One: Unexpected Heartbreaks & Humorous Betrayals

1982 Words
Being the crowned Luna of a pack as large as mine came with a lot of expectations, one I didn’t have any problem meeting and the icing on the cake was the fact that I was mated to the son of my father’s best friend, who is also a very powerful Alpha. I’ve always loved Kelvin since we were kids, I had the biggest crush on him for years, one which he shockingly reciprocated, and since we’ve been best friends since I could remember, it didn’t take long for us to get mated to each other. Our fifth year anniversary is coming up and I couldn’t wait for it to finally get here. Discovering that I was pregnant a week ago brought me immense joy, a news which I decided to keep a secret from my mate until our anniversary day. As usual, I was already worked up from wanting everything to work out perfectly on the anniversary date, due to the perfectionist streak in me. Weirdly enough, for days now, I’ve been unable to shake off the nagging feeling that something somewhere feels terribly wrong. With a sigh, I closed the book I’ve been trying to read for the past hour and made my way out of my office. I exchanged a few words with a few members of the pack before making my way home. I wasn’t supposed to be home until nighttime but the meeting which was supposed to happen got rescheduled. I got into the house and made my way into the bedroom, and in there, I witnessed the most shocking thing ever. My mate was atop my sister, thrusting into her with their voices echoing around the room. The sight seemed unreal to me but after blinking a few times, I realised that I wasn’t hallucinating, and at once, the weird, pulsating feeling in my chest grew in size, shooting a sharp pain throughout my entire body and found it difficult to breathe for a few seconds. Kelvin was having s*x with Kira– my youngest sister whom I cherished so much. I held my chest as I banged on the opened door, roughly announcing my presence and the moment Kelvin saw me, he jumped and untangled himself from her at once. “W… what… is going on here?” I demanded in disbelief, voice shaking with the shock still coursing through my veins. How could Kelvin do this to me? Especially with my youngest sister? “Look, Kira…. Amanda,” he stuttered, clearly trying to explain while Kira scrambled to get dressed. Kelvin got up and hurriedly shrugged into his pants, and then he began to make his way towards me, but each step he took towards me made me take one back. He extended his hand to touch me but I held a hand up in disgust. “Don’t you dare touch me, Kelvin.” I glanced at my sister and then back to my mate. “I just saw you having s*x with my younger sister and you have the audacity to try to touch me? Are you insane?” “It’s not what you think,” he explained frantically, looking extremely panicked, but each word that rolled out of his tongue caused me even more pain. “It’s not what I think?” I exclaimed on a bitter laugh, with my lips slightly quivering as I held onto the door for support. I was perspiring and my head hurts as I listened on with my head spinning as Kelvin claimed that my sister had seduced him into having s*x with her. “You’re such a pathetic liar,” Kira spat, “He drugged me and forced me to sleep with him, I’d never seduce him! ” Kira argued. Paying them no heed, I held my head as I walked out of the room, it was starting to get too choking for me, another moment in the room and I might pass out. Kelvin and Kira followed me as they both took turns in giving me different narratives of how they both ended up in the same bed, having s*x and moaning extremely loudly. Listening to them right now was almost comical. Rushing into the spare bedroom, I slammed the door in their faces and locked it so they would be unable to get in, and then I ran my fingers through my hair in distress before slowly sliding down the door as pain engulfed me once again in a larger fold. There was no way I would be able to recover from a betrayal as brutal as this one. The stinging feeling in my eyes indicated that I was about to cry, and I hated myself for that because tears indicated nothing but weakness. I slapped my palm over my mouth and screamed into it, with my body shaking from the force of the tears pouring down my cheeks. I loved Kelvin so much. I’ve always loved him and I couldn’t bring myself to consider leaving him, seeing as that would only hurt my wolf and the fact that I was also pregnant. One thing was certain and it was that I’d never be able to look at him the same way again. I knew there was no way I could stare at Kelvin without the image of him f*****g Kira popping up in my head. Being the kind of woman that I am– a Luna and the most respected woman in the pack along with being placed on a pedestal of high expectations by almost every other woman here in the pack who looked up to me— what would they say if I break things up with my mate? What kind of example would I be setting up for them? Kelvin and I are the IT couple of the pack. Everyone