Four: The Urgent Gathering

1136 Words
Amanda’s POV. The last time I saw Kelvin’s parents, they had continuously patted me on back while telling me how happy they were that their son was mated to someone as amazing as I am. They had looked at me with joy in their eyes and blinding smiles on their faces. Now, their lips were turned down and they eyed me with suspicion, coldness and a little bit of irritation. Well, two could play that game. I blatantly ignored Kelvin’s mother and fixed my gaze on Kelvin himself, he was snuggled next to my sister and whispering only goddess knows what in her ear. I grit my teeth and feel my wolf howl in anger and scratch against the bond between us. It took all my effort to keep her down and collected, even though I thoroughly share her sentiment of wanting to rip him apart. He didn’t deserve that, he didn’t deserve to know what emotions he elicited from me. “So, do you have a reason for inviting all of us to come here or what?” Kelvin’s father asks, his voice is gruff and irritated, but I didn’t let it phase me, the same way I haven’t let the way his son treated me the past few days phase me to the core. “Yes, I do,” I stand and point at Kelvin and Kira, they both jolt a little, then fix their expression into a blank, confused state. “I’m sure by now you’ve all heard about what Kira and Kelvin have done. They lied to me, betrayed me and now, they’re trying to play the victim card.” My father winces and so does Kelvin’s father, I was only half sure that they knew about all this, but now, judging by the tortured look on their face, it’s clear that they did know. “We didn’t do anything, don’t tell me you called our families together just to spew lies and make yourself look good,” Kira interjects, she and Kelvin are standing now and their faces are mirrors of aggression and deception. “I think you’re the one playing the victim card here, Amanda…” My eyebrows shoot up and I feel a wave of rage at her audacity. “Of course I’m playing the victim card, I caught you in bed with my mate for f**k’s sake.” Kalvin turns to address our parents with a sad frown on his face, a passerby would think that he was merely the helpless one being dragged by his psychotic mate, they wouldn’t know that he was a cheater and a liar, they wouldn’t know he was the same male that still had the audacity to slunk into my room last night and tried to touch me. “Yes, we did cheat, but it wasn’t because we were trying to hurt Amanda… she drove us to do this, it’s been two months since we last did anything together. She made it clear that she wanted nothing to do with me in that way and practically linked me with her sister. She’s the reason her sister and I are currently together,” his voice is throaty, raw, sad. I’d have fallen for it on a normal day, if the absurdity of his words haven’t settled in my mind and If I wasn’t standing here with no memory of such a conversation. My mouth dropped at his words and I felt even more floored when Kira backs him up with her eyes turned down and her lips trembling pathetically. “She was always talking about how she was tired of his attention and how she needed someone else to distract him, she practically pushed me to him and what was I supposed to do? She’s my older sister and because I look up to her, I agreed to her request. Kelvin was obviously lonely and unknowingly, I started falling for him and then he started falling for me as well. We didn’t mean to betray her…” “Shut up,” I scream, blood currently rushing into my ears, and mind spinning super fast. I could barely suck on a deep breath for a few moments, but I reminded myself to calm down for my baby’s sake. But it was really hard to do that while I stood here listening to my sister and mate spew lies to my family with sad, convincing expressions their faces. I glance around me and felt even more betrayed to see my parents looking at my sister and mate with pity on their faces, they were clearly buying it… they were actually buying it. “None of that happened, why would I…?” “And now she’s trying to make us seem like the bad guys, even though she was the one who begged us to do this. To be honest I don’t know what her motivation for this is, but it hurts knowing that my own sister would turn around and do this to me after literally pleading for me to do this same thing,” Kira continued and I scoffed while wondering when she got this good at acting. Tears are now sliding down her cheek and Kelvin moved over to comfort her. This meeting was spiralling fast, I needed to do something, say something that would get them to understand that my mate and sister are lying, I needed to get them on my side… but judging by the pitying looks in their eyes as they watched my sister and mate hold each other and offer each other comfort, I knew that I’d lost here. No one believed me. My mother stood, walked over to Kira and wiped her tears off her cheeks, she muttered something that sounded like an assurance, but I’m too lost in the chaos of my own mind to listen properly. “So, what would you like to do next?” Kelvin’s mother asked, clearly speaking to me. “Break off the marriage? break off the mate bond?” I blink in shock, but I don’t reply for that moment, my mind feels empty and I know fully well that there’s nothing I can ask for that they can give me. “W-we…” Kira stops to stifle her sobs. “We wouldn’t mind that, now that Kelvin and I love each other so much, I think it’s best for…” “No,” I whispered. Everyone glanced at me at once. I balled my fists and turn to properly meet Kira’s reddened eyes, and for a moment her pathetic faces dropped and I see her true colors– cunning, snaring and devious. “I’m not breaking up the mate bond, it’s my decision to make, right? Well I choose not to.” I see Kira’s face flash with fury.
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