Meeting My Mate

2002 Words
ELIJAH’S POV I look around but don’t see Sofia or Ava anywhere and her car isn’t back either. I’m starting to get worried but I take over as party planner because Sofia isn’t here and I know how she likes things. I was ordering an omega around when I felt a pull through a mind link “ Elijah, we need help “I hear Sofia’s voice and freeze as I hear her painful groan. “Sof, where are you? Are you alright? “ “Elijah were next to the road, stuck and to weak to bust the doors at the moment. We crashed into a tree “ “on my way “ is all I say and close the link and run telling Melcolm to get the car while mind linking him where to find us. I shift into my brown wolf heading through the woods leaving the pack grounds and running next to the road sniffing Sofia’s scent out. I find it 10 minutes into the run and quickly shift into my human form, putting on some shorts I dragged along. I head over to Sofia’s side but she stops me and makes me help Ava first I groan and she uses her Alpha command on me. I pull on Ava’s door and rip it off, I hear Sofia whimper and I notice it’s her favorite car. I send her an apologetic look and she gives me a small smile telling me to continue and I lose Ava’s seat belt and pick her up and lay her down on the grass softly. I head over to Sofia’s and rip her door off an break her seat belt and she lifts her arms so I can pick her up seeing her leg is hurt but it suddenly healed very fast when she gets to het feet and make her way over to Ava. I sigh in relief knowing they’re alright. SOFIA’S POV I was relieved seeing Elijah get here so fast. He wanted to help me first because of his feelings for me but I refused and commanded him to help Ava first, I was worried and knew I’d heal instantly. I watch as Elijah rip my car door off and I whimper as my baby is being torn apart. He looks at me with an apologetic look but I told him to continue, worrying more about Ava. He came around and ripped my door off and got me out, giving my body chance to heal fully when I got to my feet. I got out of his embrace and rushed to Ava quickly holding her. She started crying “ Sof I’m so sorry I didn’t know what that pain was and you lost control. Oh my God, Sof your car! “ and then she fully sobbed. I hugged her “ it’s alright Ava. It’s just a car I can get a new one. I could never replace you. And I know what happened but firstly we need to find out what really happened, come on we still have a party to catch “ Ava looks at me confused “ What happened? “ “ That pain only comes when your mate kissed or slept with someone else “ Ava looks at me, tears forming in her eyes. I see Melcolm pull up next to us and Elijah comes over “ Let’s get you ladies home “ I stand up, pulling Ava to me “ we’ll figure it out okay? Let’s go home and hear what that f**kward has to say and if I don’t like it, I’ll kill him myself. AVA’S POV I don’t say anything when Sofia said she’ll kill him herself if he cheated but right now I felt numb and didn’t really care. I felt empty. Why wasn’t I good enough? Why did this have to happen to me? Talia whimpered and I knew she felt that pain too. It felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest. The last half hour home I didn’t say anything and when we got there it was dark and the party was already going on so I guess it’s to late to cancel. I really didn’t feel like attending it and it’s all Cole’s fault. We drove into the garage and I got out and walked to the elevator with Sof. We got to my floor and I sprinted to my room crying and locking the door behind me, I heard Sofia knocking on the door but I didn’t care. I sat on the floor crying and then she stopped knocking. I felt the cold breeze from the night come through my open window and the next thing I heard was a deadly growl and an loud ouch followed by a banging sound. I ran towards the window and saw Sofia threw Cole into a tree “What the f**k did you do you i***t?” she growled at him “Why did you cheat on Ava, asshole?”She kicked him and my heart clenched. “Sofia, stop!” I yell, leaning out of the window. It feels like my heart is pounding so loud that I thought it’s going to pound right through my chest. I inhale deeply as she turns around looking at me and she takes a deep breath and I see her relax. I quickly turn and run to the elevator and press the ground button. Stupid elevator. Stop being so slow! I push the button a few more times as if it’s going to make the elevator go any faster. Finally closing I feel it move and I get anxious. The door opens and I fly through the barely open gap to the front door opening it and rushing out to Sofia. My heart is beating so fast that I’m out of breath. “Sofia, stop it. Don’t be so violent. Seeing you hurt him is hurting me too” and instant regret fills her eyes and she walks over to me “ Ava I didn’t even think about that I am so sorry” tears form in her eyes and I shake it off “It’s alright” she hugs me and I hug her back. I step out of her embrace and walk over to Cole, looking