1651 Words

DAISY “Daisy, what took you so long?“ Suzy gestured at me to come to sit at the empty seat next to her. “I was beginning to get worried,“ “I'm sorry. I just lost my way. You know I didn't take a map with me,“ I smiled, sliding into the seat. “Are you okay? Your eyes –“ “Yes, Suzy, I'm okay, I just sprinkled lots of water on my face.“ “But they look puffy like you've been crying,“ She observed me closely, running a finger under my eyes. I looked away with a quick nod, reassuring her again that I was okay, and that she was just being delusional. She finally gave it a rest, and soon the teacher came in, and the class began. Drake and Jake were in the class but were seated at the farther end of the hall. One time, I glanced their way and they welcomed my stare with a smirk. I quickl

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