Five: From Bad to Worse

1103 Words
Amanda’s POV. “Unfortunately my wolf isn’t strong enough to handle us breaking the bond, and I’m certainly not going to risk turning into a rogue just so they can have their happy ending,” I said, tipping my head towards Kira and Kelvin, both of them were looking at me with a mix of shock and rage on their face and it had been beyond satisfying to see that for the first time since I had stepped into this room, I wasn’t the one being shocked. “But… you can’t…” Kira started, her face was reddening and it was clearly Kelvin’s strong grip on her arm that kept her from flying towards me. “Amanda, it’s really the best option for you, I have no intention of coming back to you now that I’m with Kira and…” Kelvin spoke up this time, his voice is calm and he adopted a tone one might take on if they were trying to reason with a child. Somehow, that pisses me off even more, so even though the sound of his voice brushes over my skin and practically eggs me over to him, I stand my ground and tip my head to the side with as much condensation I can muster. “No, the two of you have already ruined my entire life, I’m not about to throw the rest of it away because you decided to betray me.” Once again tears spring up in Kira’s eyes. “But Amanda, I was merely doing what you wanted, I didn’t…” her words are cut off by a slight sob and Kelvin quickly hugs her to himself. My mother glares at me and I just watch their little display in disgust. I was half lying and half telling the truth. Truly, my wolf wouldn’t be able to handle the splitting of the mate bond, due to my pregnancy, but the real reason I had refused to break off the bond even with how pained and bitter I was feeling was because I could already hear the whispers of the pack members and their mocking laughters ringing in my ear. I couldn’t let that happen, I couldn’t go from being one of the most loved people and well respected woman in the pack to a laughingstock, so I decided then and there that I’d endure the pain that came when they f****d each other. I would endure the pain of betrayal that my wolf felt, if it meant that I would save face. Eventually, Kira stopped her fake sobs, she at least managed to look slightly embarrassed, but Kelvin’s mother patted her hand in a way I knew was meant to make her feel better. “Well,” my mother coughed. “We have to come to some sort of compromise.” I turned to look at Kelvin and I hated it that one look at him had my chest hurting and my entire body craving his touch. This damn bond. I sucked in a breath and said in the calmest voice I could muster, “The only thing I ask is for the two of you to keep your little affair under wraps, it’ll be disgraceful to both our families if the news of what happened gets out.” Kira feigned a hurt and astonished look. “You were the one that insisted on this happening and now you want us to hide it?” My eyes snapped to her and she shrunk back a little. “Why the hell do you keep lying Kira?” “Enough!” My father was the one that interrupted this time, he scowled at me and slowly got up from his seat with a look of disgust on his face. In all the years I’d been alive my father had never once looked at me with anything less than love and adoration in his eyes, after all I’d been his golden child, his pride and joy, I’d been the one to make the union between I and Kelvin’s family possible, all I’d ever done was to please him, but after all those years of effort and toiling, a few words from Kira were all it took for his eyes to change from care and affection to hate and disgust. “If Kira and Kelvin insist on being together then there’s nothing any of us can do to keep them apart hm. You heard your sister, Kira, keep this under wraps and continue if you must, we’ll figure out what to do from there,” his voice had softened when speaking to her and I almost cried when he extended an arm out to tug her against himself and offer some semblance of comfort. Kira smiled in his arms and her eyes caught mine over his shoulder, she smirked and buried her face into his neck. Rage. Hate. Misery. These were the only three emotions I was able to feel, as I had watched my parents and Kelvin’s parents gather around the two and speak in hushed tones. Never have I ever felt so alone. ——— The walk back to my home wasn’t a particularly long one, but unlike my usual routine, this time, I chose to take the longer, more desolate routes on my way there. Partially because I had needed the silence and more time away from that house and partially because I had hoped some depraved wolf would find me here and kill me. It would be a reprieve from the pain I’ve been enduring all these days and maybe my death would make Kelvin experience even a quarter of the pain he caused me. There were tears blurring my vision as I walked, and all I could think of was the child growing inside me and what I could possibly do to remedy this situation, sooner or later the truth would come out, the whole pack will eventually find out and sooner or later I and my child would become laughingstocks. I paused and leaned against a dirty wall, two blocks away from home. I couldn’t stop the tears and they only flowed more freely as the realisation about how alone I was hit me, for someone who grew up experiencing love, knowing that for once I was the one left out of my family hurt nearly as much as the pain I’d experienced when Kelvin and Kira f****d. It hurt so damn much. And everything only began to hurt even more when two weeks later, Kira officially moved into my home and the only thing I could do was watch.
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