1131 Words

DAISY. “What?!“ I was disoriented at the teacher's words. When I looked at my side, hoping it would be Suzy, I found myself locking eyes with Logan's turquoise eyes. I mentally chided myself for the brief confusion. But you couldn't blame me much. I was so used to having Suzy next to me, that this one time she wasn't didn't feel real at all. “What is it?“ He asked. It was hard to say if he was irritated or concerned by my outburst. That didn't matter at the moment. “Have you got a problem, Miss Daisy?” The teacher came to stand in front of me, staring down at me. It was one of the few times I had to deal with so much unnerving stares, and it was as scary as my first time. “Uh-Miss…“ I was stuttering, unable to make a coherent sentence. If only I could make them understand that I can't

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