2205 Words

LOGAN. Daisy will be the end of me, I swear to the goddess. I am hard as f**k right now, I am hard to the point of pain, and I cannot do anything about it, because all power belongs to her. Right now, my mouth is on her left n****e, and I am sucking like I will never suck again, while I am paying homage to her left breasts, I am also using my hand to tweak her left n****e the way I know she likes it. She moans, and wiggles around, grinding down on my c**k, f**k, if she does that a couple more times, I might actually c*m. She moans as I used my teeth to graze her n****e a lil bit, then, I used my tongue to lap at her breast, f**k, she is grinding again, I am about to c*m right now, I hold on to her ass, and her breasts, because, fuc……. “Daisy, I will c*m if you do not stop doing that

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