1861 Words

VALERIA Dumbstruck. That's how I felt seeing him here, holding my hand and stopping Liam from dragging me any further than he already did. His eyes were on me and I wasn't sure how to react. First, he'd dared to come to my apartment. When I asked Daisy to go get me my bag, he showed up at my door. ”We need to talk,” He said, wanting to come inside but I stood in his way. ”Not now,” I breathed out, “When?” He persisted, ”It's important that we talk,” He sounded rather desperate that I told him we can talk in an hour. But honestly, I didn't wanna talk to him. We had nothing to talk about. All we had was a one-night f**k and that's it. No need to try to make it any more than it was. And now seeing him out here was rather unnerving. Was he stalking me? I had all the right to think so

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