Destroying That Horrible Woman

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When Ivy and Windy arrived at Wyatt's house, Ivy had no idea that she would encounter Wyatt's mother, Eva Reed, upon their return. To Eva, seeing Ivy with another ordinary person she didn't know ignited her anger. She looked at Ivy and Windy with disgust. "Ivy, how dare you bring one of your ordinary friends here? Didn't I tell you that this place is not open to your friends?" Eva's words didn't sit well with Windy. She stepped forward, clenching her jaw before speaking. "Who are you calling an ordinary friend? And how can an old woman look down on someone? Is it because you're wealthy?" Windy asked, unable to control her temper. Windy could see the struggles Ivy had faced in the past few years. She now understood why Ivy had asked for a divorce. Eva held her head high, seemingly ready to pick a fight with Windy. "And who do you think you are? How dare you talk back to me? Just because you're wearing," she paused, scrutinizing Windy from head to toe, "cheap knockoff clothes, doesn't mean you can disrespect me. You, ordinary person! I've seen plenty like you. Just like Ivy—" "She is my friend. Please show some respect," Ivy interrupted Eva's words. Eva raised an eyebrow. "I don't care if she's your friend. You both smell the same. Gold diggers. You married my son for his money," she uttered. It seemed that the old woman still had no clue about Ivy's true identity. "Please, show some respect—" Eva's face turned red with anger as she shouted, "Respect? Do you even deserve respect, Ivy? We took you in, The Reed took you in. My son provides for you, gives you a place to stay, food, clothes, and money. And now, you have the audacity to bring someone like yourself into our home? And look at how she talks back to me!" Eva's voice boomed. "Get out of this house! You and your kind are dirtying the beautiful floors of this house!" Eva added. Windy frowned and let out a sarcastic laugh as she glanced at Ivy. "Someone like yourself?" Windy raised an eyebrow. "You've been putting up with this treatment for three years?" she asked, pity evident in her eyes. "Ivy..." she muttered. Ivy remained silent. "Well, if you can tolerate it, I can't!" Windy exclaimed, pushing Eva and almost causing her to fall. She clenched her jaw and glared at Eva. "If it weren't for Ivy, I would have taken you down. You and your money and your arrogant face. So, what if I stepped on your precious floors?" Windy imitated Eva's way of saying the word 'precious'. "You have no right to look down on us! We are all equal, and don't push me to my limits. If Ivy doesn't want to fight you, I will. Even if you're an old, wrinkled woman," Windy threatened. Windy's words made Eva tremble. Fear and anger were visible in her eyes. "You... you—Ivy," Eva turned towards Ivy, "if you don't stop your friend, I-I will kick you out—" "I... I... blah blah blah..." Windy mocked. "Are you scared?" Ivy didn't let Windy stop her. Eva deserves it. The old lady is so full of herself, thinking she can belittle anyone, no matter their status in life. "I just need to grab my stuff," Ivy said, ignoring Eva's angry stares. "It won't take long. Once we're done, we're leaving this place," she added, making her way into the house and heading upstairs. Ivy puts up with everything for Wyatt. But she finally realizes how foolish she's been for the past three years. She doesn't bother with her clothes, only taking her important documents. They mean more to her than any material possessions. After that, she heads straight downstairs. Downstairs, Eva and Windy continue to shoot daggers at each other with their eyes. "Alright, we're done. Let's go," Ivy said, grabbing Windy by the arm. As they start walking away, Eva calls out Ivy's name. "Ivy, I'm going to tell Wyatt about this. And even if you beg and kneel to stop me, I'll make sure that—" Eva's words are cut off as Ivy shoots her a scornful glance. A mischievous grin appeared on Ivy's face. "Oops. Forgot to mention, I divorced your son. No matter how much you beg and cry, I'm never coming back here," she declared before walking away. Eva froze upon hearing the news. "Divorce? That woman Ivy initiated it?" she scoffed, dialing her son's number immediately. After just three rings, Wyatt answered. "Son, Ivy divorced you?" Eva asked, her voice filled with surprise. Wyatt's brow furrowed. "How did you find out? Did you see her?" he inquired simultaneously. "You're divorced?" Eva's eyes sparkled with joy as she exclaimed, "Thank goodness! A woman like Ivy doesn't deserve to be a part of our family, son. She thought she could rise like a phoenix, but she's nothing more than a dove. I've seen her with different men before—" "Where is she?" Wyatt interrupted, his eyes darkening and his grip on the phone tightening. Ivy had mysteriously vanished from the hospital, and he couldn't find her anywhere. All he could think about was seeing her again! "She's gone already, and I need to make sure she didn't take anything!" Eva exclaimed. "You didn't give her any money, did you?" Wyatt was shocked by his mother's animosity towards Ivy. He had always believed that his wife and his family got along well and had a peaceful relationship. Now, he was surprised to see his mother so displeased with Ivy. Her dissatisfaction was clearly evident. Wyatt didn't appreciate his mother's behavior, which irritated him, so he decided to end the phone call. A pang of sadness hit him as he realized that Ivy might have been subjected to his mother's cruelty, which could be one of the reasons she wanted a divorce. He left his office and hurried home. When he arrived, the first thing he checked was their room. Everything was still there, including the card he had given Ivy to pay their bills. However, her identification card was missing from the drawer. He sat on the couch in their room, resting his elbow on his knees and wiping his face with his hands. He closed his eyes, his mind filled with racing thoughts. After a while, Eva knew that her son had come home. She approached the room and said, "The L'Incomparable necklace that was in the safe is gone, and it's worth fifty-five million dollars," she stated firmly. "I know it was Ivy, she must have stolen the necklace. I'm calling the police!" she exclaimed, anger burning in her eyes. Wyatt's face twisted into a frown as he locked eyes with his mother. "It's not her," he insisted, causing Eva's forehead to furrow in confusion. "Then who is it? It was pretty obvious that Ivy was the one who stole—" "Mom, just give me some space, and don't you dare involve the police," he muttered. Eva scoffed, finding it hard to believe Wyatt's words. Wyatt knew that Ivy couldn't have stolen anything since she didn't even know the safe's password. How could she possibly be the culprit? It's just money. Ivy means more to him. Suddenly, he couldn't even remember what jewelry he had gifted his wife over the past three years. "Damn it!" he cursed, rising from his seat, and he was slightly taken aback to see his mother still standing there. Ignoring her, he stormed out of the room and hurried towards his car, driving away from the house. After a few meters, he pulled over in a spacious area. Opening the car door, he lit a cigarette. However, Eva was in disbelief that her son could simply disregard her. This made her furious, and she was determined not to let that awful woman get away with it. A cunning grin appeared on her face as she pondered a devious scheme.
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