Two: The Perfect Facade

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Amanda’s POV The day of the anniversary arrived and I couldn’t have been any more hurt. My chest tightened at the thought of seeing my mate again and my stomach churned each time I remembered he was having s*x with my sister last night. Getting ready for the celebration of the anniversary, I felt a stabbing pain in my chest as I held onto the chair in front of me for support. Kelvin was busy having s*x with my sister on the very morning of our anniversary, the slimy bastard. I shook the pain off because breaking down in front of everyone is not my forte. I hid my pain behind a fake bravado and I put up a font and smiled to the faces of everyone who came to congratulate me, because I couldn’t let them see me hurting. I received a lot of gifts from so many well wishers as usual. I knew they had a question about why my mate was nowhere around me like he’d have been on a normal day but they all bit their tongue and resisted the urge to ask until one of them spoke up. “Where’s your mate? He needs to be here with you since it’s your anniversary.” An older woman said as she patted my cheek fondly and I only smiled. “He has to be somewhere for a meeting hence the reason he’s not here but he’ll be soon.” I answered jovially and everyone chuckled. The celebration went on and I kept getting gifts as a lot of our pack members celebrated my anniversary with me. It was already starting to get weird that my mate was still absent. The party which I had planned for weeks made me feel nauseous and I wished I could suddenly ask everyone to go home. Sometimes later, I looked ahead of me to see Kelvin waltzing in, and as much as I tried to ignore the pain, I was hurt. Fucking my sister made him come to our anniversary ceremony late. “You don’t have to make it so obvious that you’re being unfaithful to me just yet,” I said quietly through gritted teeth before smiling to the people in front of me. “An humiliation like that is one that I can’t bear,” I added, “why are you late? Couldn’t she wait for you to get back before y’all decided to go at it again??” I whispered and Kelvin cleared his throat while smiling at a few people who were staring at us with adoration, and I made sure to keep my smile on. Kelvin took my hand and led me to the dance floor. I never wanted him to touch me again, nor do I want to dance, but I couldn’t afford to pull away from him in front of people. The crowd cheered eagerly as Kelvin’s arms settled around my waist as we began to move to the music. Everyone was obviously happy for us but I couldn’t help but think, if only they knew. “I’m sorry.” He apologised on a whisper as I felt his cold hand tightening on my waist and that sent a small shiver down my spine, damn my body for still reacting to his touches. “Don’t apologise,” I growled, “we’ll break the mating bond once I’m ready but for now, we need to put up a font. They don’t need to see what has been going on between us.” I added firmly and he nodded in understanding, lips pursed. After some hours, we both left the ceremony with people hooting at us and wagging their eyebrows suggestively. I yanked my hand from his and firmly told him to leave me alone once we were in the privacy of our home. His face is the last thing I really wanted to see right now. “Amanda,” he called and my head spun, “I still love you.” He added and my eyes fell shut in frustration as I turned to look at him. “You still love me? You were f*****g my sister hours ago and you have the f*****g nerve to tell me you love me?” I demanded, doing little to hide my hurt. “I do, I really do but if I’m being honest with you, you pushed me away. You forced my hand and made me do these things that I didn’t think I would ever do!” He shot back at me. It seemed as though my hands had a mind of their own because they sprung up and landed on his cheeks so hard that even he was taken aback by my action. “How dare you?” He seethed with his eyes blazing in anger as he trailed his fingers across his cheeks, “Oh, Amanda I’ll definitely make you pay for this!” He added before storming out of the room but turned so he could have the last words. “I’ll make sure you won’t be able to get over the excruciating pain of me f*****g someone else tonight.” He added and my chest clenched. The pain in my heart was unbearable but I was not about to allow him to see me in my most vulnerable state. Turning to face him, I stood in front of him as if daring him to do what he just said. I’d been tempted to tell him about my pregnancy but after what had just happened, I held myself back and decided against it. He isn’t worth knowing about it at all. “My father and his Luna are throwing a party for us this evening, don’t be late.” I said before turning to leave him. I couldn’t miss the surprised look on his face and I just knew that he was expecting me to cry and seek comfort in his embrace while begging him not to f**k someone else, but he should’ve known better. The day went by quickly and it was almost time for the party my