
1441 Words

There was complete silence throughout. Ivy couldn’t care less whether Wyatt’s compliment was genuine. Did she require him to inform her of her beauty? Wyatt’s words, however, did cause Ivy’s heart to tremble slightly for a split second. Her position remained precarious. She was stunned for a brief moment and came dangerously close to being sucked into Wyatt’s sweet talk. Fortunately, she acted promptly. ‘This son of a b***h is incapable of seducing me! I am not going to fall for it!’ Numerous celebrity biggies couldn’t help but give Ivy a secret thumbs up when they heard her response. This was a classic President Ivy snide remark. A standard “thank you” would have sufficed, but Ivy’s response was superior. The music began shortly thereafter, and the awards ceremony began. Ivy was arr

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