
1202 Words

DAISY Logan stopped in his tracks and turned to look at me. I quickly bowed my head, but his fingers on my chin tilted my head. A lock of his hair had fallen to his face. His smiles were both captivating and unnerving. But I sure as hell was gonna choose them over his glares. “You've got a lot to learn, but let's start with the guys. I'd like it if you didn't bring them in on our secrets,“ “Huh?“ “Whatever happens between us in our rooms stays under wraps. I wouldn't 'ppreciate it much if the whole town heard of it,“ He kissed my cheek and walked past me before I could take in his words. When I spun around, he wasn't in sight, but then, there was a class. No doubts he'd already walked inside. I wasn't sure what class it was or if it was on my schedule. Do I walk inside or walk away?

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