up at his tall frame. This guy is huge. I stand in front of him, arms crossed over each other and take a breath. “I am your mate for goddess sake, why would you do this to me? If you didn’t want me, you could’ve just rejected me” tears form in my eyes and I struggle to swallow the lump in my throat. I look at him and pain flashes through his eyes. “Ava I didn’t mean to –“ I cut him off “I don’t care, tell me what the hell happened. Right now” I growl at him “Ava I had a girlfriend back home, but we said we’d cut ties when we found our mate and that’s what I did. She kissed me one last time but I didn’t expect you to get hurt” pure sadness fills his eyes and I feel relieved. Sad that he had a girlfriend, did they sleep together? Who am I kidding, he’s 20 of course they slept together. I won’t be his first. “Well I guess that’s understandable Cole but you could’ve just told me when you met me” COLE’S POV Tell her when I met her? How was I supposed to do that, I reach for her and cup her cheeks “Baby I wanted to but I was so happy and love struck that I forgot about her for a moment and then I feared that I would lose you if I told you. I truly am sorry” finally I see the cut on her head when the light falls on her face. “Ava, what happened” I reach for her head and she turns away “Nothing” she whispers. Was this my fault? SOFIA’S POV I understand what he did and why he did it but he could’ve at least told us sooner that we would’ve been prepared. When I hear Ava saying “nothing” after he asks what happened I snap again. “YOU FOOL. That is all your damn doing. You caused her to feel so much pain that she screamed while we were in the car while gripping onto my hand, I tried to pull over but was so worried about Ava that I lost control of the car and crashed into a bloody tree you imbecile!” I roared in his face making him whimper under my growl. I see regret in his eyes and he looks at Ava with guilt. I relax when someone holds my hand. I turn to see it’s Archer holding my hand “I think that’s enough, he truly does feel bad Sofia” my body relaxes and I don’t know what’s happening. “Don’t touch her” Elijah shoves Archer away from me and I feel sad with the loss of his touch. I snap my head to Elijah “What are you doing?” disrespecting an alpha could get you killed but to my surprise Archer gets up and says it’s alright “Relax Sofia”, I look at him, surprised he is so chilled. I apologize to Archer and grab Elijah by the ear, dragging him into the pack house and letting him go once inside “What is your problem?” I ask him irritated. “He is disrespecting you by just touching you like that, you aren’t familiars Sof. I scoff at him “If I didn’t want him to touch me I would’ve ripped his hand off Elijah, don’t ever disrespect an alpha again, do you want to make enemies?”, he looks down “No”, he mumbles. “Get lost” I growl at him, he hesitates but scrambles away once he decided not to talk back. What an i***t. Where’s Archers? Why am I asking that? It’s not that I like him, I mean he’s attractive and tall and those eyes.. No Sofia, stop your s**t and find your best friend. I take a breath before walking out. “Sorry” I apologize to Archer again and then making my way over to Cole “I’m sorry I beat you, wait no I’m not. You should know what I’d do to you if you hurt my best friend but I hope we’re good” he chuckles and pulls Ava into his embrace “I won’t ever hurt her on purpose, I promise” Ava reaches for my hand “Let’s go dance, I love this song” Huh? What song? Oh right! The party, I almost forgot. I face palm myself and let Ava drag me to the dance floor. After a couple of drinks and dancing Ava wraps her arm around me “Only five more minutes Sof” I pull away and look at her confused. What is she talking about? “Your birthday silly!” “Oh” I laugh with her and I see Archer stiff as a board. Weirdo. But a cute weirdo. “Damn right” Natalie says. I roll my eyes. Ava reaches for my hand “Let’s go dance, I love this song” Huh? What song? Oh right! The party, I almost forgot. I face palm myself and let Ava drag me to the dance floor. After a couple of drinks and dancing Ava wraps her arm around me “Only five more minutes Sof” I pull away and look at her confused. What is she talking about? “Your birthday silly!” “Oh” I laugh with her and I see Archer stiff as a board. Weirdo. But a cute weirdo. “Damn right” Natalie says. I roll my eyes. “Ava. Are we gonna do shots at 12?” I yell over the loud music “Hell yes!” she rushes to the bar and gets shot glasses and some shooters. I smile at her while she throws the alcohol into the small shot glasses. The pulls out her phone and turns on her world wide clock, she looks at me with a devilish smirk. “FIVE, FOUR, THREE, TWO, ONE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY b***h!” she yells and we take our shots. After I slammed the glass back on the table, I smelled something… sweet? It’s intoxicating. I turn around meeting Archer’s gaze. “Mate” we say in union.
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