2730 Words

LOGAN It was almost midday and still no sign of Jake in the apartment. It was becoming a thing now – disappear at night, show up like a hobo in the morning. He was a grown-ass man and I shouldn't be pacing around, worried like he was a two-year-old who ran out of the house, right? But I f*****g couldn't help it. Alejandro was seated on the staircase and beside him was Charles. The both of them were still watching the video from last night. A fight broke loose at the biggest stripper club in California. And you wanna guess who the star of the fight was? Yeah, f*****g Jake Flakes, my Beta. He was caught in so many videos exchanging punches with a lot of humans. Rumors had it that it was because of a girl, but she wasn't caught in the video. So we weren't so sure. His opponents didn't st

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