parents had thrown, I bit on my nails nervously as my chest clenched. Is he going to be late tonight too? What if he doesn’t show up? Then people would know something was going on between us. His voice put a halt to all of the thoughts running through my mind and I couldn’t help but be relieved when I saw him. I wasn’t happy because he was here, I was happy because the humiliation tonight of going to the party alone wouldn’t happen. “Let’s go.” He said and I took his arm as we both made our way to the luxurious party my parents had thrown. Everyone congratulated us and even gave us more gifts. I put up the most perfect font, hanging over Kelvin and laughing every now and them in order to deceive everyone perfectly. My parents are extremely wealthy and a party like this one came like a piece of cake to them. Kelvin and I walked around as we thanked everyone for showing up. I was making sure my smile brightened up the room while my heart was dark inside. I’d lost my light and I had no idea when I was going to find it back but I’m not about to let that get in the way. Kelvin had his arms wrapped around my waist as we both walked around the room gracefully, he would occasionally turn me around to face him while he planted a kiss on my lips, playing his part perfectly. Everyone wished they could be like us and Kelvin had no problem putting up a font in the presence of these many people. His hand clung to my waist while the other held my face up as he tucked a chunk of my hair behind my ear. He looked at me so lovingly that If I didn’t know better I would’ve been convinced that he really loved me. Has it always been a font to him? All these years of being together, has he just been acting? Despite it all being a font, my wolf and I couldn’t help but still seek comfort in our mate’s embrace since we still shared a bond after all. The party was soon over and we made our way back home quietly, and i didn’t stop him when he left almost immediately, undoubtedly to go be with my sister. The pain I felt tonight was out of this world, probably because this was the day my wolf carved for the mating bite the most of all days. I tossed and turned on my bed as the stabbing in my chest began, clutching it and perspiring, I breathed into the pillow as I cried myself to sleep. ******** The anniversary was over and it was almost as though I was all alone. Finally getting the courage to confide in my best friend, I decided to explain everything to her. “I am so sorry that you had to go through something like this and that too, alone?!” Angel said, I could hear the pity in her voice but it cleared almost immediately. She knew me too well to pity me, pity was one of the reasons I went through my hard times alone. I hated it when people pitied me and Angel seemed to understand because she didn’t say another word and instead took to patting my back as I hugged her. “But what if you plead with him to leave Kira and come back to you?” She advised and I knew she meant well but I couldn’t help but get mad. “Plead?!” I barked and Angel signalled for me to calm down while she explained. “Yes and before you chop my head off I’m only saying this because it seems like it’s the only reasonable thing to do,” she started and I listened with keen interest. “That way, you or your wolf wouldn’t get hurt anytime he had s*x with another woman that’s not you and asides that, breaking a mating bond when you know everyone in the whole pack looks up to you and they also shipped you and Kelvin, that would be disappointing to them and humiliating to you.” She explained and I couldn’t help but agree with her. Breaking the mating bond would lead to a lot of humiliation, one I’m not ready to face. Angel and I spoke for a while and I’d told her I was going to think about it. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t shake Angel's advice from my head. It's been days and I still haven’t decided on what to do next yet. Finally making up my mind and out of desperation, I decided that I was going to go and see Kelvin. I’m going to plead with him to come back to me. Doing that, I went to Kelvin but I faced the highest form of embarrassment when he laughed and scowled at me. “You really think I would want to come back to you?” He asked and my lips quivered, this was a bad idea. I shouldn’t have agreed to begging him. “What do you mean?” I found myself asking with my voice shaky and threatening to break if I said another word. “You’re no longer a fresh fruit, Amanda. You’re boring and you’ve let go of yourself that you’ve become so ugly, I can’t even stand you!” He spat and my jaw dropped. Kelvin dared to call me ugly when he was the reason I looked like this, he’d told me I dressed lewd and sluttily, and in order to keep him, I decided to do as he says because he’s a possessive wolf and now he dares call me ugly?! It took me so long to finally swallow my pride and come to him, to get down to his level and this is what he had to say to me? I couldn’t believe my ears as I stared at him.
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