Not Blind

1329 Words

Wyatt’s voice was harsh, cold, and resonant with suppressed rage. “What is happening?” Ken’s hands trembled with fear. He was barely able to maintain a polite smile on his face. “Ms. Morgan is the one who gave him the money.” Wyatt’s office became deafeningly silent. They were surrounded by a dense, oppressive chill in the air. Ken was afraid to inhale freely. Although he was accustomed to this type of atmosphere, each time he encountered it, his entire body shivered. Ken braced himself and gritted his teeth to speak in the face of Wyatt’s bone-chilling gaze. “Even though we cut off Sir Vince’s funding source, he accepted the money Ms. Morgan gave him and resumed cooperation with a number of his partners. Sir Vince’s studio, I’m afraid, will not go bankrupt for the time being.” Wyat

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