Glum And Sullen

1408 Words

After Wyatt Reed concluded his remarks, the air was filled with an indescribable and eerie silence. Ivy’s face tensed, and her expression became highly unnatural for a brief moment. Soon, the corners of her lips curved into a faint cold smile. “I’m feeling much better now. Even my memory has improved significantly. Mr. Reed, I can now recall all the lies you told me.” Ivy did not attempt to conceal anything. She wished she could rip Wyatt Reed’s phony face off! Wyatt’s reaction, on the other hand, was unexpected. He felt no uneasiness or guilt, nor did he experience any nervousness or shame following his exposure. His candor made Ivy appear unreasonable. His lips curled into a faint and gentle smile as if he were being extremely tolerant and indulgent of her mockery. “That is great

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