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Seraf's Pov I stood still with my head up high towards the window of Hayven. There I am with Kauis in the middle of the night, under the rain, awaiting the mermaid's report. I never have imagined myself to be in this state. A state where I'd love one lady more than life itself. Where I will be willing to be a fool for her. Siren's head suddenly pops out from the window, catching my attention. At once, I waved up at her, and she smiled. I watch her take her cell phone and put a call across me. The new room of Hayven, 0028, is up there on the top floor, so we would either wake the sleeping students up or we'd have our conversation silently on cellphones. " Hi Seraf, " Siren's perfect voice came through when I answered the call, and I looked up towards her as though to answer her. " What's going on? Where is my mate? " " She must have been tired, Seraf. She has gone to bed already. She appears to be worn out. " Silent fell between Siren and me. The only sound that can be heard is that of the rain pouring down from the dark sky. I bowed my head in sorrow, hating myself for giving Hayven a hard time. " You should let her rest then. Good night " " Hey, wait, " Siren suddenly stopped me when I was about to disconnect. I look up at her, her beautiful eyes pleading with me for some seconds there. " How about the assignment? " " Goodness, I'm not in the mood to talk about that right now " " But you ... " " Fine. Send the question and your report to me. We still have some days left to give Mr Train our answers. Before then I have some things to do. Good night " I quickly disconnected before she could say more words, and I turned to Kauis, who had been there with me. My thoughts are all over the place. " Kauis, when I was held in the damp cell in the werewolf Castle, I missed two of Estelle's calls. What do you think that means? " " It means she is calling you so she can trick you again. You seem to have forgotten she is the one that screws you and Hayven over " " I know but ... " I stop to think. " Estelle and I never had any differences. I mean, why would she want to make my life this miserable? " " You are the college sweetheart. The perfect bad boy. I'd be crazy not to fall for you if I were a female. She obviously wants you for herself " I cast Kauis a look and mutter under my breath. " Thank goodness you are not a female then. I think I should give her a call. Estelle hasn't been seen for three days now. I wonder where she has been to " Before Kauis could stop me, I made a call to Estelle, but her contact was unreachable. After many tries and still in vain, I let out a frustrated sigh. " Probably she has left the college for home, " Kauis suggested, but I had this bad feeling. I shake my head in the negative. " More like going into hiding or something " " Oh, now your head is full of s**t, Seraf. If you are too worried about her whereabouts, how about we trace the last location of her cellphone? " At once, my heart leaped up to my throat in glee. " Yes. I had forgotten we got that option " Kauis leaves the way immediately to his room under the rain. His roommate is nowhere to be found. He probably must be taking a smoke or clubbing. That's how insignificant Grant is. Kauis went to open up his laptop, and I stood behind him for some seconds before I began to pace about. Unlike my brother and I, Kauis has studied every form of coding and has Excel in it. A few times in the past, he has helped me track down Hayven and stalk her in a good way, but this time, he is tracking down the last location of Estelle, and I couldn't stay calm. I felt something bad would come out of our curiosity. " Uh... Seraf? I got the last location. You need to see this " I rushed at once to stand behind him, bending a little to stare at the red beeping dot that lay on the location. " That's... Isn't that the location of my mini house which my father gifted me on my last birthday? " I suddenly asked in awe, and Kauis nodded, almost reluctantly. " It appears so " I flinched. Wait, why is Estelle on my property? What is she doing there? " I need to go," I mutter under my breath as I race out. I didn't wait for any minute. Somehow, I felt every second count now. As I rushed out of the male hostel, Kauis rushed after me, but I didn't wait. Not for him to bring around the car or for him to accompany me. I swiftly down to my mini house on foot. Every step I took lasted half a second or so. I am fast, faster than Bastiano can ever be. The journey from Shape Shifters College to my mini house was supposed to last an hour and thirty minutes, but I covered the track in less than fifteen minutes. When I get there, I am wet already from the rain and I am breathless. I stop for some seconds to regain my breath, and I look up to see the lights in the house are on. This makes me set my jaw. I have never been to this place in months. Who then would have had a pass and entered? My heart began to thud softly as I headed into the house. The door is unlocked, so I push it open, but then I get the shock of my life. On the floor covered with a lot of blood is Estelle lying down lifelessly. I rushed towards her, going down on my knees to shake her but I got no response of life from her. " Estelle! Estelle!! Estelle!!! " I called but each time I called, it was the echoes of my voice that responded to me. When I thought things wouldn't go worse than it has already been, security men who were supposed to be guarding the area rushed in in great numbers. To do what? Of course, to arrest me. At that moment, it dawned on me. Bastiano had told me after our brawl in the library that I was done for. Now I know what he is talking about. Now the pieces all fall into place. Bastiano is behind it all. Everything!
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