Three: Breaking Point & The Last Straw

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Amanda’s POV Angry, my feet padded around my room as I paced. I was furious and my blood boiled. How dare Kelvin treat me like that and say all those things to me? My head spun as I paced around before finally deciding to go and see my parents in my furious state. I got to them and I was met with the most unexpected question, how did they know about these things? “What the hell is the matter with you?!” My father yelled as he stood to face me and I was confused. I haven’t even said what I wanted to say to him but he’s angry already. “What is the matter with me?” I asked, repeating his question after him and probing him to go further as I had no idea what he was talking about. “Yes, because why on earth would you brashly come to the conclusion of breaking things off with your mate,” my father shot back at me. “And not only that, you had the nerve to force him to be mated to your sister!” My mother butted in as she stood and made her way to stand beside her own mate. It felt as though I was hearing things, I couldn’t believe my ears and with my parents accusing me this way I just knew that I wasn’t just hearing things, it was really happening. Did Kelvin come over here to report me to them? “What are you guys talking about? Who told you these things?” I demanded and my father explained to me that Kelvin had come to them. “He said you were not interested in being his mate anymore and you even gave him the go ahead to ask that your little sister replace you!” My father growled. His voice hit me like a cannonball, everything they said wasn't true. Even though I had indeed told Kelvin that I was no longer interested in being his mate anymore, I still remembered swallowing my pride and went to him. Did he miss the part where I literally went to beg him to leave Kira and come to me. He scowled at me, treated me like I was nothing and he had the nerve to come to my parents and say these things about me? “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I denied, “I didn’t tell him I was no longer interested in being his mate anymore!” I added firmly as I searched my fathers eyes for answers I had no idea I was looking for. “Liar,” Kira scowled as she stood, she had the nerve to call me a liar when she was the one sleeping with my mate behind my back. The audacity everyone in front of me had didn’t stop being amazing to me as they all acted like they were perfect when it was their fault that I'm going through this right now . “Stop being such a pathetic liar, that won’t help you,” Kira added and I could feel my cheeks burning in anger, “you told him you don’t want him anymore, admit it and stop being a….” She was still talking when I slapped her so hard across her face. My parents mouth opened wide as they stared at me, my breathing paced, it was faster than I intended it to be and just then Kelvin walked in. “What is wrong with you?!” He yelled and I scoffed. They made me into this and they still ask what was wrong with me. I watched in anger as Kelvin scooped Kira into his arms. All of them knew what’s wrong with me, especially Kelvin, the hatred I felt for him was out of the world as I watched him hold my sister as she cried in his arms. “Stop being so indecisive and make up your mind instead of going back and forth and getting us dragged into a mess we don’t want to be in.” He continued as he held Kira’s petite form against his chest. Kelvin walked to my father and his voice suddenly went low as he started talking. My head hurts from hearing his voice and the lies he spewed about me. “It’s obvious she doesn’t want me anymore, she demanded that we break the mating bond and ask that I get mated to Kira instead.” He explained and I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. How dare he? How dare he lie right to their faces and how dare they believe him? “He just said it all, Amanda. What now would you like to say for yourself since you keep denying saying anything like this,” my father started and my eyes darted to him, “WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY?!” My father’s yell jolted me out of my thoughts. Scoffing as I looked at each and everyone of them, they’re not about to make me say things I can’t take back. I’m not going to stand here and watch them waste my precious time. “You know what, Kelvin?” I muttered but was loud enough to make sure they all hear me, “you and Kira can go f**k yourselves!” I yelled before storming out of there. I angrily walked back to my house, I was hurt and neither of my parents wanted to hear my side of the story before siding with Kelvin and Kira. Kelvin didn’t come home and my heart ached as I cried myself to sleep. I knew I'd lost my mate already but it still hurts. **** The night went by quickly and it was almost as though the moon goddess didn't want me dwelling on my pain as the night passed. I tried to make my morning eventful but nothing I tried worked until my immediate younger sister, Mara, came to see me. I couldn’t hide the joy in my heart when I saw her, I sprinted to her direction with a weak smile and threw myself at her in a hug. She didn’t say anything as she patted my back and stroked my hair gently. After a while of staying in her embrace, I led her to one of the couches and we both sat. “What’s going on?” Mara asked softly and I couldn’t help but break down in tears in front of her. She’d told me I didn’t need to talk about it but I insisted. Letting me cry to my satisfaction, she sat with me and listened with keen interest as I explained my plight to her. I told her about everything that had been going on with Kelvin, Kira and my Parents. Although, I omitted some parts of the story, one which included me being pregnant with Kelvin's baby. I didn’t want to talk about it with anyone yet and she doesn’t need to know about it just yet. Mara sympathised with me as she rubbed my palm in a bid to comfort me. I couldn’t be more grateful to have her here with me. “I came here to tell you that Kelvin is already pushing through with getting mated to Kira, he’s asking us for permission,” she started and my head sprung up as I stared at her with teary eyes. “He’ll be breaking the mating bond really soon and he’d even said that you approved of this, he said you gave them your blessings so they can go ahead with it.” She added and my mouth dropped open. “What?” I said in a low tone, I couldn’t believe that they would come up with a lie like this against me. “Listen, Amanda. He said you pushed him to Kira. You know you can talk to me, tell me everything.” She demanded and my stomach churned. I knew she had my best interest at heart but I still feel as though she didn’t believe me. She probably also believed the fact that Kelvin said I pushed him towards Kira. Furious, I stood to my feet as I turned my back to my sister, “Kelvin and Kira are such shameless liars.” I said as I covered my mouth with my palm and sobbed. Mara stood and held me, making me turn to face her. The pity in her eyes was one I couldn’t miss but like every other person that knew I hated being pitied, she smiled at me. “I’ll make sure I talk to Kira, she needs to come back to her senses, I can’t just sit back and watch all of this madness unfold.” Mara said, promising to help me talk to Kira. “No, please don’t,” I said, stopping her, “I don’t feel anything for him anymore, I don’t even want him as my mate anymore.” I added. Mara stared at me for a while before agreeing to do things my way, she hugged me and after a while, she left as she promised to come check on me from time to time. I smiled sadly as I watched my sister leave and I resumed pacing about the house. I couldn’t believe that Kelvin would actually go through with getting mated to my sister. I went about my business as I tried to get my mind off the drama unfolding in my household. I needed something that would serve as a distraction for me. The day kept going by fast and soon night came, I stayed in the sitting room when Kelvin came home reeking of my younger sister. It was easy to tell that they’d spent the entire day and the previous night together and not only that, they also had s*x. Standing up, I walked to face Kelvin. “How dare you?” I demanded and he raised an eyebrow as if he had no idea what I was talking about, “how dare you say those things to my parents?” I added. “I never knew you were this much of a liar, how could you tell such a lie to my parents and make me look like I was the one cheating on the mating bond?!” I yelled when he didn’t say a word. I was going crazy, everything was driving me crazy and the fact that I would spend the night with this same man got me so angry. Kelvin stuck with his story of me being the one who’d pushed his hand and made him cheat on our bond. Angry, I went into my new bedroom and tried to sleep when Kelvin came in and attempted to touch me. I made sure I imprinted my palm on his face before throwing him out of the room. The pain that visited me that night was excruciating and I held my chest as I cried myself to sleep once again. Somehow, that has become my new routine.
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