2143 Words

VALERIA I was walking back to my apartment with a bag of groceries in my arm. The scorching sun was brutal on my skin, burning it up in flames. Good thing I wasn't a vampire, this would have been my doom. God, I hate this. Why did I agree to this normal student life? I suck at trekking. I never had to do it in Spain. I was chauffeured to wherever I wanted to go, even the restroom. Tina, my manager, always got me the newest models of cars and they are all packed up in my garage in Spain. But here I was, no different from a peasant. And s**t, my arm hurts from carrying this bag. Why did I ask to go grocery shopping anyways? Just then, my phone vibrated and I stopped walking to take It out of my back pocket. I checked the caller ID and it was Tina. Speaking of the devil. ”Hey, José, w

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