1366 Words
Hayven's Pov The rain was pouring heavily when Siren and I made our way into the large library. We busted through the large entrance at a go, breathing hard and, at the same time, commanding a lot of attention. Other students who were also there to study were busy staring at us when Bastiano raised his hand from where he sat and beckoned at me. " Let's go. That's my partner in the assignment," I said to Siren, who had overdressed, and we went together to meet Bastiano. As usual, he is handsome. He was putting on a white sweatshirt and a jacket. His black baggy pants and trousers were accompanied by his comfy boots. He looked every inch like Seraf, and I almost mistook him for my ex-boyfriend. " Take a seat. You must be cold " " No, I'm fine. Thank you, " I quickly said before he laid a hand on me. I wouldn't deny I know already he is interested in me. His care and attention are a bit too much for a lady like me. I went to take my seat while expecting Siren to do so as well, but she stood still. " Who is she? " Bastiano finally asked. " She is my new roommate. Siren, this is Seraf's twin brother. His name is Sebastiano " " Yeah, I know him. Bastiano " Siren stated with a smile directed at Seraf's twin brother. " Nice to meet you " I watched as Bastiano glanced down at her hand. For some moments, I thought he'd ignore it, but at last, he accepted with a bright smile on his face. " Same here. You are new here? " " Yeah. Just joined today " " Why would a mermaid come to the surface? " Bastiano asked with a small frown and I suddenly flinch. He knows who she is without her revealing it. That meant he could perceive the scent of a mermaid in her. Something Seraf had claimed he couldn't do. Lair. " I have been transferred here for a reason " " Then why are you here tonight? " " To meet your brother. He said he'd come tonight " At the corner of my eyes, I saw Bastiano clenched his hands into a fist. It was as though he hated the idea of Seraf showing up. " Good. You should sit with us till he arrives " Siren smiled in response and they both settled down. Bastiano had already brought out the books we would study from, and I was eager to get everything over with when a cold chill suddenly ran down my spine. I shiver slightly, my teeth almost clattering. Bastiano must have seen this because he quickly pulled off his jacket and draped it over my shoulder. I'd rather he didn't do this. All of a sudden, the low chattering in the library suddenly went down, and the large spaces went dead silent. I looked up, wondering who would be so powerful enough to command such a perfect decorum, and I saw him again. Seraf. He dressed exactly like his brother. Same trousers, Sweatshirts and jacket. His face was laced with no emotions, so I couldn't read him, but somehow, I was excited to see him. My heart leaps up for joy, and inside me, I feel a brief movement. It was as though the baby had sensed its father's presence. I shake my head quickly to return to reality and to stop the thought. I look down at the book as I notice the awkward situation. Seraf must have caught his brother drapping over me his jacket. " He's here, " I heard Siren say just as she got up on her feet to meet the young man. I didn't turn around, but I listened to Seraf's approach and stopped a few steps away from Siren. " How do you get my contact? " That was the first question he asked her. " Your brother gave it to me. I am Siren. Your Partner in Mr Train's assignment " I felt the movement of Siren extending her palm for a handshake but I doubt if Seraf will take it. Silence fell and I perceived no movement. I wonder what is going on. Out of curiosity, I turn to see Seraf glaring at his brother. His eyes filled with so much hatred and Anger. " I never remember when I told you to give out my contact to anyone who asked, Bastiano, " He challenged, and I swallowed hard, expecting a new brawl from the twins. I wish Bastiano would ignore Seraf. I wish he wouldn't give him the satisfaction but I was Disappointed. Bastiano laughed, almost taunting his brother. What happened next was Seraf closing in on him. However, they didn't brawl. He only walks closer to issuing a Promise. His eyes were so determined to keep it at all costs. " I won't forgive you Bastiano. I will never do " " Empty words coming from a young man who isn't trustworthy. You should worry about yourself, dear brother " Seraf suddenly grips his brother by the collar, and Bastiano grins wickedly, making me go nauseous. I suddenly feel lightheaded and my face contorted in discomfort. I tried closing my eyes as if to block out the chaos around me but that couldn't help much. A low, pained groan escaped my lips, and The twins, seemingly oblivious to my distress just moments before, suddenly stopped their bickering and turned their attention to me. I couldn't look up at their faces, but I could tell it was etched with concern; they rushed to my side, their movements surprisingly gentle. One of them - I couldn't tell them apart - because I had my eyes already closed, took my hand and spoke. " You alright? Hayven, are you okay? Speak to me " I know who he is now after hearing the utmost concern in his voice. Seraf. At once I gritted my teeth, gulping down the discomfort in me. I snatched my hand away from him just as I got up to my feet, swaying a bit. He reaches out to me again, but this time, I retaliate by shoving him off. " Do not touch me " I warned. My eyes glared. I want to be over him. He was supposed to give me some space. " Fine, I won't, but let me take you to the school infirmary. You need to see the doctor " I nearly laughed at his face. Is he serious right now? I didn't bother to answer him. I only focused on the exit when he caught my wrist, daring me. " I won't let you go until you visit the doctor, Hayven " " Why did you care if I go to the doctor or not? Why! " " Because you are still my Mate! " He snapped. " Whether you like it or not you are still mine. I never accepted your rejection, have I ? " " Really? Now you know I am your mate? " I asked calmly, but it was only a matter of time before I lashed out. Oh, I am done keeping it all sealed up inside of me. " After sleeping with Estelle for three good days and nights Seraf, you still have the nerve to address me as your f*****g Mate? " My eyes were murderous, redden with frustration and fury. I wouldn't hesitate to go more berserk at that moment if he dared stop me again. I saw his face widen in confusion at my accusation but I didn't wait to check more of his expression before I snatched my wrist away from his clutch. " You touch me again and I won't hesitate to report you. Trust me Seraf, I will " It was a night of joy but sorrow. I was glad he was safe after all, that he showed up fine, but sorrowful that he was still a jerk, a liar. As I walked out of the library that night, emerging into the rain, I felt my soul on fire and my heart in ashes.
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