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Hayven's Pov " Estelle... " I called but no answer came. She couldn't answer because she couldn't hear me. Painful tears welled up in my eyes. Yes, I have already pronounced her as the enemy. I promised I wouldn't have anything to do with her anymore, but I was so wrong. I moved out of our room doesn't mean I wish her death or pain. Her going to bed with my mate doesn't mean ... It doesn't mean she should die, damn it! I fell beside the bed. My legs going weak. Somehow, I felt all that had happened was all my fault. If only I have trusted Seraf more. If only. If only. " I'm sorry Estelle. I shouldn't have hated you. I shouldn't have pushed Seraf away. If only I can turn back time. If only... " " If only but that is impossible, Hayven. Time can't be turned back " The voice of Bastiano came through, and I looked up to see him standing just behind the curtain. It seems he had been there ever since I walked into the room. He had visited Estelle first. Isn't he supposed to be at the school Infirmary? I watched as he approached the bed to stand before me. " I never wanted to see you cry. It hurt me so much " Very slowly I rose to my feet. My jaw was set, and my face tears stained. " Seraf... He told me you are behind all this. Is that True? " I had my fears and suspicions, but still, I expected him to deny the allegations but he didn't. " Bastiano tell me it wasn't you behind all this. You ... You didn't send that bullshit anonymous video to make Seraf and I break up. Tell me it wasn't you! " " Is that the only question you wanted to ask me? " He mutters after taking a while and I have to scoff. He is so full of bullshit. " Why did you do it? " I asked again. This time, tears trailed down my cheek. " Estelle is just a mere human. Why will you torture her this way? Why! " " Isn't it obvious? Do I need a reason to kill anyone who is useless? " I flinched. His eyes are cold and murderous. " What? " " I used her, and after she's done with her job, I took her away from the way. Well luck was by her side because Seraf found her before she died " " Why are you doing all this? If you hate Seraf that much, shouldn't you target him directly? Why beat around the bush and hurt powerless people? " " Because I love you! " He snapped angrily at me. " For f**k sake, I am crazily in love with you that I ... I can't breathe. Do you have any idea how much I have tried to gain your attention? Do you? " My heart dropped and shattered into millions of pieces at my feet. He loves me. I have suspected it. I have tried to walk away from it but I can't escape it. In sorrow I bow my head, trying to tell myself it's all over now. Estelle will be safe and Seraf will be released. Our love will only grow stronger. " I'm sorry Bastiano. I am taken by your twin brother. He is my only mate and I love him more than life itself " At once, I headed out, but he stopped me by the entrance with his question. " Did Seraf knows? Is he aware? " I turned to stare at him with my eyebrow raised in question. He is tricky but I won't let him get to me. He approached me with a smile on his face and I swallowed hard. My heart thudded, but I stood my ground. " Did Seraf know about your pregnancy? Or did he know you were aiming to abort and murder his child? " I went pale at his questions. It made me stagger backward in awe. He knows all along about my pregnancy. He ... He knows about my intentions to abort it too. " I wonder if Seraf will see you as the same if he ever knows you once tried to kill his offspring. You thought you were a saint, too, huh? All this that happened was all your fault, Hayven. I sent an anonymous video to you. Shouldn't you have trusted him? You didn't. You let your jealousy cloud your good thoughts. You left him. You rejected him, and then you tried to murder his first offspring. Do you want me to tell him? Let's see how he'd react to it " I glared up at once. The urge to strangle the young man before me was so unbearable. Serafino Stero might forgive me for everything I have done to him but I doubt if he'd find it in his heart to overlook this one deed I have attempted. Fresh tears brim up my eyes. This is one of regret and guilt. That moment I realized I didn't deserve Seraf's love. I didn't deserve him. Now I wonder what I'd do. what my life holds now. Unable to breathe, I rushed out of the Hospital and headed back to Shape Shifter's College. I couldn't remember how I got into my hostel room. My heart all aching from what I have done. As Luck will have it for me, Siren was inside the room, typing away on the computer when I busted in. She was startled at my entry, but she gave me attention. " Hayven? " When her sweet voice called unto me I didn't hesitate to break down before her. I fell to the floor, ready to pour out my sorrow. I have wronged Seraf unforgivably, and now I don't even want his mercy. I wept bitterly, but my roommate, Siren, who would later become more than just a roommate pulled me into her embrace.
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