Did The Right Thing

1094 Words
WYATT I stormed out of the room, my face filled with gloom and anger burning in my eyes. "We knew it was just a scratch on her lower legs!" I exclaimed, my frustration evident. "Did you really have to do a blood transfusion for that? Is this the best your hospital can do?" I threw my words at the attending doctor, my anger consuming me. But then, I couldn't help but think about how fragile Ivy looked whenever she donated blood. She was always there for Alice during her transfusions. A strange mix of shame and confusion washed over me. The doctor, sensing my anger, seemed shaken and didn't attempt to hide anything. "Mr. Reed, it was Miss Perez's orders, and our hospital had no choice but to comply. Miss Perez also claimed that you had given consent, considering you're always present when she commands it." Alice? Why does she need it? And the fact that Ivy demanded a divorce because of that picture, the one she thought Alice sent her, seemed absurd. Setting aside my honest feelings for my wife, my loyalty to our marriage, and my overall contentment, I found myself saying that living this way wasn't difficult for me. I had never even considered divorce since getting married. It never crossed my mind. If Ivy suspects anything between me and Alice, she should just come out and tell me. I'm more than willing to distance myself from Alice if it means saving our marriage. There is no such thing as unbreakable ties, after all. I'm not having an affair with anyone. "Alright, you can go now," I said to the doctor, who was visibly trembling with fear. I rubbed my temples and tried calling Ivy, but her phone was unreachable. It seemed like she had turned it off. Desperate to see her, I decided to hack into the hospital's security system to get a glimpse of the surveillance cameras. And to my surprise, I succeeded. As I stared at the screen of my phone, a frown formed on my face. It had only been ten minutes since Ivy left; I was sure of it. So why was the footage completely white, as if someone had hacked it and deleted the scene from ten minutes ago? My brows furrowed, and my lips pressed into a thin line. I felt an indescribable emotion in my chest, and my deep gray eyes were like the unfathomable depths of the ocean. We were divorced now, so where could she have gone? In a state of madness, I immediately called my bodyguard's head, and he rushed to my side. "I can't find my wife anywhere, and the monitoring system was hacked just ten minutes ago." The irritation that had lingered since Ivy left intensified, and my heart felt uneasy. Damn it! Before leaving the hospital, I made sure to tell someone to find her and inform me immediately. As I walked away, I couldn't help but think about Alice and how she might have influenced Ivy's sudden decision. No matter how much I tried to ignore it, her presence always lingered in my mind. IVY I found myself staring at the opulent Italian-style interior of my room, filled with familiar luxury furnishings and an array of high-end products. It had been a while since I had seen my lovely room, and the sight of it brought tears to my eyes. This was my personal sanctuary, after all. "Why are you crying? Is it because of the divorce? Can't the Morgans afford to take care of you?" an elderly and gruff voice interrupted my thoughts. I cried even harder when I turned to see Leo Morgan, the legendary CEO of Morgan Corporation, approaching me. "Daddy," I whispered, rushing into his arms and holding him tightly as my tears continued to flow. He let out a deep sigh, clearly showing his distress and anger towards me. Since I was a child, I had never experienced such suffering as I did beside Wyatt Reed. If it wasn't for my marriage, he would have easily destroyed the Reeds and beaten that bastard to death a long time ago. "My daughter, Ivy," my dad began, "three years is enough. Wyatt never truly loved you. It's time for you to involve yourself in our company." He lovingly stroked my hair before I released myself from his embrace. I wiped away my tears. "Don't worry, Dad. I promise not to make any more foolish decisions," I assured him. People rebel and run away in search of what they call "real love." All because of love, I gave up everything, including my true self and where I truly belonged. I concealed my identity for the sake of my love for Wyatt. I saw my dad flash a smile as if he was relieved that I had finally returned. "I asked your brother to come along so that you can get to know the people in the company, and you should choose a good day to reveal your true identity," he said. After a few moments, Windy Adams, my best friend and also my greatest enemy, hurried into my room, eager to see me. "I've missed you; you b***h!" When I hid my identity and married Wyatt Reed, Windy was strongly against it. However, it was my decision, and there was nothing she could do about it. We lost touch once I got married. And this time, I witnessed the hidden longing in Windy's eyes. She missed me so much that she couldn't contain her happiness upon hearing about my divorce from Wyatt. We chatted for a bit until she expressed her desire to see my divorce certificate. I promptly showed it to her. As Windy pulled up a chair in front of my vanity mirror, I settled down on the bed. "Damn, that Reed. Anyway, are you absolutely sure you won't regret this?" she inquired. With a furrowed brow, I shook my head. "Regret has no place in my heart. He will be a complete stranger to me," I responded. Windy nodded in agreement. "You did the right thing. I may not know the exact reason behind your decision, but I can sense that he did something to push you towards it." I remained silent, letting out a deep sigh. Suddenly, it dawned on me that my belongings were still at Wyatt's house. "My things are still at Reed's place—" "Then let's go and retrieve them," Windy interjected. I pondered over it for a moment before finally giving a nod of approval.
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