2193 Words

VALERIE. I still could not believe that Jake was a werewolf, and that he was one of the horsemen. I was already getting excited by Jake, the little things he does for me, I am so f*****g disappointed. The fact that he has to find a mate later on, it’s not even later on, he could see his mate anytime, like all these coincidental meetings that happen, when that happens, he will now leave me for her. It’s like I am going through a break up right now, not that we were an item but, I am hurt. Today is the fourth day that Daisy’s heat started, we are all finally thankful that, her pain will stop, and that Logan we leave, but they still have to talk about things. I am just so stressed, because it was like, everybody around me was a wolf, and the more reason that I am stressed right now is J

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