prayed to the moon goddess to give them a bond like the one Kelvin and I shared. Severing the mate bond with Kelvin would not only paint me up in a look, it would also lead to me being the butt of so many people’s gossip, and then I wouldn’t be feared and well respected like I currently am. That’s the last thing I want for myself right now. With a long, resigned sigh, I cleaned my tears and slowly got to my feet. Whatever happens next, I’m going to have to deal with the fact that my mate cheated on me with my sister, and I wouldn’t be able to do a thing about it. I’ve decided to live with the pain but there was no way I would be able to associate him with things I used to before. He wasn’t the loving mate I knew anymore, he wasn’t my best friend and the man I had a crush on for years anymore. I now see him as a cheat, one who couldn’t even take his infidelity somewhere else and had to do it with my sister! As the days passed, I avoided Kelvin at all cost and whenever he tried to talk about the incident, I would occasionally shun him and tell him to leave me be. The memory was still fresh in my heart and talking about it would only open up my wounds. He tried countless times to apologise but I refused to indulge him because an apology wouldn’t heal the wound he had inflicted in my heart. I could’ve easily forgiven him for a lot of things, but cheating on me with my youngest sister was where I drew the line. “I’m sorry, I don’t know how it happened, I wasn’t in my right frame of mind and I didn’t know how…” once again, he was attempting to apologise to me. One would think he’d never be able to do something like that to me with how earnest he looked right now. I stomped my palm on the table in irritation and glared at him. “We’re not going to talk about what happened or how it happened.” I said firmly. “You had s*x with my sister, what does she look like to you just before you stuck your c**k up her ass? You thought she was me? I don’t f*****g think so!” I yelled. “Who knows how long this has been happening, or the other girls in this pack you’ve been f*****g behind my back, you cheating bastard.” Not waiting for a response, I hastiky walked out of the sitting room after that and made my way to the spare room which I had now made into my bedroom, in order to lay on the bed to cry once again. It seemed as though all I’ve been doing ever since that horrible incident was crying my eyes out and then the next day, pretend like everything was fine with me. Later at night, I made my way to the sitting room and there, I found my mate, my sister and my parents. I had no idea why they didn’t chastise or punish her for having s*x with her sister's mate after I broke the news to them. “I’m sorry.” She apologized when I turned to leave and her voice made me stop in my tracks as I turned to look at her. My vision was blurry due to the tears that were welling up in my eyes and the sight of Kira only disgusted me even more. “You’re sorry? You’re sorry for sleeping with my mate after five years of us being together, Kira?” I demanded and she opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. Exactly what I thought. “Hunny… she’s sorry,” My mother spoke up and my eyes darted at her in disbelief, “she has been feeling remorseful and you should at least be able to forgive her for that.” She added and my mouth dropped open in shock. “There’s no sign of any remorse, look at her!” I shot at my mother and my father stood up, and at once, I knew he also wanted to take her side. “She’s just a child, she makes mistakes and no one including you is above mistakes,” he started, talking authoritatively with his familiar, calming voice. Without saying another word, I stomped out of the house in anger and all efforts to stop me proved futile. I tried to live with every stabbing pain I felt inside me the following days when my mate came to have a word with me a day to our anniversary. Said anniversary which I wasn’t looking forward to any longer “Please sit,” he offered, pulling out a chair for me and I took his invitation as I sat down because I felt too weak to argue, “We need to talk.” He added and I rolled my eyes before raising a brow at him, probing him to say whatever he wanted to say. “I understand if you don’t want to be mated to me,” he started and my eyes shot at him, “I’m ready to be mated with your sister since we both like each other already.” He finished and I couldn’t believe what I’d just heard. He just said he doesn’t mind being mated to my sister?! My heart aches and it seemed as though I’d heard wrong, I stared at him and he looked very serious, proving that he really meant it. “Do whatever you want!” I said through gritted teeth as I forced myself to hold my tears back before storming out. Later that midnight, I felt a stabbing pain in my heart and that was no other sign than my mate f*****g someone else who was undoubtedly my sister. Heartbroken and defeated, I held my chest as I cried myself through the night.
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