No Big Deal

1062 Words
IVY "That Eva is really getting on my nerves, Ivy. Your mother-in-law is such a wicked woman," Windy exclaimed with a snort as we arrived at the mansion. I let out a deep sigh and forced a smile. "Don't pay attention to her—" "Huh, if only I could tolerate that ridiculous treatment," Windy shook her head, "unlike me. If she wasn't so old, I would've done more than just push her." "She's an elder, Windy. Let it go," I said, uttering a soft chuckle. "I don't care. I want to teach her how to behave around us. Such lowly people," she sarcastically asserted. "And can you believe she even criticized my outfit?" she added. I sighed once again. "Just ignore her. She's nothing. And I refuse to subject myself to that witch again," I replied. We continued our conversation, laughing as we made our way to the living room. I stopped in my tracks when I spotted my brother, Cooper, who rarely appeared during the day. He was sitting on the couch, engrossed in reading a newspaper. Cooper didn't notice us, but I knew he could hear our laughter. He continued flipping through the pages. I hurried over to him and hugged him from behind. He was the one who picked me up from the hospital but disappeared when he dropped me off at the mansion, and now, here he was again. It had been three long years since we had cut ties, and I missed my brother dearly. "Cooper, I've missed you," I whispered into his ear, loosening the hug as he set the newspaper down and turned to face me. I raised an eyebrow and questioned, "Why did you disappear the last time you brought me back here?" Cooper grinned and approached me. I threw myself at him once more, embracing my brother tightly as he reciprocated. After we let go, he smiled, but there was a hint of sadness in his eyes. "I had an important meeting," he answered. "Anyway, I brought you some gifts," he added, pointing to the paper bags on the floor. My eyes widened in delight. Cooper always knew how to spoil me. After three years, I was finally able to receive luxurious presents from my brother again. Windy frowned as she observed my reaction. "If only you didn't pretend to be poor—" "Windy, I almost forgot. I also brought your favorite perfume," Cooper interrupted. He walked to the side, grabbed a small silver paper bag, and handed it to Windy. Windy reached for it and thanked him. Cooper nodded and turned his attention back to me. I smiled and eagerly looked inside the paper bags. As I glanced back at Cooper, I noticed a slight crease on his forehead. "What's wrong?" I inquired. Cooper let out a heavy sigh, calling my name. I turned to look at him, waiting for what he had to say. "Ryan is currently involved in important scientific research abroad and won't be able to come back for a while. Sebastian is busy with international film festivals but will return in a few days. In the meantime, I need you to accompany me to the company," he explained. I couldn't help but wince slightly, knowing that I couldn't escape this responsibility. Reluctantly, I nodded in agreement. Later that night, as I lay in bed, my phone suddenly rang, loudly echoing in the room. With tired eyes, I reached over to the side table to answer it. "Hello?" I mumbled, not bothering to check the caller ID. Windy's angry voice erupted from the other end, instantly waking me up. "What's your problem?" I asked, trying to understand the situation. "Look at the internet! The Reeds are accusing you of stealing something from them. If you don't return it, they're threatening to call the police and have you arrested," Windy explained, her voice filled with concern. I furrowed my brow, feeling a mix of confusion and frustration. I quickly grabbed my laptop from the drawer and went online to see what she was talking about. As I searched for the Reeds, I came across an article that infuriated me. It was an official statement from Reed's Corporation, claiming that I had stolen a valuable piece of jewelry after my divorce from Wyatt Reed. The accusation was completely false. "How dare they accuse you like that? Stealing? Seriously?" I exclaimed, my anger rising. Only then did I realize that Windy was still on the line, patiently waiting for my response. I pressed my lips together and started reading the comments section, scoffing at the ridiculous things people were saying about me. The netizens were throwing around baseless accusations and insulting words. I couldn't believe the audacity of the Reeds and the way they were tarnishing my reputation. I glanced back and fixated my gaze on the picture of the jewelry. I had already seen it, but there was no way I would steal it. I didn't even know the password to their safe. Besides, why would I, coming from a wealthy family, stoop so low as to steal that piece? "Thanks for letting me know, Windy. I'll hang up now," I said, ending the call. I tightened my grip on the phone, gritting my teeth in frustration. How dare Wyatt accuse me of stealing their jewelry? Is this how he throws things at me just because we're divorced now? Does Wyatt think I'll go back to him just because of this? Frowning, I dialed Cooper's number, and it didn't take long for him to answer. "Hey, is The Glamour Entertainment firm still under my name? Who's managing it now?" I asked immediately. "It's Blaze, and I saw the news. I'll let him handle things on the inter—" "No, I'll take care of it myself," I said coldly, cutting him off and ending the call. Those Reeds will soon realize that I'm not the same Ivy they can mock whenever they please. I called a different number to seek assistance from a private investigator in finding the actual thief who took the necklace. The person on the other end assured me that they would provide me with the outcome by tomorrow morning. Since I need it urgently, they mentioned that the cost would be slightly higher. But that's not a problem for me since I have the money.
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