
1313 Words

DAISY “You know what it is?“ I asked quickly, hoping he'd give me some explanations. I leaned closer for him to get a better look. “Tell me what it is, please,“ He pulled away from me and took a few steps backwards to stand next to the guys. “You're kidding, right?“ I shook my head. Without a mirror to see my reflection, I knew too well that I had a confused look. No sign of amusement underneath. No irony. No sarcasm. No jokes. “I'm serious,“ I said, since it wasn't so obvious. “You don't know what a hickey is?“ Jake asked in the same bewildered way Charles did earlier. The three guys exchanged looks and their gazes were back on me. “No, I don't. Please tell me,“ My fingers intertwined in a plea. For a brief moment they were just staring at me. And then, they laughed out loud, nudgin

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