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Seraf's Pov In silence, in awe, I watched as the lady I love walked out on me and entered into the rain. It was storming and cold, but to escape from me, she had to torture herself that way. Her glare, her accusations, and her hatred all linger in my mind, almost making me go berserk. She just said... Wait a second. I whirled around to gaze at Bastiano only to see him packing up his books and getting ready to leave as well, probably to meet up with Hayven to console her. I rushed to him immediately. This time I gripped him by the collar with my eyes blazing fury. " What did you tell her? What in the world did you tell her Bastiano,? Did you tell her I ... I was with Estelle for three days and nights? Goodness Bastiano. You know how much I love her. Why are you doing this to me? " I am frustrated and stressed out. I couldn't pinpoint what to do anymore. It was as though my whole life was collapsing before me, and even though I had so much wealth, I still couldn't save myself at all. " You can't take care of her, Seraf " I suddenly hear my brother whispers in my left ear. He is so full of hypocrisy that he doesn't want any other person to overhear his taunts. " What? " " You know yourself that you can't take care of her. I heard you will be going to Uncle soon in the human region. How about you focus on your journey? Don't worry about Hayven. She will be in safe hands. My hands " Those were the last words I wished to hear. I attack my brother immediately, and a brawl ensues. It was a hectic one that left a trail of blood and put the library in an uproar. My first journey to the human world had left me unable to perceive any paranormal scent, but it also made me more powerful than my twin brother. I reach out to him by the collar and slam him right against the wall which gives way immediately. Other students who had come to study all rushed to the safe side. Some quickly good call upon the security. I already know I am done for but who cares? The punishment will be the same anyway. I'd be punished by my father again and my mom won't have enough confidence to speak against him. I did more damage to Bastiano than I had planned, and by the time the security arrived to save him from my clutch, I had almost choked the very life out of him. That night, I looked very much murderous. I wouldn't have hesitated to kill him. How dare he want my woman. How dare he! I was dragged away by the security who came to overpower me, but I pulled free, angry at them. " Let him go. We will inform the Alpha King about their brawl, " One of the librarians says quietly, and the security obeys. They released me but stayed at the side, ready to stop me if I wanted to do more damage to my brother. Bastiano was on the floor, wriggling in pain. He was bleeding a few seconds ago but his bruises were all healed up now. That's one of his abilities as a werewolf. He finds his way back to his feet and then walks up to me with a smirk on his face. " You are in bigger trouble now brother. You are in a very big problem now " He laughed wickedly at my face and walked off, leaving me behind. I was troubled by his words. I wonder what plan he has next to execute. While I was standing there, wondering, my best friend, Kauis, rushed to my side. " Let's go. Come on " He pulled me out of the library, and we emerged out of the rainy night. Kauis held up the black umbrella over my head, and we both began to walk. I was unconscious of my surroundings for a while. I am disturbed, confused, and angry. All of a sudden I stop walking. A frown etched my eyebrows. " Wait a second. Kauis? " " What is it Seraf? " I whirled around to face my friend. He was surprised at my actions but waited to listen. " If Bastiano tells Hayven that Estelle was with me for three days and nights, that means Estelle also isn't in school, right? " " Right. Where have you been? I asked of you from your twin brother but he said you were with Estelle. Of Course, I didn't believe it, but I guess Hayven does. You give her a reason to do so anyway " I look away to set my jaw in anger. " s**t! That was why she got mad tonight. I never knew Hayven would be this jealous " " Why won't she be? Goodness, don't you know she loves you? " " That's not news anymore, Kauis " I tried thinking of a solution to my predicament but the more I think, the more my mind is filled with only her name. Hayven. " I should go see her," I mutter to Kauis as I make my way to the female Residents' hall. I headed straight to the room she shared with Estelle but the security guard was quick to stop me. " It's already closing hour, Prince Seraf. You can't go in " " Really? " I take a step back to check my wristwatch. " I will only spend five minutes. I need to meet with Hayven tonight. " " You can't, Prince Seraf. I'm sorry. Unless she comes on out herself you can't go in " I suddenly became frustrated. I need to meet with Hayven. I wanted to hear from her. Goodness, I want to meet with her. " Seraf? " I heard a lady call my name from behind. When I turned around, I saw my partner in the class assignment, Siren, who had introduced herself earlier. " Hmm? " " I am Hayven's new roommate. If you want ... I can check on her for you " I was suddenly filled with relief. I let out a soft sigh as I shut my eyes. " Yeah, do that. Go on and check on her for me " " On one condition," Siren said, surprising me. " Will you fulfill my wish? " Kauis and I shared a look. I never expected her to make demands. " What's your wish? Tell me " For a moment there she only gaze at me. " I want to be your friend. Can I ? " Her sudden wish makes me swallow hard. A friend. I can't afford that right now. Not when my woman is suspicious of me. But as the saying goes. A beggar can't be chooser. I have no choice. All that matters for me now is Hayven and I'd do everything in me to have her back. " Fine. Let's be friends. I'm Seraf," I agreed at last, just as I stretched out my palm for a handshake, and she smiled brightly. " Siren. I'm a mermaid " She replied, taking my palm firmly. That night, under the heavy rain, Siren and I formed a bond. That bond will soon come to haunt me.
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