room where we are busy choosing outfits for like half an hour. When we both decided on our outfits, we went to pay and decided it’s getting actually late so we went to grab McDonald’s for the road. I paid at the second last window of the drive through and I collected our Big Mac meals with extra six piece chicken nuggets with two strawberry milkshakes and two caramel Oreo Mcflurry’s at the last window. Yes, we eat a lot but I mean it is a long road too. On our way home all Ava played was sad songs so after the first half hour I put the music off. “Ava I left it in public but what is wrong? Talk to me. Please.” I begged her. She sighs and takes a deep breath “I don’t want to leave you Sof. I like living with you just above my head. I like knowing that you’re right..” and her voice cracks “that you’re right there when I need you or you need me “ I stretch my hand out and hold hers for a few minutes while driving “Ava , I love you but we knew this was always a possibility but you know I will run everyday an hour and a half just to come see you” I squeeze her hand and she lets out a deadly scream ,clutching her heart and I try to pull over but my focus is on Ava and she has my hand in a tight grip and I lose control of my car, going off the road and into a tree, just before we hit the big tree I pull my hand out of Ava’s grip and put my arm out in front of her stopping her from hitting her head through the window before I hit my head and fall unconscious. I woke up and it was starting to get dark and looked around wondering what just happened, then I remembered Ava’s horrible scream and the way she clutched her heart I knew it was her mate cheating on her. I felt furious but I had to check if Ava was okay so I pulled myself together and took a breath lifting my arm and grabbing onto her, shaking her a bit. She groans “Sofie? What happened?” “We crashed Ava” I look at her and she has a cut on her forehead. Luckily it will be healed at the end of the night. “My head hurts “ she groans “I know, I’ll try and mindlink Elijah for help. My dad is going to kill me “
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