1698 Words

DAISY I always thought my first kiss would be the best time of my life. I've always fantasized about it. I'll be with my mate, and he'll be on his knees, professing his undying love for me. Thereafter, he seals his promise with a kiss – my first kiss. I was a lover of fantasy. A sucker for happy endings. And I'd pictured my life in the same way. But nothing prepared me for this moment. I got no heads-up. It was just happening, and I was perplexed. His tongue dived into my mouth and he raked my insides. He was sucking and licking. And all I did was whimper and squirm in return. He held a handful of my hair, keeping my head in place so I can't break from the kiss. My back was pinned against the sink. The burning pain in my lower back made me squirm so much to free myself from his rough

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