2226 Words

LOGAN. Finally, I can be relaxed that Daisy is okay. For the past four days, the heat has been serious, but thank the goddess, she is now okay. I was at the end of her anger, her happiness, her joy, her irritation and all. Sometimes she would just start crying, and sometimes she would be horny as f**k, we did not have s*x though, but we did some heavy petting, and she did some naughty things to me too. All through, she made sure that she was in control, I remember when she woke me up with a blow job, I wanted so badly to act so submissive but, I had to be a man, f**k the memory of that day alone, makes ne hard. Today was the day we were going to have a serious conversation, I was dreading it because I do not want the outcome to be like Jake’s and Valerie’s situation. When I called h

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