1678 Words

The mansion seemed empty when I got back. Maybe, the guys weren't home yet. I wouldn't say they'd gone to bed. I doubt they'll wanna sleep off an opportunity to torture me, especially after what happened at the coffeeshop earlier. I hurried to my room and shut the door. I was scared to my wits. Whoever that girl was back there, she seemed pretty pissed. And they all seemed close. What if she eggs them on to do something more fatal to me? What if they literally kill me this time? I hated the horrifying thoughts that slammed at my heart. It was already getting me teary. I took off my clothes, ready to go get a shower and sleep this awful day off. My fingers worked to unhook my bra from the back. It was a second steuggle but I was finally getting it unhooked when I felt strong hands hold

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